
Showing posts from July, 2012

Import Freebase into cassandra -

I is possible to import data Cosendra of Casandra and I am new to freebase I was wondering whether freebase and the questions? You can download and then create programs that will put the data into the cassandra However, the cascada full text Not suitable for searching like a search engine, it can only do very basic queries. So you should use elastic search or some other search engine for this.

javascript - 2 functions executed at the same time. Is it possible? -

मान लीजिए मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: var funcIsRunning = 0; फ़ंक्शन ए () {funcIsRunning = 1; // कुछ कोड ... (शायद बहुत से कोड); FuncIsRunning = 0; } क्या कोई मौका है कि कुछ एसिंक्रोनस फ़ंक्शन '1' स्थिति में फ़ंक्शन को लुभाएगा? (जैसे एक्सएचआर का कॉलबैक या सेटटिमेउट के माध्यम से कहा जाने वाला फ़ंक्शन, आदि) या, जो वही है, एक ही समय में दो फ़ंक्शंस निष्पादित हो सकते हैं (एक के बाद एक नहीं)? बस इसे स्पष्ट कर दो ... वास्तव में, मुझे एक साथ दो फेक्स चलाने की ज़रूरत नहीं है ... मैं सोच रहा हूँ कि यह कैसे काम करता है। पी.एस. मैं बहुत आभारी रहूंगा अगर आप अपने जवाब का प्रलेखन / आधार प्रदान कर सकते हैं बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! यहां दिए गए एक परीक्षण के अनुसार उत्तर दिया गया है: नहीं, जावास्क्रिप्ट एकल थ्रेडेड है और एक समय में केवल एक फ़ंक्शन चलाता है। यद्यपि, यदि आपके पास एक कॉलबैक फ़ंक्शन है, तो कहते हैं, एक नेटवर्क अनुरोध जो funcIsRunning = 1 पर लौटना होता है, उस कॉलबैक फ़ंक्शन को कतार में रखा जाएगा जो ईवेंट लूप द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जाता है

c# - SHA512Managed hashSize -

The official document of MSDN says Hashem size 512 for SHA512 managed algorithms Bit is When I run the following code byte [] datatouccode = encoding.utf 8.getbits ("hello world"); SHA512 Managed Sha = New SHA512 Managed (); Byte [] hashed data = sha.ComputeHash (dataToEncode); String hashed datastring = convert Tobase 64 string (hasheddata); My HasheDataString is only 64 long (hashed data string.line) and hashed data is only 64 lenght (hashdata lang). What exactly is this 512? Each byte has eight bits, 64 bytes are 64 * 8 = 512 bits. The 6464 encoded string of 6464 bytes is 88 characters long. Base 64 encoding stores are six bits in each character, so 512 bits require 512/6 ~ 85.3 characters, as well as two additional characters to reach the four-character limit.

ibm mobilefirst - Including more than one JS file in a single adapter -

I wanted to know whether it is possible to add more than one JS file to the adapter implementation. By default, we get the following three files - I want to add another JS like this - If this is possible, should I give it the adaptername -impl.js? Adding extra implementation files (or any type of file) in addition to adapters in the current release of the vCarkle Impossible. I believe that this is a highly wanted feature, so I will direct you to the following page where you can submit a feature request to evaluate by the Varkala product designer:

javascript - Jquery appending values to dropdown from select -

I am trying to return the values ​​within my dependent dropdown within the livery. API / Dropdown Jason, all works fine Although the returned values ​​are not populated in my dropdown, instead they are displaying [object object] instead. Am I missing something? $ (document) .ready (function ($) {$ ('# firstselect'). Change (function () {$ .get ("{{ Url ('api / dropdown')}}, {option: $ (this) .val ()}, function (data) {$ .Every (data, function (key, value) {$ ('# secondselect'). Append ($ ("& lt; option & gt; & lt; / option & gt;") .attr ("value", key) .text (value));}}}}}}});}); $. Each (data, function (Index, value) {// Make sure the value string is attached by placing a debugger here; // code attached;; $ ('# secondselect') attribute .attr ("value", key) .text (value);}); P> The code you posted $ (document) .ready (function ($) {$ ('# firstselect'). Change (function...

javascript - redirect when download is initiated -

The page should be redirected after the start of the download, but I have a code like whether the download is started or not , It is being redirected later. SetTimeout is a solution so that we can start a download or write a condition after the completion, we can redirect to the desired page. Thanks in advance .. & lt ;? Php while ($ row1 = mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ name = $ row1 ['name']; $ Type = $ ROW1 ['type']; ? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "rect" id = "d1" & gt; & Lt; Img alt = "bottom-icon" src = "down-drop-icon" align = "left" width = "20" height = "20" /> & Lt; A href = "download.php? Filename = & lt ;? php echo $ name; & gt;" & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ name ;? & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var howLongToWait = 15; // var urlOfRedirectLocation Number of seconds to wai...

c# - Convert date from ajax post in controller to yyyyMMdd -

I get some dates in the string in the AJAX post to the controller. code Modify public performance Partnering organization (Guide partner id, string alias name, string effective date, string end date) {partner partner = new partner (); Partner.PartnerId = partnerID; Partner.ExternalId = Alias ​​name; Partner. Effective Date = Date Time Paras eXact (Effective Date, "YYMEMMD"), Culture Info Invoireticulture, Datetime Style. Non); Partner End date = date time Purse Axact (Expiry date, "Yemenammed", Culture Info. Inventions, Datetime Style. } The date coming from the customer side MM-DD-YYYY format for example 01/10/2014 (Explanation for adding 01 only In) / Oct / 2014) as the controller 10/1/2014 while trying to parse this error. The string was not recognized as a valid date time. Any help on this? OK, the client obtained from the format is mm / dd / yyyy . You should parse that way, such as yyyyMMdd : datetime. Purse Ecact (Effective Da...

