
Showing posts from February, 2010

unable to read a file in c language. it creates a new file instead of reading it -

I have created a file in the directory and want to read it. I am using the following code to open and read a file in C-language but instead of reading the old file, I create a new file. int main () {FILE * file; File = FOPAN ("file", "R +"); // file reading fclose code (file); Return (0); 'r +' mode to open Are using the file. This creates a new file if the directory does not already exist. See the following code for your help. int main () {FILE * file; File = FOPAN ("file", "r"); If (file! == NULL) // read the second file and printf ("Error reading file"); Fclose (file); Return (0); } Also check the file name that you are using in the phpon () function. This case is sensitive and also checks the extension of that file; .txt or .data or what ever eg .; file = fopen ("file.txt", "r");

php - .htaccess RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d not working -

.htaccess कोड है, RewriteEngine पर RewriteBase / RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d RewriteRule ^ पी / ([एक-zA-Z0-9 -_]) /? $ redirect.php? url = $ 1 [एनसी, एल] # RewriteRule ^ [A-Za-z0-9 -_] + / ([A-Za-z0- 9 -_] +) /? $ Product.php? Seo_id = $ 1 [एनसी, एल] # रेवरइट नियम ^ ([ए -Za-z0-9 -_] +) /? $ Catalog.php? Seo_id = $ 1 [एनसी, एल] # मैं http: / / जो पहले से ही सर्वर में मौजूद है लेकिन मैं इसे एक्सेस नहीं कर सकता। कोई भी त्रुटि उत्पन्न नहीं हुई है, लेकिन अगर पहले से मौजूद निर्देशिका के लिए कोई अनुरोध है, तो RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d के बाद नियम लागू नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। लेकिन इस में मामले में से 3 नियमों में से एक आवेदन कर रहे हैं। पुनर्लेखन% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d काम नहीं कर रहा है। रीवाइटटॉन्ड केवल अगले रीराइटरेबल पर लागू होता है, न कि उन सभी के लिए फिर आपको उन्हें इस प्रकार डुप्लिकेट करना चाहिए: पुनर्लेखन कन्वर्ट% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f पुनर्लेखन कन्वर्ट% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -डी री...

ios - Launch app on specific view controller using iOS8 actionable notifications -

I have a functional information setup on my app with the YES button. Is it possible when the notification is triggered? And to move you to an application on a specific view controller, click on the button, not the initial view. Yes you use this new method of iOS8 using the handleActionWithIdentifier You can. Whenever you press the action button, this delegate will call. Representative for local notifications : Local notification when your app is activated by the user - ( Zero) Application: (UIApplication *) Application Handle ActionWidth Identifier: Local Notification (NSString *) Identifier: (UILocalNotification *) Notification Complete Handler: (Zero (^) ()) Full Handler Representative for Remote Notification : When your app provides remote notices by the user Application: (UIApplication *) Application Handle ActionWidth Identifier: (NSString *) for identifier. Remote notification: (NSDictionary *) userInfo completionHandler: (Zero (^) ()) Finishing Handler ...

python - Confused about variable scope using matplotlib -- axis object -

I do not know why the following code works: If I comment on ax assignments in main, then to do this work How does the ax get in the purview of the ceremony? This version of Python is 2.7.2. After a little more research, I have found that all variables are seen in the main block defined function in this same code module. I did not know that the dragon worked like this! Each variable in the Main block is visible to all functions in the same source file. It does not kill me desirable! How it works is that I think this exception has been made for the Main code block, but I will not be guessed. ): Ax.plot ([1], [ 2]) # How is this ever defined? Return if (__name__ == "__main__"): fig = plt.figure () plt.clf () ax = plt.subplot (111, polar = true) # If I comment it out, then the ax function defined the error Call plt.hold (true) f () "This is the form of me It's desirable to do that! It seems to be about which work. " You should avoid ha...

javascript - Unicode Character 'BULLET' in Titanium App -

I have a problem with the bullet character developed with titanium in my Android app. I have part of the code: getFormattedPizza (function) {var text = win.crust + 'With pizza: \ n'; If (win.toppings.length == 0) {text + = '& amp; Bulls; Plain (cheese pizza) \ n '; } Else {for (var i = 0; i & lt; win.toppings.length; i ++) {text + = '& amp; Bulls; '+ Win.toppings [i] +' \ n '; }} Return Text; } And in my app, I get the string & bull; Plain (cheese pizza) , not a noodle list. In this way can I show a dots list? & amp; U2022 '+' Plain (cheese pizza) instead of bullock , \ u2022 is unicode for bullets. Sample code: var lbl = Ti.UI.createLabel ({text: '\ u2022' + 'hello'}); Win.add (LbL); For more Unicode, you can see it or refer to it. Hope this will help you. :)

windows - Scheduled Powershell Task, stuck Running -

I have problems while running PowerShell script in the scheduled task. I get stuck in running it, even if transcript has the last line "don ! " And it looks like I want to do this. What am I missing? It looks fine when running from run in Windows: powershell -file "D: \ _ temp \ copy_bat \ copy_one_reprint_folder.ps1" The Task Scheduler has a set: Run with full privileges Whether we log any user or not action, program Start powershell.exe -file "D: \ _ temp \ copy_bat \ copy_one_reprint_folder.ps1" If necessary please see the code below. # $ PowerShell Reprint Copy first folder, Last Modified Function Timestamp {$ ts ​​= Get-date-return of format $ ts} $ from directory = "D: \ _ temp \ copy_bat" $ ToDirectory = "D: \ _ temp \ in_dummy" $ extractGUIDdir = "" $ docTypeDir = "# # logging ######### Error operation_princess =" quiet content "stop-transcript | out- null $ ErrorActionPr...

