c - fprintf() on avr-libc instantly crashes -

I am writing a program to run on an ATmega 328P - bare avr-libc Instead of Arduino though, it uses the Arduino bootloader on serial (though I do not think it affects the following question).

// if in the current LFS CRLF (C == '\ n') uart_putc ('\ r'); While (! (UCSR0A & amp; _BV (UDRE0)); UDR 0 = C; } Fixed int _putc (char c, FILE * _) {uart_putc (c); Return 0; } ... fdev_setup_stream (stdout, & amp; _putc, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);

If I now write my program using only fputc and fputs then all works fine i snprintf I can call () to enter a char buffer [16] and then in fputs () formatted stranders; All of these things work fine.

  fputs ("hello, world \ n", stdout); / * Works fine * / four buffer [16]; Snprintf (buffer, shape buffer, "hello,% s \ n", "world"); Breadth (buffer, standout); / * Also works fine * /   

However, at this time I have to crash a real fprintf () to stdout I try and reboot the atmega:

  fprintf (stdout, "hello,% s \ n", "world");   

Even before the initial h output, it immediately crashes.

Is there any such thing that might be missing, snprintf () and fputs () can work fine < / Div>

Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

You can update the assignment of stdout For using fdev_setup_stream () . Explains clearly:

Note: No work will be done in standard currents fdev_setup_stream () If standard currents are to be used, then this user needs to be allocated.

Indicates only one document. The code looks like yours except for two things:

  1. A custom stream macro FDEV_SETUP_STREAM () : Fixed FILE Mystdout = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM (uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);

  2. stdout has been started in this custom stream:

      stdout = & amp; Mystdout;     

    I think your code is using an unrestricted stdout stream "Introduction to standard IO features" (www .nongnu.org / avr-libc / user-manual / group__avr__stdio.html # details) says:

    Standard studs stdin, stdout, and CDR are provided, but unlike the C standard , Since avr-libc has no information about the applicable device, so these streams are not already pre-initiated on the application startup.

    All function calls using stdout are undefined where stdout relies on exactly what is pointing to it, Some calls may still work.


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