html - Extra space with inside -

I often use itacont fonts, and often face the same problem when I click on a button I try to put in. I have found an extra space, but an additional place has been found. ¶: Edit: You can see in this snippet the height of the previous button is not the same as the previous one. This is the default font-size . Setting the property to line-height does this work, but the button is not vertically aligned. So here comes the question: How can one change the font size of a button, maintain its height and keep it vertically? / Strong> * {box-size: border-box; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; } Input, Button {Line-height: 20px; Padding: 10px; Limit: 1px solid black; Swim left; } Button i: {content: before "\ 25b6"; Font-size: 20px; Font style: normal; } & lt; Input type = "text" value = "VALUE" & gt; & Lt; Button & gt; Send & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button & gt; & Lt; I & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & L...

ruby on rails - How to daemonize Sidekiq workers in Heroku? -

Sidekick workers are often closed frequently in Heroki. It should be started every time. How can we create these workers to run without ending in Heroki? Do we have any configuration for SideSyce or Hieroco / do we have Sidekick I have been using this sidekick with a refus-scheduler on my behalf. Add your scheduler work in Rail Initialisers (#Application / Config / InLiizer / Task_AbibleRB.RB) It sends daily status to 9am IST. Scheduler = Rufus :: Scheduler. New Scheduled Cron '00 09 * * * Asia / Kolkata puts' This is 9 o'clock! good morning! User.daily_status end scheduler.every '10s' do "hello, it's # {}" end

javascript - compare three variable using java script -

Hello I have three dynamic variables The code below me is working to check whether All are equal if ((a == b) & amp; amp; (b == c)) {// they all are the same ...} However, I want to create a function near three variables so that it can be detected that one variable is equal to the other variable. a = 1; B = 2; C = 1; Acqual = Compare Veeble (A, B, C); should be isEqual here true . How to make this function Compare function (a, b , C) {return a == b || B == C || C == one; }

ios - MvvmCross ViewModel transition from the left -

I am developing an app for iOS using MvvmCross, I suppose I have some basic report data on one that The tableview is displayed in. A new line containing table report containing a detailed report is displayed by creating ShowViewModel passing a few parameters in the call. It works fine. When the user swipe left or right, the app needs to show the detail report for the next or previous item in the original list. I am doing this by updating some parameters and then calling ShowViewModel. The logic behind this is working fine. My problem; ShowViewModel animates the new scene coming from the right. This is true when the user swipe to the left, though it sounds intuitive when swiping right. How can I make ShowViewModel animate or transition from the left side? If you look for the MvvmCross source code you see how the default behavior is visible ViewControllers You need to change it by doing something like the following: For that, have an idea for a custom view presenter an...

javascript - Body bgcolor attribute weightage -

I have written in CSS that there will be a blue color in the body, but in javascript I have changed the body to every other color Until I joined the global CSS, I worked. I can not remove CSS because it has many rules which I can not unlink. I want in a way that all CSS rules will be loaded but the color of my body will not be affected. There is a screenshot to prove that a change is being done on the body script but it is not shown: Can someone show that I am using that external How can I incorporate the global CSS, but still BG can change colors in my script and CSS can not stop it. PS: I noob :)! Edit: My code: Help! You have to change your code in this document instead of document.bgColor. For example working function cc () {Window.setInterval ("Farbe ()", 500); } Farbe = 1; Festival Farbe () {if (farbe == 1) { = "indigo"; Farbe = 2; } And if (farbe == 2) { = "red";...

How to sign Windows Store App? -

I just completed my Windows 8.1 app and now I want to put it in the store. This is my first app publication in the store, so I want to know how I can sign my app using the Sign Certificates myself. I have mentioned various MSDN articles but they point to the certificate for the app that is being sideloaded. Currently, I use a Test Certificate which can be generated from the App Manifest File Packaging tab. Thanks in advance. You do not need to be signed by the app store deposited from the store yourself.

lxml - printing title of URL from a file in python -

I am trying to fetch the URL from the file and output the title of the page: Import to line in file lxml.html file = open ('ab.txt', 'r'): t = lxml.html. Identical (line) print t.find (".// headline"). Text error: traceback (most recent call final): File "C: \ Python 27 \", line 4, & Lt; Module & gt; T = lxml.html .parse (line) file "C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-package \ lxml \ html \ __", line 661, parse return in etree.parse (filename_or_url, parser, base_url = base_url , ** kw) file "lxml.etree.pyx", in line 2706, lxml.etree.parse (src / lxml / lxml.etree.c: 49958) in the file "parser.pxi", line 1500, lxml.etree . _parseDocument (src / lxml / lxml.etree.c: 71,797) The file "parser.pxi", line 1529, in lxml.etree._parseDocumentFromURL (src / lxml / lxml.etree.c: 72,080) file "parser.pxi" In the line 1429, lxml.etree._parseDocFromFile (src / lxml / lxml.etree.c: 7...

How to disable android hardware buttons programmatically? -

I am developing Android applications with lock functionality. Please suggest how to disable all hard keys programmatically. Here I am using the beleow code to disable the back button. Like this functionality for all the hard keys, like home, I want Android programmatically in the menu button, notification bar. for back button (in activity or section) @ Public Zero Backpress () {} on Orride

Running a python script several times at the same time? -

I have found a dragon (2.7) script and I would like to start it at several CMDs at the same time. Is it possible or will the script crash? This is completely correct and will be fine fork.

sharepoint 2013 - Deploy Webpart to two Sites in different webcollections -

I have two web applications in SharePoint 2013 Web1 and Web2. Web site has 1 SP1 and site1 Web2 has a site archive SP2 and site2 . Site 1 has a webpage and I can use the same webpage as Site 2, how I can dot it Web Part, it will save XML to your local file, and then you can select Import WebPoint in Site 2 to import the downloaded web part definition. Look here:

Difference between UIButton! and UIButton? in swift IOS -

Only now I'm starting to work with sharp language. I thus have initiated the buttons @Iboutlet weak var Sistmkastbtn: UIButton! I then I can set the title .setTitle () using the property. What if I use? Instead ! While .setTitle () as showing error on UIButton, when you start? There is no member called 'SetTitle' Therefore, anyone tell me the difference between UIButton! And UIButton? . Both are optional types. But UIButton! Optionally opening it is not open manually if you see the UIButton! , do not raise that your app will crash! Zero . For more information on "Anplglikit unreserved option" Apple "The Swift Programming Language" section in the book.

