ios - Photo picker shows on one second then disappears -

I have an iOS application that is written in zenith. It is designed to target iOS 7.1. With SDK 8. My code looks like this:

  dialog = DialogHelper.ShowProgress (see, "Uploading"); . Picker.PickPhotoAsync () ContinueWith (T => {if (t.IsCanceled || t.IsFaulted) {AppDelegate.FileUploadController.IsWorking = false; dialog.Dismiss (); Return;} MediaFile file = t.Result; string FilePath = file.Path; UploadHelper.UploadFile (filepath, _folderId, temporary, dialog);}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ());   

It works well on iOS 7 (both simulator and device), but the screen is shown on loading on one screen on iOS 8 photo.

What am I doing wrong? I can not find any useful information googling it

In some other case, this requires the Will be, say:

A MediaPicker in response to a UIActionSheet.Clicked event will cause unexpected behavior on iOS 8. Use a UIAlertController with a style of conditional UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet Must be updated to

Then if I have to use UIAlertController, then the device has been editing my code on iOS 8.

And it works.


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