Android L Manage Profile -
I have an experiment with Android management for Android L platform and Andrew L successfully installed on my Nexus 7 and Sample application of the original management profile successfully compiled and run on the device.
Sample applications send intently to start provisioning.
intent = intent (ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE); Intent.putExtra (EXTRA_PROVISIONING_DEVICE_ADMIN_PACKAGE_NAME, activity.getApplicationContext (). GetPackageName ()); Intent.putExtra (EXTRA_PROVISIONING_DEFAULT_MANAGED_PROFILE_NAME, "Sample Managed Profile"); Intent.putExtra (EXTRA_DEVICE_ADMIN, Basic DeviceAdmin Receiver.Date ComputeNet); If (intent.resolveActivity (activity.getPackageManager ()) = = null {startActivity}; activity.finish ();} Else {toast.makeText (activity, "Device Provisioning is not enabled.", Toast. LNNGHIHORT ) Show the ();} shows a provisioning activity and displays the message for which the device requires a restart to encrypt. After restarting the device A notification is "Continue Provisioning", when I get the notification Clicking Provisioning Activity asks you to restart the device over and over again. I have already tried in the emulator and found the same behavior. < P> Is there any clue on this?
Check your device's encryption status in the device settings. Settings-> Security-> Encryption. This problem occurs when your device is not being properly encrypted. If this condition is encrypted, try clearing notification.
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