Getting creation-SQL of a table in HP Vertica using a query -

I am using HP Vertica db engine. There are some invocations created in the database I have a requirement in which I need to get table-table-scripting script based on table-table or hosting or otherwise inquiries. Any help to reach this requirement is highly appreciated. Thank you. The easiest way to get a table definition is to allow this function to allow multiple objects to scope gives. You can script export statement and execute it inside the script, such as: SELECT 'SELECT EXPORT_TABLES (' '', '' '' table_schema | | '' '' Table_name || '' '); From 'V_catalog.tables; Alternatively, you can roll to the schema level by using: SELECT EXPORT_TABLES ('', 'schema'); The difference is that the EXPORT_TABLES will not define any hypotheses associated with the table if you need launch with the definition of the table, then use it.

Alignment of ASP.NET Chart -

I use classic asp net charting to present some data and put it in pdf. A problem that I can not solve, when I add legends to the right hand of the graph, then it is pushed. Can anyone see why? _chart. High = _chartHeight; _chart.Width = _chartWidth; Legend Legend = New Legend ("Default"); Legend Legend style = legendstyle Column; Legend ITETATufit = False; Story Docking = docking Right; Story Align = system Drawing String alignment _chart.Legends.Add (narrative); Chain series = new series ("default"); _chart.Series.Add (series); Chartere chart Aria = new chartaray ("ChartAria 1"); //chartArea.Position.Y = 0; _chart.ChartAreas.Add (chartArea); // - This data will usually be collected from _travelRepository.TravelModesForTheYear // - but for speed I have hardcoded like this for everyone in the country. Series ["default"]. Points. Datawind (xValues, yValues); System.Drawing.Color [] Color = New System. Drawing Color [] {_orange, _yellow, _...

excel - VBA Getting results in another url but same window -

I am working with VBA to submit a form to a URL and submit to get results. When I submit the form with the correct values ​​and submit it through VBA, I get it in another URL, but on the same window. The problem is that I do not know how to change the HTML reference, with this new URL. Here's my code: 'Internet Explorer to refer to the ongoing copy of IE dim' HTMLDocument as HTML 'in Open Internet Explorer Memory, and Go to the website IE = New Internet Explorer IE.Visible = False IE.navigate "http: // url ..." 'Wait until IE is loading page until IE.READYSTATE & lt; & Gt; READYSTATE_COMPLETE application.StatusBar = "Connecting with http: // url ..." Returns the text of the 'DoEvents Loop' HTML document Returns HTML = IE.document 'Close IE and Reset Status Bar IE = Something Not even Application.StatusBar = "" set txtArea = html.getElementsByTagName ("text field") (0) txtArea.Value = txtArea_data...

c# - HTTP Server response - wrong content type? -

I am creating a server that is capable of storing some images and sending / streaming them to a customer on request should be there. When I request a web browser, it has succeeded in answering the server with an image, but when I send the same HTTP request from the server to my client application, I'm not sure what actually happens (It is believed to be a tile map server at some point, but I'm starting here easy with just one image). If this is any help, then there is an output from my web browser request: And here's another one: Fiddler is saying That I am returning the content-type: text / html; Charset = UTF-8 who looks very badly while trying to back an image in my head. I am digging around a bit more and it seems that the response is empty, it smells like my server that the image is not being distributed properly to the customer because I Using the code to answer the request: if (p.http_url.Equals ("/ mappsverver / tile / 0/0/0")) {stream fs = ...

scala - Liftweb return response from scalaz -

I have a next code, which is refunded: import com.twitter Util {Future, nonfatal} import net.liftweb.http {LiftResponse, OkResponse} def service. (Str: Strign) :. Future [ValidationNel [String, LiftResponse]] = {if str == "Ok" future (OkResponse () successNel [string]) and Future.value ("Invalid string" .fileerNL [LiftSpons]) // and for this Roots {case "user" :: str :: _ get _ = & gt; Service (STR)} But when I got to run, got no built-in com.twitter.util.future [scalaz.ValidationNel [string, net.liftweb.http Available views. Lift response]] = & gt; Net.liftweb.http.LiftResponse. How to change in ListResponse? itemprop = "text"> Well the error is basically saying that com .twitter.util.Future [scalaz.ValidationNel [string, net.liftweb.http.liftResponse]] can not be shown (in time compilation.) To solve your problem You probably have to decompose your work. scalaz.ValidationNel [string, net.liftweb.http.liftRes...

encryption - Symmetric cryptography and salt -

I need to encrypt two-way (symmetric) specific tokens. These tokens are likely to be repeated (e.g. Those people are the first names), but I do not want an attacker to conclude which encrypted token came from the same original tokens. Hello, there is a way to go for cryptography (hashing) in a way. Is there a way that can work in symmetric cryptography, an alternative solution or alternative? Yes used properly, symmetric encryption does not reveal anything about plain text It is not even fact that many plain-widths are the same. Proper usage means choosing a method of operation that is an initial vector (IV) that is not ECB) and appropriately select the fourth (usually random bytes). Encrypting many plain areas with the same key and fourth allows this attack very much like ECB mode, and using a stable IV is a common mistake.

