javascript - Does anyone know which script would cause placeholder text to be removed from text inputs and put into spans? -

I have a project that I had added to a project that was already running, and when I added a masterpage So, she has a whole bunch of scripts in these scripts something that is messing with the styles on my page.

There are many different bugs, but the two biggest things are

  1. This is my placeholder text > P> It seems that I have about 20 scripts thanks to the page, so I do not know where to start the breakpoints.

    Is there any easier way I can get these strange things for which scripts are responsible? Does anyone know about a specific script that will cause the placeholder text problem?

    If you have not tried Chrome Dev installed in the tool or Chrome is not installed. Or it can be an IE specific, you can do it with plain JavaScript by patching the monkey with setter method with setAttribute ("placeholder", "") or

    You can removeAttribute ("placeholder") try punching the monkey instead of one.

    Here is an example:

    < Pre class = "snippet-code-js lang-js prettyprint-override"> // target node var target = document.query selector ('input'); // Setter method changes the object. Definproperty (target, 'placeholder', {set: function (new vele)} changes the // // log code, which changes throw (new error ()). Stack;}}); FunctionAdmin () {changeInput (); } Function changeInput () {target.placeholder = ""} setTimeout (updateDom, 100);
      and lieutenant; Input id = "input" type = "text" placeholder = "afu" & gt;     

    If it does not help cuz then it is a deep miniature jQuery hook that does not trace back to your code, only you select "cut And trace is for "


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