javascript - Unicode Character 'BULLET' in Titanium App -
I have a problem with the bullet character developed with titanium in my Android app.
I have part of the code:
getFormattedPizza (function) {var text = win.crust + 'With pizza: \ n'; If (win.toppings.length == 0) {text + = '& amp; Bulls; Plain (cheese pizza) \ n '; } Else {for (var i = 0; i & lt; win.toppings.length; i ++) {text + = '& amp; Bulls; '+ Win.toppings [i] +' \ n '; }} Return Text; } And in my app, I get the string & bull; Plain (cheese pizza) , not a noodle list. In this way can I show a dots list? & amp;
U2022 '+' Plain (cheese pizza) instead of bullock , \ u2022 is unicode for bullets. Sample code:
var lbl = Ti.UI.createLabel ({text: '\ u2022' + 'hello'}); Win.add (LbL); For more Unicode, you can see it or refer to it.
Hope this will help you. :)
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