nest - how we decide in which node we should store document in elasticsearch? -

Because I'm a new in ES, I need help. I have read that it is possible to specify the noise where the document is stored using 'routing'. But is it possible to restrict that a document should be saved in a particular node? .. Suppose I have two nodes node 1 and node 2 I need that, if I add a document from node 1 to index 'attenadence', keep it in the primary shard node 1 And replication can be on node2. And the same thing, if I add a document from node 2 to index 'attenadence', then it should store the primary shard in node 2 and the replication can be on node 1 ... please advise me that it is possible in ES? .. If so, please tell how to get it in ES. There is a specific value associated with racks in cofig.yml in each node, node 1 has a setting node . Crack: Rack 1, a setting of node 2 node. Track: Rack 2, and so on. We can create an index that will only deploy the rack on the nodes set on the rack setting index. Routing.allocation.include.tag...

math - Generating random points on a surface of an n-dimensional torus -

I want to generate random points on the surface of a n-dimensional torus. I have found the formula for generating points on the surface of: x = (c + a * cos (v)) * cos (u) y = (c + a * cos (V)) * sin (u) z = one * sin (v) u, v ??? [0, 2 * P); C, A & gt; 0. My question is now: How to increase this formula to N dimensions Any help on this matter will be highly appreciated. I think you can do it recursively by the complete physical basis of the place of your vector Start, and let the current location be original. In each step, choose a point in the plane spread by the first two coordinated vectors, i.e., w1 = cos (t) * v1 + sin (t) * v2 to another base vector, such as w2 = v3, w3 = v4, One ?? | | Also take a step from your current position in the direction of Wide 1, as well as radius R1 in front. When you have only one base vector remaining, then the current point, there is a point on the n-dimensional torus of the outermost recursive call. Note that the above poi...


I have the following dataset (fictional data): is data; Input team $ goals 2 2 goals 3 3 var_12_13; Leaves; LIV 20 25.25 MNC 21 24.14 Moon 30 25-ARS 10 12.20 cA 23 23 EVE 20 18-1 TOT10 -1; Run; I am trying to create a report for this dataset. Here's what I have: proc report data = is; Columns Team Goals 1 2 Tablets 3 var_12_13; Defined team / 'team'; Define goal-12 / analysis '2012 goal'; Define Goals 3 / Analysis '2013 Target'; Var_12_13 / Order Analysis Format = Define Percentage Meaning "Variance '12 to '13"; Madden after / ul ol summary; Run; This almost everything I want is the following things that I have not understood: Summary row 'Summary' Name The order from desc_12_13 descending is the first team with the highest deviation first I need a summary of the variant columns. The meaning of the meaning is not the meaning of variance (hence the 5 Try it out: Proc sort data = work.have; Var_12_13 ...

multithreading - forkOS seems to fail reserving the thread's local storage -

I am getting an error when using a different GL operation in a restoration (they work fine on the main thread Are). For example, createProgram is found by me: User error (Unknown OpenGL Extension Entry glCreate Program, Checking OpenGL 3.1) I'm calling it after starting my reference (4.3 core) The problem is that I am getting this error while using forkOS , still it still fails (like I do not know about the GL context in TLS) . What's going on? Module main where Import Graphics. UI Glut Import Control.Concurrent Import Control Main main: IO () main = getArgs and initial startProfile mode $ = [RGBMode, DoubleBfread] Initial Contextversion $ = (4,3) InitialContactProfile $ = [Coreprofile] initialContextFlags $ = [DebugTontext, ForwardContactContacts] Make Windows "GL Window" Create Programs - ForkOS makes $ zero; Works of publishing - Fail (user error) DisplayColoback $ = clearColor $ = Color4 0.2 0.2 1 1 Clear [ColorBuffer] Flush & gt; & Gt; ...

angularjs - Create states from json file / http -

I have a backend that is generating a JSN file in which the information about the most important pages is in this json file I would like to load, and I want to create this state based on data in the file. I $ the state provider Or Can not inject into the constellor, and I can not inject $ http to .config, so I'm losing a bit. The question is, how can I load a JSON file, go through the data and build states based on this data? Quick editing: If there is a shortage in providing me with the necessary information, please tell me and I will try and improve the question. I have tried to solve a similar problem and the UI-Router Xtra "states of the future Made it ". States of the future try to solve additional problems, such as RequireJS using sluggish loading, placeholders for full fluctuating modules, and fluctuating placeholders via bookmark url routing. Demonstrate the use of future states for your use here: I tried to use the stack overflow snippet runner, ...

java - Avoid back button after login in Spring -

I was looking for a specific spring feature that could prevent the user from going back to the restricted area, By using, logout later I could not find anything Is there a specific spring feature to control my problem or send me the response.setHeader (..... etc.) There is no direct feature in spring, you intercepto R . mvc: annotation-driven / & gt; Lt; mvc: interceptor & gt; bean id = "webcontent interceptor" class = "org.springframework.web .servlet.mvc.WebContentInterceptor" & gt; property name = "cacheseconds" value = "0" /> gt; ; Property name = "Usage Expressier header" value = "true" />; Property name = "Use cache controlheader" value It states: "True" /> ; Property Name = "Usage Control Control Nozzo" Value = "True" /> gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; / Mvc: interceptors & gt; Here also

google app engine - How to migrate gae app to new config? -

I'm update that is already using the default configuration so I module to the configuration I'm using application: newkoolproject # other settings here ... version: newkool runtime: python27 api_version: 1 threadsafe: true automatic_scaling: min_idle_instances: 5 max_idle_instances: automatic # default value min_pending_latency: automatic : # Default value max_pending_latency: 30ms max_concurrent_requests: 50 I'll pay for example hours, data Reads and complex searches of a few dollars a day on my current budget (where there is a limit of 7 US dollars for one day to avoid spike due to my DoSing or other technical problem). Is it possible that I can try to spend my app in the freighter using memcache and other technologies? Or should I forget to access free-level (& lt; 28 examples of hours etc) and instead make a configuration for a more optimal UX? How will change change my cost? Update 141010 18:59 CET I can add Aepstet You can get your local ap...

php - Access to many-to-many relation in array format, symfony2 -

In Symphony we can access many-to-many relationships with Gator Functions, which return objects of array compilation type Are there. For example, to get Alex students we can call $ alex-> gtstudens () , so I have access to Elle's Staines object. Now my question is how can I get Alex's student ID in the array, for example, call $ alex->; GetStudentsIds () gives it {1,5,7,12, ..}, which are their student IDs. OK how you wrote it, you add another function in the unit public function getStudentsIds () {$ students = $ this- & gt; student; $ StudentIds = []; Foreign Currency ($ student $ $ student) {$ Student ID [=] student-> GetId (); } $ Student ID returned; } The ideal solution would be to add such a method to a repository and it will only query the student ID for the given object, but this is the easiest solution.

