scala - Liftweb return response from scalaz -

I have a next code, which is refunded:

  import com.twitter Util {Future, nonfatal} import net.liftweb.http {LiftResponse, OkResponse} def service. (Str: Strign) :. Future [ValidationNel [String, LiftResponse]] = {if str == "Ok" future (OkResponse () successNel [string]) and Future.value ("Invalid string" .fileerNL [LiftSpons]) // and for this Roots {case "user" :: str :: _ get _ = & gt; Service (STR)}   

But when I got to run, got no built-in com.twitter.util.future [scalaz.ValidationNel [string, net.liftweb.http Available views. Lift response]] = & gt; Net.liftweb.http.LiftResponse. How to change in ListResponse?

itemprop = "text">

Well the error is basically saying that

  com .twitter.util.Future [scalaz.ValidationNel [string, net.liftweb.http.liftResponse]]   can not be shown 

(in time compilation.) To solve your problem You probably have to decompose your work.

  scalaz.ValidationNel [string, net.liftweb.http.liftResponse]   

If: First of all, lift out that "verification" thing can provide It can not be done to find out if you have to teach the elevator. You type sign sign ValidationNel [***] = & gt; Should create an underlying (visible in the scope) with LiftResponse . You can probably convert it to a box , which is the default way of providing error (empty box). Or you should write your custom code with "if" and 2 branches, one of which is badresons and the other is success.

Another task is to repeat the lift to present hot Twitter's future -s, you should make a simple data and try to render it . As Future (Okaysons ()) . To teach elevator about twitter futures, you might type type sign future [t] = & gt; LiftResponse . This would probably include a restcontinance .


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