php - Test multiple urls (files) with codeception and log separete results -

मैं कोडेपीशन का उपयोग कर होमवर्क असाइनमेन्ट के लिए एक छोटा परीक्षण सूट बनाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। मेरा विचार है कि एकाधिक यूजल के लिए एक एकल सीस्ट टेस्ट परिदृश्य को लागू करना और अलग-अलग परिणाम प्राप्त करना है, जिसे मैं कुछ पहचान के द्वारा लॉग कर सकता हूं (उदाहरण के लिए फ़ाइल का नाम)। दो मुख्य चीजें हैं जो मैं कर सकता हूं अलग-अलग यूआरएल के साथ एक ही परीक्षा को कैसे चलाया जाता है और हर टेस्ट के लिए लॉग इन असफल दावों / उत्तीर्ण दावे कैसे करें? हर दावे की जांच कैसे करें, भले ही उनमें से कुछ विफल हैं? पहले से धन्यवाद! पहला भाग: मुझे लगता है कि आप सेलेनियम के साथ कोडेशन का उपयोग कर रहे हैं। आप इसे स्वीकृति.suite.yml में कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं: class_name: स्वीकार्यताईस्टर मॉड्यूल: सक्षम किया गया: - वेबड्राइवर - स्वीकाटनहालर कॉन्फ़िग: वेबड्राइवर: यूआरएल: '' ब्राउज़र: 'फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स' env: url1: मॉड्यूल: Config: WebDriver: url: '' ब्राउज़र: 'क्रोम' url2: मॉड्यूल: config: WebDriver: url: 'h...

ipad - Create a submenu iOS -

I want to create a submenu which will first appear next to the menu and there will be more options in it First menu is hidden and only Then appears when a button is clicked on the navigation bar, I used to first with the github for the menu, but I do not see the other. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance for any help Actually you have another SWRevealController Add as a front view Controller of Route SWRevealController UIViewController * secondRearVC = // Your second level menu controller UIViewController * secondVC = // Your second level front view controller SWRevealViewController * childRevealController = [[SWRevealViewController alloc] initWithRearViewController: secondRearVC frontViewController: secondVC] ; [Root Revel Controller SetfrontUntrunctor: Animated Child Recovery Controller: Yes]; Get an example of what you're suggesting. The other option is using the other side menu controller, if I'm not mistaken then whatever you want. Anyway you will end u...

python - google ad exchange run error in eclipse -

When my "google dobule click exchange test script" is debugging, it runs successfully on a python terminal , but while doing this with the Eclipse Pid IDE , the following line gives me an error: Import realtime_bidding_pb2 I get the error importError: a module named realtime_bidding_pb2 I know That outsourced this module Land, but I do not know where it is or how it in eclipse pydev IDE Import. If you use Unix like OS, then change directory to directory where files , Makefile, realtime-biding.proto (from requester.tar.gz) and execute 'make' command in shell. Realtime_bidding_pb2 file will be created. Next you get "no import module" importError: google.protobuf. You must install Python-protobuf (command 'apt-get install python-protobuf' for Ubuntu, you must be root). Use with the command like 'python --url =' -max_qps = 1 --seconds = 20 '.

Iterate over a list in python -

I am using the module to get a list of several entries on a specific domain: Pre> A list of the above entries comes back Such as: [u domain name: \ n registry domain ID: \ n registrar WHOIS server: \ NRegistrar URL: \ nDateDate: 2014-05 -19T 04: 00: 17-0700 \ n Date of work: 1997-09-15T 00: 00-0700 \ n Registrar registration expires Date: 2020-09-13T21: 00: 00-0700 \ N My question is how do I rehearse on the list and how to get results in an elegant human readable list Can i print A simple way to print each string in the returned whois For: host = 'stackoverflow com' whois = (host) for items in whois: print it This will be something like this: domain name: STACKOVERFLOW.COM registrar WHOIS server: registrar URL: http: // Updated Date: 2014-05 -09T17: 51: 17-06: 00 Manufacturing date: 2003-12-26 T19: 18: 07-07: 00 Registrar registration expiration date...

indexing - Tablulate all the columns of a dataframe and their corresponding column indices in R -

मेरा नमूना डेटा निम्नानुसार है: संरचना (सूची (v1 = 1: 4) , V2 = c (2L, 3L, 4L, 2L), v3 = 1: 4, v4 = c (4L, 3L, 2L, 3L))। नाम = c ("v1", "v2", "v3" , "V4"), वर्ग = "डेटा.फ्रेम", पंक्ति.नाम = सी (एनए, -4 एल)) मैं स्तंभ नामों के साथ एक तालिका प्राप्त करना और उनके सूचकांक। उदा। v1 v3 1 2 3 मैंने निम्नलिखित कोडों की कोशिश की है (विभिन्न मंचों और इंटरनेट पर खोज करने के बाद लेकिन यह हमेशा एनए या कुछ त्रुटियों को लौटाता है ) & gt; लापली (डीएफ, फ़ंक्शन (एक्स) मैच (एक्स, नाम (डीएफ))) $ v1 [1] एनए एनए एनए एनए $ v2 [1] एनए एनए एनए एनए एन $ एन 3 [1] एनए एनए एनए एनए एन $ वी 4 [1] NA NA NA NA & gt; Lapply (df, function (x) जो (colnames (df) == x) $ v1 पूर्णांक (0) $ v2 पूर्णांक (0) $ v3 पूर्णांक (0) $ v4 पूर्णांक (0) यह काम करना चाहिए: / P> aa & lt; - 1: ncol (iris) ## सही आकार के नामों के सूचकों के वेक्टर बनाएं (एए) & lt; - नाम (आईरिस) ## नाम प्रविष्टियां एए

c++ - error: no matching function call for call to - compiles with VS2013 though -

itemprop = "text"> I'm writing a code running on several pieces, I work with code when compiling with Visual Studio 2013 I was doing this, but now when I try to compile it for Android, I get the error mentioned in this title. The code that I am trying to compile is like this: #pragma once #include & lt; String & gt; Square StringUtils {public: static std :: string readFile (const std :: string and filename); Fixed std :: string & amp; TrimStart (Study :: String & amp;); Fixed std :: string & amp; TrimEnd (std: string & amp;); Fixed std :: string & amp; Trim (std :: string & amp;); }; The above methods are described in error. For example, I try to call the trim () method like this: std :: string TRData :: readValue (std :: ifstream And ifs) {Std :: string line; Std :: getline (ifs, line); Int colon = line.find_first_of (':'); Assert (colon! = Std :: string :: npos); Return StringUtils :: trim (line.substr (colon +...