Incorrect syntax near '' C# -

मुझे त्रुटि मिलती है " गलत सिंटैक्स के पास '' । मेरी कोड: SqlConnection चोर = नए SqlConnection ( "@ डेटा स्रोत = \ SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename = C:। \ Users \ श्री \ Documents \ Student.mdf; एकीकृत सुरक्षा = सच; कनेक्ट समय समाप्त = 30; उपयोगकर्ता उदाहरण = सच "); SqlCommand cmd = नए SqlCommand (); cmd.Connection = चोर; cmd.Parameters.Clear (); cmd.CommandText =" tblHesabdary (Shahriye Koll, Pardakhty, Mablagh, Naghdy में डालने - Shomare Fish, Albaghy, नाम, परिवार) मूल्य (@ एस, @ पी, @ एम, @ एनएसएफ, @ ए, @ एन, @ एफ) "; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue (" @ एसके ", शाहिरी_कोल पाठ बॉक्स। पाठ); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ पी", pardakhtyTextBox.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ एम", mablaghTextBox.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ NSF", naghdy ___ Shomare_FishTextBox.Text); cmd। Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ ए ', albaghyTextBox.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue (" @ N ", nameTex...

java - response.sendRedirect from a servlet redirects to a pdf which should get downloaded -

Can you please help me 1) How to open PDF in a new browser tab or window? (Or) 2) PDF should download directly to the local system. I am using this, response.reset (); Response.setContentType ("application / octet stream"); Response.setHeader ("content-displacement", "attachment; filename = \" "+" zseriessection9.pdf "+" \ ""); Response.sendRedirect (referencepath + "/ zseriessection9.pdf"); You should be below the parameters, ByteArrayOutputStream Baos = new byteOutStream (); Response.setContentType ("application / PDF"); Response.setHeader ("content-dispute", "attachment; file name = sample.pdf"); OutputStream OS = response.getOutputStream (); Baos.writeTo (OS); Os.flush (); Os.close (); This will show a browser window to open or saved pdf file. Moves the trick here and redirects it, because it creates a new request

google play - Other Android developer copied my app content and made a new app -

My app is live and other Android developers have copied all of my app's content and designs a new app and app Made is similar to my Android app. All new app content is duplicate content of my old app. How to move forward in this issue If you believe that your copyrighted content is available without Google Play If distributed on the Store, please feel free to report a policy violation of Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement: Reference:

WebRTC AEC not working on Android with USB Camera -

We have a webrtc enabled service with 2 different completion points; A web app and a native Android app Android app have been installed with a USB camera on an Android device. Using the web app on Chrome / Firefox, the quality of PC 2 PC audio is almost perfect, but we want to improve the PC2android and android2android audio quality. Chrome uses acoustic resonance cancellation (AEC-conference) for high-end devices. But for Android, it forces AECM - a light weight AEC for mobile. We are not happy with the AECM demonstration for our original app, we instead modify the WeBRC source-code to use AEC. But the result is worse, it works like echo cancellation is completely disabled and we end up with so much echo and reaction! According to , AEC should work only with sample rates of 8k and 16k, and only in high end devices it should be fine. We use PCMU codec to be 8k sample rate and I think our Android device is powerful enough to overcome the additional computational complexity of A...

internet explorer - CSS animation delay behaves differently in Chrome than in IE/Firefox -

I'm experiencing some problems while using CSS animation delay. The effect I want: The red box Transparent starts waits for 1 second, then fade in. It is in Chrome. However, behavior is different in IE and Firefox: box appears , waits 1 second, then disappears And gets fade back. Which behavior is correct? It seems that if you are going to delay the animation, then it is understandable to wait on the first frame of the animation, not the last frame. Is there an alternative solution without javascript? @ - WebKit-keyframe Fadein {0% {Opacity: 0; } 100% {Opacity: 1; }} @ Keyframe feedin {0% {opacity: 0; } 100% {Opacity: 1; }}. Box {height: 200px; Width: 200px; Background: Red; -webkit-animation: feedin1s1s; Animation: Fadein 1 S 1S; } & lt; Div class = "box" & gt; & Gt; / Div & gt; "post-text" itemprop = "text"> 'When your animation ends you can back it up in before, after, initial, etc. ......

android - Path's job queue callback from server -

Using , is there a way to find out that the data has been successfully sent to the server? For example if I was using asyncTask, then onPostExecute callback method would be. The path is similar to the doInBackground of AsynTask on Run, according to my understanding, in the Kaakuya Library; Thanks and for any help when the data is persisted on the local disk. OnPostExecute handles data retrieved from the on-end, so you have to code the long-running command After postExecute method

ruby - SizedQueue.clear does not free push -

The code below is a lot of simpler and complex code, what happens when I turn on the stop function and The queue was clear I was expecting the lock on get_new thread to free and instead of ending the whole thread, what happens to a dead lock on its thread. Can you understand me if I pop up instead of clarifying the desired behavior? Class controller requires 'thread' 'monitor' requires 'net / http' attr_accessor: thread_count ,: event_queue ,: is_running ,: producer_thread ,: start events def @thread_count = 5 @event_queue = SizedQueue New (@thread_count) @events = [27242233, 27242232, 27242231] end def start @is_running = true @producer_thread = {get_new ()} end def get_new while @is_running do @ events.each do | E P e.to_s @event_queue & lt; & Lt; E end sleeping 1 end P "thread finish" end def stop p "stop!" @ Event_queue.clear p "Qi Size:" + @ event_queue.length.to_s Sleep 2 @is_running = False sleep 2 pro...

