ruby on rails - How to daemonize Sidekiq workers in Heroku? -
Sidekick workers are often closed frequently in Heroki. It should be started every time.
How can we create these workers to run without ending in Heroki?
Do we have any configuration for SideSyce or Hieroco / do we have Sidekick
I have been using this sidekick with a refus-scheduler on my behalf. Add your scheduler work in Rail Initialisers (#Application / Config / InLiizer / Task_AbibleRB.RB) It sends daily status to 9am IST.
Scheduler = Rufus :: Scheduler. New Scheduled Cron '00 09 * * * Asia / Kolkata puts' This is 9 o'clock! good morning! User.daily_status end scheduler.every '10s' do "hello, it's # {}" end
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