how to create simplest database in lotus domino server on redhat machine -

I'm debugging a software that uses lotus and I'm not trying to master Domino Lotus . Look for the command 1) Create database 2) List database 3) Delete database I downloaded DOMI_SRV_901_LIN_XS64_EN_-TRIAL.tar and installed on greed 6 machine command domino server started using command su - notes -c "cd / local / notes data / opt / IBM / lotus / bin / server" How to create the simplest database using the command line Simple Answer: Do not you Te ... There is no way to create a database through the command line, and the removal and listing is also usually not done through the command line You need an IBM Domino Designer Client to create a database. You need the IBM Domino Administration Client to manage the server. Domino databases are not relational databases, which can be easily created through a command: they are too much after installing it you have already done a lot on your server The database is eg: names.nsf - aka Domino Director...

php - Wordpress contact form (404 not found) -

I have created a template on WordPress and I have created an html form. It works well in html, but does not work when used on WordPress. It seems that he has not got my contact-sender.fp page and it displays a 404 error page. My permalinks were on default and it does not work. Does anyone decide how? If any of my codes are necessary, then I will post it. I was not just because I think this code is not error, once contact-send.php does not get it. The best regard is to use a full URL for your form's goal instead of action = "contact-form" . . . But unless you have special abnormal requirements for your contact form, Many popular contact forms will get better results using any one like plugins. Use stability to use a well-made plugin If you do not have it, do not modify the wheel again.

php - Issue in store user details in sql database -

मैंने php का उपयोग कर रजिस्टर फॉर्म पृष्ठ बनाया है। यह code_exec.php है: & lt;? Php शामिल 'config.php'; error_reporting (E_ERROR); session_start (); $ रूप = $ _POST; $ Fname = $ प्रपत्र [ 'fname']; $ Lname = $ प्रपत्र [ 'lname']; $ ईमेल = $ प्रपत्र [ 'ईमेल']; $ पारित = $ प्रपत्र [ 'पास']; $ फोन = $ प्रपत्र [ 'फोन']; $ Sex_select = $ प्रपत्र [ 'sex_select']; $ महीने = $ प्रपत्र [ 'माह']; $ दिन = $ प्रपत्र [ 'दिन']; $ साल = $ प्रपत्र [ 'साल']; $ परिणाम = "फसल में शामिल करें (fname, lname, ईमेल, पास, फोन,` लिंग_सैक्ट`, महीना, दिन, वर्ष) मूल्य (: fname,: lname,: ईमेल,: पास,: फ़ोन,: सेक्स_सच्चे, महीने , :दिन साल)"; यदि (! $ परिणाम) {मर (msg (0, "गलत क्वेरी")); }? & Gt; config.php: & lt; php $ user = 'root'; $ Pass = ''; $ Db = नया पीडीओ ('mysql: host = localhost; dbname = फसल', $ उपयोगकर्ता, $ पास); ? & Gt; अब मैंने कोई त्रुटि नहीं दिख...

c++ - Are multiple coexistent instances of MockRepository possible? If yes under which conditions? -

Hippomox supports' mock replica as many examples, as far as the compiler is concerned . Some usage cases are not possible, however, because they move towards unit test executable accidents. Let's consider the following example. minus myacl () {} void MyCall2 () {} void MySubTest () {MockRepository mockRep2; MockRep2.ExpectCallFunc (MyCall2); MyCall2 (); } Zero MyTest () {Mock Raptory Mockery 1; MockRep1.ExpectCallFunc (MyCall); MySubTest (); my call(); } This example (Visual C ++ 2010) happens to read an unused exception (Access violation space 0x00000048). An analysis of the Hippomox header reveals that it does not appear to be a matter of use (cf. MockRepoInstanceHolder ). What is the reason behind allowing only one instance? I can understand that for example in ExpectCallFunc the MockRepository can oppose the examples. What is the reason behind this? We can solve this problem by moving our example after calling mockRep1 immediately MySubTest () , bu...

objective c - ios DeviceToken: How to pass deviceToken from AppDelegate to ViewController? -

I am facing some strange issues actually view the AppDelegate ViewDidLoad method of controller didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken Method Before the code is said in AppDelegate as follows - (zero) Application: (UIApplication *) Application for the Controller Information NotificationVideoTokenToken: (NSDTA) DeviceToken {NSLOG (@ "My Token:% @", DeviceToken); NSString * newToken = [tool token description]; NewToken = [NewToken stringBitramingCarsatsat: [NSCRactorSat CharacterSatWithServerInstring: @ " & gt;"]] ;; NewToken = [NewToken stringBeerPlleaningOurrenceOffString: @ "" with string: @ ""]; NSLog (@ "Tokens:% @", newToken); NSUserDefaults * Default Values ​​= [NSUserDefaults Standard User Defaults]; [Set default value: for new token: key_device_token]; [Synchronize default values]; } Code viewedload method - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; NSLog ("ABCD" @); } The console...

javascript - FabricJS rotate around X Y axis -

Does anyone know how to rotate around the X or Y axis of the object in the fabric.js and animate it is? CSS like conversion: rotateY (90deg); or conversion: rotateX (90deg); This is just something similar to fabricJS for canvas Elemnts It's capable, but I think you'll need to make heavy use of matrix changes. For a demo of the feature For a reply on how to make matrix changes, see.

javascript - AngularJS and WebSockets beyond -

I just read it, and I understand what the difference is but in my head is still the question Can I use it in the same app / website? Say I want to bring ingredients to Angulose and update my page, connect with a restore API and meet all the top things. But above this, I want a realtime chat, or when an update or message is received to trigger the incidents of other customers What angular supports? Or socket me to trigger those events. Does it make sense to use both? If someone can help me or ask me to read something good about that if both are intended to be used together Hope I am quite clear. Thank you for any help. Javascript supports websitoc, so you do not need additional client-side framework to use it. is. Please declare it on it. Actually you can listen for messages: $ connection.listen (function (msg) {return msg.type ==} "createdarminvent";}, Function (msg) {addTerminal (msg); $ scope. $$ step || $ scope. $ Applied ();}); Listen once (great for ...

matlab - How to write vectorization code for 2 matrix -

I have two metrics like this: gt = [30 40 20 40] And D = [32 42 20 40; 34 12 20 40; 36 84 20 40] I want to calculate the overlap area between gt and 3 rows of de respectively and overlap is computed by a function that I myself write. Then I get the result as a new column vector such as result = [result1; Result2; Result3]. Can you please tell me how to get this vector code? Thank you! Vecting can only be within the overlap function. The only thing you can do out of it is to repeat the vector GT using the repet or bsxfun. You do not understand how the overlap function works. I think that has to do with coordination, so I give an example for Eclidian distance that works in the same logic. If you point gt = [1 2] and number = [5 6; 10 12; 0 -1] You will define function result = dist (x, y) result = sum (sqrt ((x (:, 1) - y (:, 1)). ^ 2 and you will call it a gt vector copy Dist (de, repmat (gt, 3, 1)) Alternatively, you can use bsxfun instead of ...