How can I delete rows and columns from 2D array in C#? -

How to delete a specific row and column from the 2D array in C #? int [,] array = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9}}; I say that I want to delete the line I and the column i (except them) ... not just 3x3 for the nxn array and the remaining array is stored in a new array ... so the output will be: {5,6}, {8 9} doing this There is no built-in method for you, you can do it yourself: Fixed zero main () {int [,] array = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5 , 6}, {7, 8, 9}}; Var trim = trimayer (0, 2, array); } Public static int [,] trimayer (int rotaryowow, int colormoormow, int [,] original array) {int [,] result = new int [original array. Gatt Loughgh (0) - 1, Original Array. Gate Lath (1) - 1]; (Int i = 0, j = 0; i & lt; original array.gate lamps (0); i ++) {if (i == rowtomov) continues; For (int k = 0, u = 0; k & gt; originalArray.GetLength (1); k ++) {if (k == columnToRemove) is in progress; Result [J, U] = Original Array [I, Kashmir]; U ++; } J ++; } Return results; }

Error while adding index to rails migration -

I am trying to add an index to a railway migration using the command given below: generate rail migration Add_user_id_to_pins User_id: integer index and I get this error: irb (main): 014: 0 & Gt; Generate rail travelers Add_user_id_to_pins User_id: integer index: syntax error: (IRB): 14: syntax error, unexpected tLABEL rails generate migration Add_user_id_to_pins User_id: integer index of C ^: /Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0 / Gemstone / railties-4.1.4 / lib / rail / commands / console.rb: 90: 'starting with `C: /Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.1.4 / lib / rail / orders / console.rb: 9: /Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.1.4/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks: in `starting from C ' . rb: 69: /Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.1.4/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb :: 40: console C 'Men` in run_command! '/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/railties-4.1.4/lib/rails/commands.rb :: 17: From' C 'to ...

jquery - how to target padding bottom with .replace mthod -

New to jQuery and I am trying to modify this script: $ (Function () (position "footer"); function position footer () {var padding_top = $ (". Footer") .css ("padding-top"). Substitution ("px", ""); var Page_height = $ (document.body) .height () - padding_top; var window_height = $ (window) .height (); var difference = window_height - page_height; if (difference This works fine; I just want to add padding-top to the padding-bottom in the body container instead of the clergy, because there is currently a difference between body bg and footer. html: & Lt; Div class = "sys_main_content container" & gt; & Lt; Section & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Footer class = "footer" & gt; I want to add padding at the section section below. It did not work: $ (function () {positionFooter (); function status footer () {var padding_top = $ ("section"). CSS ("padding-down...

Extending Margins on WordPress CSS -

I am using a WordPress hosted site and my main concern is that I do not like them as margins Ho. I'm not sure how I can express it, but I give it a shot This is the homepage with blog posts: blog title, blog body, here it is ... I just need to increase right margin Again, it is not right that too much As it has been shown here - it has also been kept, I just want to expand the right margin, rather Which part of that code will be in it? Should I update it with the code? Update Is this code? }. Entry Material {Overflow: Hidden; Zoom: 1; } / * Sidebar or } h3, #sidebar. Postdata, .entry-content {font-family: 'helvetica neue', helvetica, ariel, non-serif; } without proper technical information (html and css code)). I'm guessing here that you should look for the entry-content class in your theme directory's .css file and add the desired margin. If you can not find the square there, just add it at the end of the CSS file: .entry-c...

javascript - IE9,IE8 with AngularJS CORS returns “Access is denied” - ASP.NET WebApi -

In IE8 and 9, I am receiving the following JavaScript error when I am calling a Corus Webp: Error: Access is denied. {[Functions] :, Details: "Access is denied.", Message: "Access is denied.", Name: "Error", Number: -2147024891} WebApi is described as Then WebApi includes: public static class WebApiConfig {public static zero registration (HTTP configuration configuration) {config.EnableCors (New EnableCorsAttribute ("*", " * "," * ")); [...] My test AngularJS app: app.js: var app = angular Module ('app'); App.controller ('testcontroller', function ($ http) {var vm; vm = this; vm.test = "bla no no"; = null; $ http.defaults.headers.common ['authorization'] = 'A token' return $ http ({method: 'GET', data: faucet, url: '',}, function (data) {console.log ( "Bla");}). Success (functio...

CKEditor Icons not showing up in firefox inconsistently -

। यह असंगत है और केवल फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में प्रतीत होता है। पृष्ठ का एक ताज़ा होने पर आइकन आ जाएगा, और यह कंसोल में कोई त्रुटि या कुछ भी नहीं छोड़ता है बटन अभी भी काम करते हैं, लेकिन एक ग्राहक इस बारे में शिकायत कर रहा है। किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी, मेरे googling कौशल आम तौर पर बराबर हैं, लेकिन मैं एक समान मुद्दे के साथ बहुत सारे लोगों को नहीं देखा है और जैसे कि एक तरह से stumped कंसोल में जाने के लिए किसी भी त्रुटि के बिना है। यह CKEditor का उच्च विपरीत मोड है आप इस लेख में इसके बारे में अधिक पढ़ सकते हैं। ऐसा लगता है कि किसी कारण से सीके एडिटटर का मानना ​​है कि ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का उच्च कंट्रास्ट मोड सक्षम है, जिससे वह इसे सक्षम करता है। पता लगाने वाला कोड यहां: शायद यह आपको कुछ सुझाव देगा कि ऐसा क्यों हो सकता है कि इस विशिष्ट पृष्ठ पर एचसी मोड सक्षम है यदि आप इस कोड को सही स्क्रिप्ट टैग के बाद निष्पादित करने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं जिसमें ckeditor.js : CKEDITOR.env.hc = false; CKEDITOR.env.cssClass = CKEDITOR.env.cssClass.replace (/ cke_hc /, ''); यह एचसी मो...

