nest - how we decide in which node we should store document in elasticsearch? -
Because I'm a new in ES, I need help.
I have read that it is possible to specify the noise where the document is stored using 'routing'. But is it possible to restrict that a document should be saved in a particular node? ..
Suppose I have two nodes node 1 and node 2 I need that, if I add a document from node 1 to index 'attenadence', keep it in the primary shard node 1 And replication can be on node2. And the same thing, if I add a document from node 2 to index 'attenadence', then it should store the primary shard in node 2 and the replication can be on node 1 ... please advise me that it is possible in ES? .. If so, please tell how to get it in ES.
There is a specific value associated with racks in cofig.yml in each node, node 1 has a setting node . Crack: Rack 1, a setting of node 2 node. Track: Rack 2, and so on.
We can create an index that will only deploy the rack on the nodes set on the rack setting index. Routing.allocation.include.tag for Rack 1. For example:
curl -XPUT localhost: 9200 / test / _ settings -d '{"index.routing.allocation.include.tag": "rack1"}' ' and ref:
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