tfs - Java - retrieve sources from changeset (Team Foundation Server 2010) -

exists in any jar which allows my JSF application: TFS Join the URL (such as pass the destination directory and changes as parameters; "Download" all the sources from the changes in my destination directory; IMPORTANT: We have no work at ITem, we just use TFS as a repository. I found it in Google But I have got a jar for Jenkins, which allows me to do a job for it is not exactly what I want. Once you download TFS Java SDK, there is a post to see how you call TFS using the TFS object model. This sample is about work items, but when you understand the object model, So how do you work in a manner related to the call, in addition to controlling the edition, as the object model is compatible between Java and .NET, you should be able to see C # which is what you want and if necessary Optimize.

c# - ConnectionString Error on publish in web server -

मेरे पास एंटिटी फ्रेमवर्क के साथ MVC और my.config पर my connectionsString के साथ एक प्रोजेक्ट है & lt; add name = "DefaultConnection" connectionString = "डेटा स्रोत = लोकलहोस्ट; प्रारंभिक कैटलॉग = टेलेक्सपो_बीडी; एकीकृत सुरक्षा = एसएसपीआई; यूजर आईडी = टेलेक्सपो_बीडी; पासवर्ड = हेय76जेडीएचडीयू;" प्रदाता नाम = "System.Data.SqlClient" / & gt; & Lt; add name = "telexpoEntities" कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग = "मेटाडेटा = रिज: //*/telexpoEF.csdl | res: //*/telexpoEF.ssdl | res: //*/telexpoEF.msl; प्रदाता = System.Data.SqlClient ; प्रदाता कनेक्शन स्ट्रिंग = & amp; quot; डेटा स्रोत = लोकलहोस्ट; प्रारंभिक कैटलॉग = टेलेक्सपो_डीडी; एकीकृत सुरक्षा = सच; उपयोगकर्ता आईडी = टेलेक्सपो_बीडी; पासवर्ड = hey76jdhdyU; एकाधिकअक्टिवआरसल्टसेट्स = ट्रू; ऐप = एंटिटीफ्रेमवर्क & amp; quot; " प्रदाता नाम = "System.Data.EntityClient" / & gt; यह काम पूरी तरह से मेरे पीसी में जब मैं विज़ुअल स्टूडियो के माध्यम से अनुकरण करता हूं,...

Extracting specific rows from tab delimited text file (cygwin) -

I need to generate a Sigvin script to remove specific rows from a tab-delimited text file For example: chr1 184548 974 184549885 SETDB1 436 chr1 226492354 226492784 CTCF149 chr1 243269283 243269767 SETDB1 135 chr1 243269304 243269644 CHD2 239 chr1 243269306 243269746 CBX3 376 chr1 1048502 1049386 KAP1 380 chr1 2097139 2097389 TEAD4 209 chr1 9436759 9437223 POLR2A 169 chr1 9437031 9437357 NR3C1 542 chr1 9437111 9437327 CTCF 128 chr1 19922758 19923238 CHD 1 277 chr1 19922759 19923079 JUND 177 and pulling the lines where the third Col "CHD 2" is removed rows You "CHD2" with the grep command are: $ Grep -w CHD2 example.txt chr1 243269304 243269644 CHD2 239 $ grep CH example.txt chr1 243269304 243269644 CHD2 239 chr1 19922758 19923238 CHD 1 277

javascript - $state.go method not switching to other state - angularjs -

मेरे नियंत्रक में, मेरे पास $ state.go ('purchase') है; , लेकिन हूँ निम्नलिखित त्रुटि हो रही है: त्रुटि: 'खरीद' से राज्य से हल नहीं हो सका। लेकिन शुरू में, मैंने यूआरएल '' से '/ home' मेरी फाइल states.js में परिभाषित किया है, जो राज्य को जाता है 'घर '। मेरा राज्य संक्रमण क्यों नहीं हो रहा है? कृपया मुझे बताएं कि मैं गलत कहां हूं। states.js / ** * डैशबोर्ड मार्ग * / परिभाषित (['./templates'], फ़ंक्शन (टेम्पलेट्स) {var mod = angular.module ("item.states", ["ui.router"]); console.log ("आइटम घर के अंदर") ; Var स्टेटप्राइवर = फ़ंक्शन ($ राज्य प्रदाता, $ urlRouterProvider) {$ urlRouterProvider.when ('', '/ home'); $ stateProvider .state ("आइटम", {url: '/ home', टेम्पलेट: templates.home, नियंत्रक: 'controller.item.home.main'}) .state ("खरीद", {url: '/ खरीद', टेम्पलेट: टेम्पलेट.उपर्चेज, नियंत्रक: 'controller.item.home.main...

ruby - How to get width of an element with xpath Watir in pixels? -

I have a problem getting the width of the "tobis" element with xpath watir. I have this code: browser.element (: xpath, "// table [@ onselectstart = 'return false']"). (: Index, 2) .td. This code gives me "auto", which is fine because this attribute should be set to "auto" so that it is automatically located on the web, but if I look at the firebug, I show the width of the element like i Can I get this value in pixels? Try to do something (not tested): Browser.Limit ((xpath, "// table [@ onselectstart = 'return false']). (: index, 2) .td.table.tbody.wd.size width See the documentation for more information, and.

python - IOError: Can't read data (Can't open directory) - Missing gzip compression filter -

I have not worked with HDF 5 files before, and I have got some example files to get started. Looking at all the basics with h5py , seeing different groups in these files, their names, keys, value and so on. Everything works fine, as long as I want to see the saved datasets in the group. I get my .shape and .dtype , but when I index a random value (such as grp ["dset"] [0] IOError Traceback (most recent call final) & lt; Ipython-input-45-509cebb66565 & gt; In & lt; Module & gt; (Print 1) Print "Live" ["Matrix"] 2 Print Geno ["Matrix"]. Dtype ---- & gt; 3 geno ["matrix"] [0] /home/sarah/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/h5py/_hl/dataset.pyc __getitem __ (self, args) 443 mspace = h5s.create_simple (mshape ) 444Fface = Selection ._id - & gt; Patch in h5py.h5d for output 445 (mspace, fspace, arr, mtype) 446 447 # NumPy /home/sarah/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/h5py/ Please. Dat...