java - How to append to a String and send through intents in Android? -

I am trying to add value to a string and then send it to the next activity. Here is the only relevant part of the code: Adding () is the ID of the button that adds the value of string message and sendMessage () , the message Sends it completely. When I send only a dummy value, the message is being passed, even when I add 1,2,3,4,5 to a bar instead of adding it, it goes away But when I try to add, attach it then send it, it gives me a "unfortunate shutdown" error I made many changes, but still this is the error, how is it right? Do you? Adding Public Zero (see View) {EditText at 1 = (Edit Text) SearchVBIID (RID Edit Text 1); . Msg = msg + "," + et1.getText () toString (); TextView tv1 = (TextView) findViewById (; Tv1.setText (MSG); Et1.setText (""); } Public Zero send message (see footage) {intention intended = new intent (this, next category); Message + = ""; Intent.putExtra ("Message", msg); StartActivity...

Will .htaccess files still work if Nginx is running (along with Apache)? -

What is still going on with NTNX (with Apache) Does the HTACXA file work, or do I need to disable NGN for them? .htaccess is an Apache config file NGX does not use it (the file is ignored and behaved like any kind), and Apache config rule Nginx But do not apply.

swift - Remove list element at index? -

Swift is a serious lack of available methods for lists. It's really disappointing, a Python coming from the background. For example, I want to remove the first element, something will work in Python: mylist = mylist [1:] how can i Remove an element from the list (preferably from the index, but whatever method I can do the easiest)? removeAtIndex var arr = [1, 2, 3] use arr.removeAtIndex (1)

bit manipulation - How do I perform bitwise multiplication/division in MASM x86 assembly? -

I have succeeded in writing an MASM x86 assembly program which reverses / divides 16 bit numbers by bit transfer. What I've done so far: includes Data count byte -1 val1 sdword? Val2 SDWORD? Str1 BYTE "Enter 1 integer here:", 0; Str2 BYTE "Enter integer 2 here:", 0 str3 byte "product is:", 0 mall word? Mval2 WORD? Powered Word? Main PROC mov dh clrscr .code call, 10 mov dl, 20 call gotoxy mov EDX, OFFSET str1 call writeString call ReadInt mov mval, ax mov dh, 12 mov dl, 20 call gotoxy mov EDX, OFFSET str2 call writeString call readInt mov mval2 , Ax mov mov, 14 mov dl, 20 call gotoxy mov EDX, OFFSET str3 call WriteString mov ax, pval call writeInt call CRLF call waitmsg mov eax, 0 mov ax, mval2 mov ECX, 16L1: SHR bx, 1 counting count JNC How do I correctly implement binary multiply? / division? You are at a point where you should work with the procedures to keep track of the code. Take a look at this 32-bit example and change...

android - no cpu/abi system image available for this target -

I am getting this error while trying to create a virtual device (I am new to an android development, follow the tutorial Do everything to set up). Whatever I have found, I found that to install an ARM or Intel system image for that goal. In the W (API 20) and all 3 bus cases for Android 4.4 Android L (API 20, L Preview) I also tried to keep only 1 system image for every installation, if they can interfere with each other, but it is not working. If anyone has any ideas that I am missing, then it would be great! Thanks SDK just got dumb, remove images and restore .

PHP - MySQL - INSERT INTO not executing -

I have a problem ... for some reasons my MySQL query does not perform. query: $ sql = mysql_query ("user` (` username ',' password`, 'first_name', 'last_name`, `email`,` Rank ', include `active`) value (` $ user name', `$ encrypted password ',` $ first_name`, `$ last_name`,` $ email`, `member`,` 0`)); I do not know why this is not working: (no value is null and I do not get any errors. You are using brackets for your value (`$ username`, `$ Encrypted password,` $ first_name`, `$ last_name`,` $ email`, `member`,` 0`) replace them with single quotes. ('$ username', '$ encrypted password', '$ first_name', '$ last_name', '$ email', 'member', '0') or die (mysql_error ()) to mysql_qu Ery () would have indicated an error. Consider using Sidenote: They are much safer. In the bus case: Add to the top of your file that will help during a producti...

php - phpExcel in codeigniter -

I try to get the Excel file and cover it in PDF. I get success but I do not see the data and tell me that the data can not load in PDF Here my code: // Our new PHPExcel library Load $ this- & gt; Load-> Library ('excel'); $ InputFileName = 'nameoffile'; $ Excel2 = PHPExcel_IOFactory :: createReader ('Excel5'); $ Excel2 = $ excel2- & gt; Load ($ inputfilename '.xls'); $ Excel2- & gt; SetActiveSheetIndex (0); Header ('pragma: public'); Header ('expiration: 0'); Header ('Cash-Control: Required-Modified, Post Check = 0, Pre-Check = 0'); Header ('content-type: application / force-download'); Header ('content-type: application / octet-stream'); Header ('content-type: application / download'); Header ("content-dispute: attachment; file name = to-template.pdf"); Header ('content-transfer-encoding: binary'); $ ObjWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory :: createWriter ($ excel2, 'pd...

