multithreading - forkOS seems to fail reserving the thread's local storage -
I am getting an error when using a different GL operation in a restoration (they work fine on the main thread Are). For example, User error (Unknown OpenGL Extension Entry glCreate Program, Checking OpenGL 3.1) < P> I'm calling it after starting my reference (4.3 core) What's going on? OpenGL references are limited to a thread. Basically they are a TLS structure. When GLUT So you want the option: Either you can rebalen the OpenGL reference on that other thread. Or else you make another reference, sharing a namespace on the first name, and binding it on another thread. createProgram is found by me:
The problem is that I am getting this error while using forkOS , still it still fails (like I do not know about the GL context in TLS) .
Module main where Import Graphics. UI Glut Import Control.Concurrent Import Control Main main: IO () main = getArgs and initial startProfile mode $ = [RGBMode, DoubleBfread] Initial Contextversion $ = (4,3) InitialContactProfile $ = [Coreprofile] initialContextFlags $ = [DebugTontext, ForwardContactContacts] Make Windows "GL Window" Create Programs - ForkOS makes $ zero; Works of publishing - Fail (user error) DisplayColoback $ = clearColor $ = Color4 0.2 0.2 1 1 Clear [ColorBuffer] Flush & gt; & Gt; Swapbuffers mainLoop
forkOS will not automatically "take you to" the Open Gale context binding. The idea of
forkOS is that the Haskell operation seen as the operating system is placed within the same thread, through the forkio handles, it can manipulate operations between threads through its scheduler. , Which would only like to keep FFI-Lie libraries and APIs on the Nightmare TLS Association.
createWindow creates both a window and with a OpenCL reference and binds the calling thread.
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