ios - Photo picker shows on one second then disappears -

I have an iOS application that is written in zenith. It is designed to target iOS 7.1. With SDK 8. My code looks like this: dialog = DialogHelper.ShowProgress (see, "Uploading"); . Picker.PickPhotoAsync () ContinueWith (T => {if (t.IsCanceled || t.IsFaulted) {AppDelegate.FileUploadController.IsWorking = false; dialog.Dismiss (); Return;} MediaFile file = t.Result; string FilePath = file.Path; UploadHelper.UploadFile (filepath, _folderId, temporary, dialog);}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ()); It works well on iOS 7 (both simulator and device), but the screen is shown on loading on one screen on iOS 8 photo. What am I doing wrong? I can not find any useful information googling it In some other case, this requires the Will be, say: A MediaPicker in response to a UIActionSheet.Clicked event will cause unexpected behavior on iOS 8. Use a UIAlertController with a style of conditional UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet Must be updated to ...

java - play 2.4.x current application environment -

Is there a function to return any existing work environment to a Play Framework application? I tried the following but it is not working properly; string environment = play.api.Play.Mode Note: I don isDev () isProd ( ) you want to use the stuff, I want to be able to create custom environments PlayFramework 2.x only supports 3 modes: Prod, Dev and Test. The second is used for production, the second provides more development joints such as only the audit classes. The last one is like another but with trial libraries. Play 1.x also had ID , which was able to use as a different environment. For example staging or instances of distributed servers Play 2.x does not unfortunately support id . But you can get the same effect manually. Suppose you want to run your application in 'staging' mode. First you have to place the configuration file with the original configuration file, but it is known as the application.staging.conf . The second step Global. Scala...

javascript - Spinning 3D WebGL Shapes -

I should make a transparent area that can be rotated by dragging the mouse. I tried to start learning the basis of WebGl but I could not find any suitable sources. Can anyone help me to learn how to start WebGl and also how to attract 3D shapes of spherical or tetrahedron and how can I spin it in all dimensions? Thank you. I recommend that you use but if you really want to learn WebGL;)

docusignapi - Expiration and Reminder custom message -

Is the custom message set for the email notification reminder and expiration mail in the recipient? Is it possible to set a custom message for a reminder and expiration? These are actually 2 emails that you can not optimize DocuSign about the original email in the reminder and expiration Will be pending.

html - Why wont my custom cursor work? -

I am trying to make the cursor a custom image I have followed all the directions everywhere but it still works Will not: CSS: body, html {margin: 0px; Padding: 0 pixels; Border: 1px solid red; Cursor: url (images / rsz_red_crosshair.gif), crosshairs; } The image is 32x32 because the stylesheet is properly linked because the border is showing the second option (built in crosshairs) works fine just wondering what I am doing wrong, me Sure it is quite clear for others. Your style syntax is correct and I have implemented it to ensure itself. I will confirm the location of your image.

cq5 - Find first level pages using query -

I want to get all the pages under the current path using the query, because I also use the query They need to sort them. I am using the criteria below which is giving me the pages given below the hierarchy, but as long as the child does not have children, it goes deeper. path = / content / geometrixx / en / toolbar type = cq: Page orderby = Jcr: content / cq: last modified Looks like: / content / geometrixx / en / toolbar / newsletter (crxde, html, json) / content / geometric / n / toolbar / sitemap (crakesid, html, json) / content Sub-page in the result set as / in the form of Geometric / N / toolbar / account (CRXDE, HTML, JSON) / Content / Geometrics / N / Toolbar / Account / Register (CRXDA) account page Does not require pages I / O / I / I /. Please provide any criteria that fits in this type of query. Thank you You type = Cq: page path = / content / geometrixx / en / toolbar flat can use property jcr: root / content / geometrixx / en / toolbar / Elemen...

jquery - custom javascript does not trigger when clicked on html option tag -

I have some links, when one of them is clicked, like "epic", then every div has the same It will be the name of the class and the other will be filtered. Normally it works but trying a new system. Instead of clicking on links, I want to proceed to start after clicking on an option. Unfortunately, this does not work, data-filter elements are not filtered. This works great when working with a link: You can see the action in action on a site test for a friend: I think the problem is e Click (".filter-button option") (function () { though I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm happy for some answers Because as I can not understand it already. select class = "cd-select"> Option value = "- 1" select Choose a Style & gt; Option & gt; & lt; Option Value = "1" data-filter = "*" & gt; All & lt; / option & gt; & lt; option value = " 2 "data-filters =" ...

Logic Error in Java Program -

is writing a program that reads numbers from a text file and checks whether they are prominent or not. The text file contains the following numbers, with 98, 76, 84, 69, 92, 83, 88, 90, 72, 66. The first number is not 98, but the second number (76) should come in the form of a prime minister. My printed results do not show all numbers that are not true. Import *; Import java.util.Scanner; Public class AssignFive_FileRead {public static zero main (string [] args throws IOException {int number; Int calc = 0; Int i = 2; File myFile = new file ("Numbers.txt"); Scanner inputfile = new scanner (mimefile); // Check if the file exists (! MyFile.exists ()) {System.out.println ("Error: File can not be found"); System.exit (0); } Else {System.out.println ("The file is found, the operation is starting ..."); } // while reading points from the text file (inputFile.hasNext ()) {number = inputFile.nextInt (); // Calculate that the number is cardinal (i ...

jQuery toggle not working after addClass is called -

Then I have a click function that toggle a button on my page. I also have another function which adds a class to the button if the checkbox is checked. My problem is that if the class is added to the button then the click function gets hit, the toggle does not change inline style. $ (".btn"). Click (function () {$ (". AnotherBtn"). Toggle ();} function becomes aColoaded checkbox (check.) {$ (". AnotherBtn"). AddClass ("hideBtn");}

