ipad - Create a submenu iOS -

I want to create a submenu which will first appear next to the menu and there will be more options in it First menu is hidden and only Then appears when a button is clicked on the navigation bar, I used to first with the github for the menu, but I do not see the other. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance for any help

Actually you have another SWRevealController Add as a front view Controller of Route SWRevealController

  UIViewController * secondRearVC = // Your second level menu controller UIViewController * secondVC = // Your second level front view controller SWRevealViewController * childRevealController = [[SWRevealViewController alloc] initWithRearViewController: secondRearVC frontViewController: secondVC] ; [Root Revel Controller SetfrontUntrunctor: Animated Child Recovery Controller: Yes];   

Get an example of what you're suggesting.

The other option is using the other side menu controller, if I'm not mistaken then whatever you want. Anyway you will end up using some UIViewController containers recursively, so it's just a matter of choice.


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