ASP.Net Identity application is looking for membership tables -

I am working on the application using the Identity 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.5.1. This is giving me the error Invalid object name [dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions] Why is it looking for subscription tables? I have searched the net and most say that I should use \ v4.0.30319 \ aspnet_regsql.exe to configure SQL Server application services and when I do this, then all this New stored procedures and simple membership I want to use strictly identified 2.0 and do not want to use membership. I have aspNetUsers, aspNetRoles tables in my database but it is expecting other tables like 'dbo.aspnet_SchemaVersions' I am compressing the code that searches for the "aspnet_SchemaVersions" table. In the _layout.cshtml page, I am trying to show the UserAdmin page if the user is an administrator. This was causing the project to see membership tables, I have commented on this and have left the related related tables and it is working fine. The only issue is that the admin can no...

java - Writing a simple servlet. Getting and sending data via servlet -

I'm a newbie in servlet writing. I need to write a simple servlet, it should have input and output data via form. For example, in my service I have input data about some car (this includes such features: car name, car size, and car color). The servicelet has to save these data and also, it will show saved data. I have done something, but I still do not know about completing. This is an html-code page, the subnet calls it: & Lt; Title & gt; Cars & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; K & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Center & gt; Cars & lt; / Center & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Name: & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Form id = "form1" name = "form1" method = "post" verb = "" & gt; & Lt; Label = "car_name"> gt; & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "car_name" id = "car_name" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; P ...

How to return XML/JSON representation without the entity ID or a given attribute in JAX-RS at runtime? -

इस इकाई पर विचार करें: @Entity @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType (XmlAccessType.FIELD) सार्वजनिक क्लास उपयोगकर्ता {@Id @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) निजी इन्ट आईडी; निजी स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता नाम; निजी स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड; // getters और setters} @Path ( "/ उपयोगकर्ताओं") @Stateless @Produces ({MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) सार्वजनिक वर्ग UserService {@GET @PATH ( "सभी") लौट // सभी उपयोगकर्ता नाम की सूची @ अब xml या JSON रिटर्न आईडी तत्व शामिल हैं; यानी PATH ("{id}"} & LT; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; & lt; आईडी & gt; 343 & lt; / id & gt; & lt; username & gt; नाम & lt; / username & gt; & lt; पासवर्ड & gt; pwd & lt; / पासवर्ड & gt; & lt; / उपयोगकर्ता & gt; क्यू 1) प्रश्न संसाधन की पीढ़ी (जब प्राप्त अनुरोध में आता है) के दौरान होता है, क्या id तत्व को वापसी xml ऑब्जेक्ट से निकालना संभव है यहां मुझे तैनाती पर पता है कि मैं आईडी विशेषता को एक्सएमएल से ...

c - fprintf() on avr-libc instantly crashes -

I am writing a program to run on an ATmega 328P - bare avr-libc Instead of Arduino though, it uses the Arduino bootloader on serial (though I do not think it affects the following question). // if in the current LFS CRLF (C == '\ n') uart_putc ('\ r'); While (! (UCSR0A & amp; _BV (UDRE0)); UDR 0 = C; } Fixed int _putc (char c, FILE * _) {uart_putc (c); Return 0; } ... fdev_setup_stream (stdout, & amp; _putc, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE); If I now write my program using only fputc and fputs then all works fine i snprintf I can call () to enter a char buffer [16] and then in fputs () formatted stranders; All of these things work fine. fputs ("hello, world \ n", stdout); / * Works fine * / four buffer [16]; Snprintf (buffer, shape buffer, "hello,% s \ n", "world"); Breadth (buffer, standout); / * Also works fine * / However, at this time I have to crash a real fprintf () to stdout I try and reboot the...

java - error: illegal start of expression -

I am beginning to complete Java and this is an existing project for my class. Although it is a simple " "There can be problems in the face, I will know in the future that I need some help. These errors are getting me: Error: Invalid initial public string expression () of expression () { Error: ';' Expected Public String Showers () {77} Line 77 does not seem to be that I can not start with that, but I started something similar to "public string show track ()" This is my current code: Public Class DogTrack {int s = 0; Int r = 0; Int f = 0; Int d = 0; Public Zero playGame () {While (isvar () == wrong) {spin ()}; MoveRover (); Spin (); MoveSpot (); Spin (); MoveFido (); ShowTrack (); } If (IOVER == true) {showTrack (); ShowWinners (); }} Public Entry Spin () {Return ((1+ Math). Random () * 5)); } Public Zero Steprovers () {R = R + Spin (); } Public Zero Steps Aspot () {S = S + Spin (); } Public Zero Stepfind (...

variables - How to make a label show a double in vs 2012 c# -

I'm a response test comes when the green button I have a label, I have to start counting labels In milliseconds I have created a timer and a square so that the code looks like this: class code: class Class2 {public static int = 1 ; Public Stable Double B = 0.000; } timer code: private void timer 2_Tick (object sender, Iventaarjis e) {WindowsFormsApplication3.Class2.b = WindowsFormsApplication3.Class2.b + 0.001 ; Label 1 Text = convert Toaster (windowsforms3 class 2.b); } but I'm getting an error saying "but the 'string' type from 'double' can not be converted." "How do I stop this error?" some people have said here you have it: code: {public form 1 () {Arnbhiksmuh ();} private void timer 1 volt (object sender, Iventargs e ) {WindowsFormsApplication3.Class2.a = WindowsFormsApplication3.Class2.a + 1; if (WindowsFormsApplication3.Class2.a == 8) {button1.Visible = false; button 2. qualified = true; Timer2.Enabled = true;} {...

Android L Manage Profile -

I have an experiment with Android management for Android L platform and Andrew L successfully installed on my Nexus 7 and Sample application of the original management profile successfully compiled and run on the device. Sample applications send intently to start provisioning. intent = intent (ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE); Intent.putExtra (EXTRA_PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_PACKAGE_NAME, activity.getApplicationContext (). GetPackageName ()); Intent.putExtra (EXTRA_PROVISIONING_DEFAULT_MANAGED_PROFILE_NAME, "Sample Managed Profile"); Intent.putExtra (EXTRA_DEVICE_ADMIN, Basic DeviceAdmin Receiver.Date ComputeNet); If (intent.resolveActivity (activity.getPackageManager ()) = = null {startActivity}; activity.finish ();} Else {toast.makeText (activity, "Device Provisioning is not enabled.", Toast. LNNGHIHORT ) Show the ();} shows a provisioning activity and displays the message for which the device requires a restart to encrypt. After restarting the device...