Trouble reading JSON output in SAS -

I am trying to parse the data from a JSON file in the SAS but stuck in my code. I can not post all JSON content because it is too long, but I can post part of what is relevant below is my SAS code; When I run it, I get something in the log that says "lost card" and I'm not sure what it means. Part of the code is commented because the code actually works until I go ahead on my variable list ... I wonder ... does this error ("omitted card" ) Have something to do with the "LLCL" line and the length of some variables? SAS code: file name OTP1 '... ... output otp1.json'; Data work.otp1sas; Infile OTP1LERLL = 32000 / * Trunkworker * / Scanover; Input @ 'Starttaim ":" Starttaim $ 20 @' Andtaim ":" Andtaim $ 20 @ 'Volktaim ":" Volktaim $ 20 @' Tronsmittaim ":" Tronsmittaim $ 20 / * @ 'Prticshaing time' Waiting time $ 20 @ "Walk Distance": 'Walking $ 20 Damage @...

javascript - Knockout select options and dependencies -

I have a selection list and I want to change the visibility of different divs based on the selection. & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Tbody data-bind = "foreach: conditions" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Select data-bind = "option: $ parent.conditionTypes, optionsText: 'name', optionsValue: 'id', value: type" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Div data-bind = "visible: $ parent.isGroupCondition ($ data)" & gt; Group list & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div data-bind = "visible: $ parent.isTagCondition ($ data)" & gt; Tag list & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Select data-bind = "option: $ parent.conditionOperations, optionsText: 'name', optionsValue: 'id', value: operation" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; ...

Set timeout not working in jQuery sequnce -

I have a jQuery function written. What I would like to do in the function To remove unwanted elements for FadeToggle, the pod expanded class itself applies to itself before the selected division. For any reason, whenever I add a set timeout wrapped wrap around the toggle class, the section does not work while expanding the toggle class. Without the setTimout function works fine but I have to delay the second part of the code until the first part is over. Here's my code: jQuery (document) .on ('click', '.portfoliopod', function () {jQuery ('portfoliopod'). JQuery (it)). Fadegotley (500); Set timeout (function () {jQuery (this). Toggle class ('podexpended');}, 600); JQuery (this). Toggleclouds ("Portfolimzzoom"); JQuery it). Children ("Portofoyed Messages"). ToggleClass ('hiddenopod'); Setimmeet (function () {jQuery ("Portfolios of Image"). ToggleClass ('PortfolioFileLarge');}, 400);}); Before any ...

java - cannot instantiate the type objectfactory -

मुझे ऑब्जेक्टसंपादित करने का प्रयास करते समय ग्रहण में निम्नलिखित संकलन त्रुटि हो रही है: इस संकलन त्रुटि को निम्न पंक्ति में डाला जाता है: objectFactory = नया ObjectFactory (); // त्रुटि फेंकता: "नहीं कर सकता टाइपिंग ऑब्जेक्टफैक्चर "" कॉलिंग क्लास के लिए पूरा कोड निम्नानुसार है: पैकेज बरकरार; आयात करें; आयात javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory; आयात javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; आयात javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; आयात javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; आयात javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; सार्वजनिक कक्षा मुख्य {निजी स्थिर JAXBContext संदर्भ; निजी स्थिर ObjectFactory वस्तु Factory; सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {try {setup} ();} पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {e.printStackTrace ();} unmarshal (); } संरक्षित स्थिर शून्य सेटअप () अपवाद को फेंक दिया {संदर्भ = JAXBContext.newInstance ("उत्पन्न"); ObjectFactory = नया ObjectFactory (); // त्रुटि फेंकता है: "ऑब्जेक्टफ़ैक्टर प्रकार का इन्स्तांत नहीं कर सकता"} सार्वजनिक स्थिर & lt; क्रय ऑ...

cluster analysis - maxmin clustering algorithm -

I have read a paper that mentions the maximum minimum clustering algorithm, but I do not understand this completely What does the algorithm do? Googling "maximal clustering algorithm" does not yield any helpful results Does anyone know what this algorithm is? This is a fraction of the paper: By selecting an observation as the first nucleus C1 and setting the centroids to C {c1}, the maximum-min clustering income During the ith iteration, CI is chosen that it maximizes the minimum Euclidean distance between C and observes in C . Max-min clustering is better for a density-based clustering algorithm (such as a key), which is used to select several examples of dense group of non-seizure data points. I do not quite understand the adventurous part paper link We There is probably some python code here with existing centrosides for each new center. def maxminclustering (comments, k): comments = set (comments) if k & lt; 1 or not observation: return set () centr...

javascript - Does anyone know which script would cause placeholder text to be removed from text inputs and put into spans? -

I have a project that I had added to a project that was already running, and when I added a masterpage So, she has a whole bunch of scripts in these scripts something that is messing with the styles on my page. There are many different bugs, but the two biggest things are This is my placeholder text > P> It seems that I have about 20 scripts thanks to the page, so I do not know where to start the breakpoints. Is there any easier way I can get these strange things for which scripts are responsible? Does anyone know about a specific script that will cause the placeholder text problem? If you have not tried Chrome Dev installed in the tool or Chrome is not installed. Or it can be an IE specific, you can do it with plain JavaScript by patching the monkey with setter method with setAttribute ("placeholder", "") or You can removeAttribute ("placeholder") try punching the monkey instead of one. Here is an examp...

saml - Does PingFederate and ADFS support ECP (Enhanced Client and Proxy) Profile? -

क्या PingFederate और ADFS SAML ECP (एन्हांस्ड क्लाइंट और प्रॉक्सी) प्रोफाइल का समर्थन करता है? यदि हां, तो क्या कोई दस्तावेज़ है? हां, पीएफ ईसीपी का समर्थन करता है क्योंकि मेरा मानना ​​है कि एसएएमएल के लिए आवश्यक है 2.0 अनुपालन परीक्षण। मैं उनसे अधिक जानकारी के लिए सीधे संपर्क करेगा क्योंकि इसके चारों ओर बहुत कम दस्तावेज हैं

php - nestedSortable on codeigniter -

I function functions with codeigniter for pages with "nestedSortable" .. When I click on submit button $ (document) .ready (function () {$ .post ('& lt; ? Php echo site_url ('Admin / Page / Order_Alex');; & gt; ', {}, Function (Data) {$ (' # Order Rational) '. Html (Data);}); $ (' # save Click '(function () (Osortable = $ (' sortable ') .Nested server (' toArray '); $ .post (' & lt ;? php echo site_url ('admin / pages / order_ajax') ;? Gt; ', {sortable: cs Ortable}, function (data) {$ ('# order rustle'). Html (data);});});}); public function save_order ($ page) } {If (count ($ pages)} {foreach ( $ pages $ order = & gt; $ page} {dump ($ page); if ($ page ['item_id']! = '') {$ Data = array ('parent_id' => (int) $ page ['parent_id'], 'command' = & gt; $ command); $ this-> db-> Set ($ data) - & gt; Where ($ this-> _primary_k...

