I have the following dataset (fictional data):
is data; Input team $ goals 2 2 goals 3 3 var_12_13; Leaves; LIV 20 25.25 MNC 21 24.14 Moon 30 25-ARS 10 12.20 cA 23 23 EVE 20 18-1 TOT10 -1; Run; I am trying to create a report for this dataset. Here's what I have:
proc report data = is; Columns Team Goals 1 2 Tablets 3 var_12_13; Defined team / 'team'; Define goal-12 / analysis '2012 goal'; Define Goals 3 / Analysis '2013 Target'; Var_12_13 / Order Analysis Format = Define Percentage Meaning "Variance '12 to '13"; Madden after / ul ol summary; Run; This almost everything I want is the following things that I have not understood: - Summary row 'Summary' Name
- The order from desc_12_13 descending is the first team with the highest deviation first
- I need a summary of the variant columns. The meaning of the meaning is not the meaning of variance (hence the 5
Try it out:
Proc sort data = work.have; Var_12_13 descending; Proc report data =; Columns Team Goals 1 2 Tablets 3 var_12_13; Defined team / 'team'; Define goal-12 / analysis '2012 goal'; Define Goals 3 / Analysis '2013 Target'; Var_12_13 / Order = Data Analysis Format = Define Percentage "Wires '12 to '13 'weight = Target_13; calculation team; If _BREAK_ (' _RBREAK_ ') then; team =" summary "; finished; after endcomp; Madden / ul ol Summary; Run;
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