c - Struct array is printing garbage -

I am having a problem with printing my straight array, it is started like this:

struct matrix token [NBRTE] [12];

Then I try to print it with this code:

  printf ("% d", token [0] [0] .state ); (Int q = 0; q & lt; nbrState; q ++) for {for (int r = 0; r   

Why does it return anyway


And I'm not sure Why. I'm also using the array for loop using the array as well.

  while (fscanf (fp, "% d /% d% c", and index, and isolated, inc., And separator) == 3) = 0; I    

you said

started it Like

  structure matrix token [nbrtte] [12];    

But the above announcement is not not started nothing (unless your array is declared with a constant storage period). The garbage will initially include a local array declared in this fashion, apparently what you are printing.

If you want your array initialized , you have to start it yourself, for example, this announcement

  structure matrix token [ NBRTE] [12] = {0};   

Will start everything with zero, say nbrState is a constant.

If nbrState is not static, you will not be able to use = {...} initializer in the declaration. You must manually assign your array elements to the initial value manually in a circle or some other way.


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