c# - Can Linq AsParallel() dispose of SoapHttpClientProtocol objects prematurely? -

In an ASP.NET MVC 4 web application on which I am working. I have a page that originally receives data from a SOAP service and generates a report My code basically looks like this list & lt ; Custom Settings & gt; ServerInfos = ServerInfos; ServerInfos.AsParallel (). ForAll (srvInfo => {SOAPHttpClientProtocol soapProxy = CreateProxy (srvInfo); // calls through // so-client through // results in / / // results in fair results} Because I am doing AsParallel here because in a serial fashion many requests on HTTP for always take me. this code works, though in spitefully Should be thrown. Is it possible that things are being disposed of unexpectedly, and should I Yes, PLINQ is not a good solution? Is it possible that the second threading issue could be the cause of an error which gives the soap client "lose"? Additional information This special soap proxy is talking to the arguments server generally, you can see the server log and see that w...

Error count for two different patterns in verilog -

I have created two types of data patterns and comparing their count as counting ..... when 2 The patterns are not equal, the error count should be high .... I have made the code with the test bench, but when I run the operation of the operation, the error number is only high on value 0 and not at value 1 ..... I hope this will be equal to 0 and 1. Please help me, because I'm new to verilog Here is the code 'timecimal 1ns / 1ps module pattern (CLK, start, RST, code is clear here, Data_in1, data_in2, error); Input [1: 0] Data_In 1; Input [1: 0] Data_In 2; Input clique; Input started; Input rst; Clear input; Output [1: 0] error; Reg [1: 0] comp_out; Reg [1: 0] I = 0; Assign Error = comp_out; Always @ (posedge clk) comp_out = 0; If (rst) comp_out = 0; Otherwise start (i = 0; i & lt; 2; i = i + 1) starts at (data_in 1 [i]! = Data_in 2 [ii]) comp_out & lt; = Comp_out + 1; End end endmodule here is the test bench for codec 'timescale 1ns / 1ps module tb_pattern ()...

c# - Is there a Linq method to tell that A is the subset of B? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 जवाब चलो मेरे पास 2 सरणियाँ स्ट्रिंग [] ए = {"ए", "बी", "सी"} और स्ट्रिंग [] बी = {"ए", "बी", "सी", "डी" "ई"} । क्या कोई ऐसा तरीका है जो सीधे बता सकता है कि ए एक सबसेट है? सिवाय सिर्फ बी के अलग-अलग तत्वों को हटा दिया जाएगा, लेकिन यह नहीं बताएगा कि यह पूरी तरह बी का सबसेट है। मदद करने के लिए धन्यवाद। आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं, बस: ए। सभी (बी.कंटेन); और आप यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए लम्बाई को देखना चाहते हैं कि वे समान आकार नहीं हैं और ए एक सबसेट है boolSubset = ए। सभी (बी.कंटेनेंस) & amp; amp; ए लैंन्मेंट & lt; B.Length;

C++ IDE's with no support for dark themes -

There is another C ++ IDE in addition to the Visual Studio supporting dark subjects? I also have to work on Linux and Windows now, so I'm VS Can not work on The problem is that whatever ideology I have tried does not support the dark subjects very well. Make sure you can change the editor color, but the rest of the DED stays with the default color, which is really annoying (QAUTICATOR, CODE :: blocks). Is there an alternative ? Here you have IDE with Jetbrains - & gt; Clone: ​​

Mandrill- Attachments not sending attachment -

I am trying to send a small RTF attachment through Mandril. I made the following Jason and the API test page Have tried to use. The attachment base 64 is encoded API does not tell an error and comes via email, but with no attachment. What am I doing wrong { "attachments": [{ "type": "application / rtf", "name": "test.rtf", "content": "e1xydGYxXGFuc2lcYW5zaWNwZzEyNTJcZGVmZjBcZGVmbGFuZzIwNTd7XGZvbnR0Ymx7XGYwXGZuaWxcZmNoYXJzZXQwIENhbGlicmk7fX0NCntcKlxnZW5lcmF0b3IgTXNmdGVkaXQgNS40MS4yMS4yNTEwO31cdmlld2tpbmQ0XHVjMVxwYXJkXHNhMjAwXHNsMjc2XHNsbXVsdDFcbGFuZzlcZjBcZnMyMiB0aGlzIGlzIGEgdGVzdCBzZW5kaW5nIGZpbGVccGFyDQp9DQoA" } "," Message ": {" html ":" & lt; Html & gt; \ R \ n & lt; Body & gt; Exam data & lt; / Body & gt; \ R \ n & lt; / Html & gt; "", "" "," "", "" "," "" "," "... - mc:edit do not work in Mailchimp template with Mandrill Javascript API -

I am trying to send email via Mandil API with Mailchimp templates. I'm doing it in cloud code with, see here. Emails are sent properly, however, MC: Editing fields are never updated, this is the only content in the template: & lt; Span mc: edit = "ship_id" & gt; Ship_id & lt; / Span & gt; My column in JavaScript looks like this, hopefully someone sees my fault. I'm running it in cloud code if it makes a difference Thanks a lot! var Mandel = Required ('mandrel'); Mandrill.initialize ('API key'); Mandrill.sendTemplate ({template_name: "Drip campaign", template_content: [{name: "ship_id", content: "test test"}, message: {text: "hi", subject: "you have a new mail" From: email: "", to_name: "Thomas", for: [{email: "", name: "fred"}], "header": {"answer-per": "Suc...

c - Struct array is printing garbage -

I am having a problem with printing my straight array, it is started like this: struct matrix token [NBRTE] [12]; Then I try to print it with this code: printf ("% d", token [0] [0] .state ); (Int q = 0; q & lt; nbrState; q ++) for {for (int r = 0; r Why does it return anyway -11412982687586982664593143168004196116665039881600950398592587297673016950398176950397984091005908849605884315520000050-100950398592419 And I'm not sure Why. I'm also using the array for loop using the array as well. while (fscanf (fp, "% d /% d% c", and index, and isolated, inc., And separator) == 3) = 0; I you said started it Like structure matrix token [nbrtte] [12]; But the above announcement is not not started nothing (unless your array is declared with a constant storage period). The garbage will initially include a local array declared in this fashion, apparently what you are printing. If you want your array initialized , you have...

python - Django: Auto Populate CharField using Urllib2 -

I am working on the Djnago project and wondering if I can use the information I am in a large amount Data are quickly imported from the import model class stock (model.model): ticker = model.carfield (max_long = 250) name = model.carfield (max_long = 250) exchange = model . Serifield (maximum_long = 250) Industry = Model.Carfield (max_long = 250) about = model. TestField () square meta: verbose_name_plural = "stocks" def __unicode __ (self): return self. Ticker So far, I have done this by filling fields using a data from CSV, "ticker," "name" and "exchange" (UISGG "python" Shell "): Import CSV from import. CDS. In the reader, enter the fields field = ["ticker", "name", "exchange"] for the row (open ('NASDAQ.csv', 'ru'), I was wondering if I The "Industry" field can auto-populate, similarly urlib2 is pulling data from here. Here is my realline urllib2 cod...

database - SQL counts of tests given in year -

I am trying to make a sum of the tests given in one year from a specific table. This is what I have done so far: SELECT DISTINCT TO_CHAR (test_date, 'YYYY') AS year, from SUM (year card) (SELECT COUNT (test_date) as the year) test_record GROUP by test_record.test_date ORDER BY year ASC; gives me the output: month of the year (year) ---- -------------- 1958 12 1991 12 1996 12 1998 12 2000 12 2001 12 2010 12 2012 12 2013 12 Now, I understand that my problem lies here: SELECT COUNT (test_date) as YearCount , because I have 12 entries in the table, so it is clearly calculating the number of entries in the table. I need to count the tests given in each year, i.e. Must appear: year totals (year) ---- ------------ - 1958 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 (I'm using Oracle 7 I believe) EDIT: Thanks to the help of below I get the desired output Was able, but both of them were "wrong", so I did not accept them (sorry if this is ...

how to access a specific scope in c++? -

#include & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int x = 24; Int main () {int x = 0; {Int x = 5; :: एक्स = एक्स + 2; } Cout & lt; & lt; :: x & lt; & lt; endl; // पहले cout & lt; & lt; x & lt; & lt; endl; // दूसरा वापसी 0; } इस सरल उदाहरण में मैं कोड ब्लॉक का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और मुझे पता है कि स्कोप रेज़ोल्यूशन ऑपरेटर का उपयोग करके वैश्विक चर संशोधित कर सकते हैं। और मैं इस उदाहरण में ग्लोबल वैरिएबल को संशोधित करता हूं लेकिन मुझे आश्चर्य है कि मुख्य कार्य (जैसे स्कोप रेज़ोल्यूशन ऑपरेटर) की तरह विशिष्ट गुंजाइश में वेरिएबल को संशोधित करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है। इसका अर्थ है कि इस उदाहरण में मुझे पहले आउटपुट 24 और अगले एक 7 मेरे अंग्रेजी के लिए खेद है कि मुझे सवाल समझने की आशा है सी ++ के स्क्रॉपिंग नियम पाठ और AFAIK हैं ऐसा नहीं कर सकते, क्योंकि आप नामस्थानों को कार्य के अंदर नहीं डाल सकते। लेकिन एक अनोखे नाम के साथ एक संदर्भ शुरू करने से आपको एक ऐसे बाध्यता के रूप में मदद मिल सकती है, जैसे आप इस तरह से बाइंड में पाएंगे: #i...

Python numpy method matrix.toFile() -

I need help formatting my matrix when I write it in the file I am using the numpy method Is called tofile () it takes 3 args. The file should have 1-name, 2-separator (string should be), 3-format (also a string) I do not know much about formatting, but I do not know the file I am trying to format, there are nine liners each new line (r No space included) Output is a 9x9 soduku game. So I need to format it 9x 9. expired = MOOfile ("soduku_solved.txt", "", "") where M is a matrix My first argument is the name of the file, the second is a place, but I do not know what format logic it is necessary to create 9x9 I may be wrong, but I do not think it is possible with numpy tofile function. I think the format argument only allows you to format each object, it does not believe in any group. You can do something like this: M = np.random.randint (1, 9, (9, 9)) each_itam_fmt = '{: & gt; 3} 'each_ro_fmt =' '.join ([every_item_...

c++ - What happens if there's an 'overloading clash' regarding streams? -

मान लीजिए कि हमारे पास isstream निम्न विधि के साथ उपवर्ग है: SomeStream & amp; ऑपरेटर & gt; & gt; (कुछ और amp; कुछ) {// .. कुछ में डेटा लिखें} और हमारे पास निम्न वैश्विक विधि भी थी: कुछ और ; ऑपरेटर & gt; & gt; (istream & amp; स्ट्रीम, कुछ और amp; कुछ) {//। स्ट्रीम से डेटा में कुछ लिखिए} C ++ कैसे पता चलता है कि कौन सी विधि निम्नलिखित कोड के लिए कॉल करती है: उदाहरणऑफ़सामस्ट्रीम & gt; & gt; instanceOfSomething; प्रश्न का पालन करें: SomeStream को something में लिखने के लिए बेहतर या अधिक सामान्य तरीका क्या है - मुझे ऑपरेटर & gt; & gt; में SomeStream के लिए एक और अधिभार जोड़ना चाहिए, जिसमें कोई कुछ और तर्क लेता है? या मुझे विपरीत दिशा में जाना चाहिए, और कुछ में एक अधिभार बनाना चाहिए जो कि somestream लेता है? (वास्तव में कुछ में नहीं, लेकिन स्पष्ट कारणों के कारण वैश्विक कार्य के रूप में)। सी ++ में सामान्य रूप से ओवरलोड रिज़ॉल्यूशन नियम जटिल हैं। इस मामले में यह जानना उपयोगी है कि ओवरलोड रिज़ॉल्यूशन के प्रय...