php - nestedSortable on codeigniter -

I function functions with codeigniter for pages with "nestedSortable" .. When I click on submit button $ (document) .ready (function () {$ .post ('& lt; ? Php echo site_url ('Admin / Page / Order_Alex');; & gt; ', {}, Function (Data) {$ (' # Order Rational) '. Html (Data);}); $ (' # save Click '(function () (Osortable = $ (' sortable ') .Nested server (' toArray '); $ .post (' & lt ;? php echo site_url ('admin / pages / order_ajax') ;? Gt; ', {sortable: cs Ortable}, function (data) {$ ('# order rustle'). Html (data);});});});

  public function save_order ($ page) } {If (count ($ pages)} {foreach (  $ pages $ order = & gt; $ page} {dump ($ page); if ($ page ['item_id']! = '') {$ Data = array ('parent_id' => (int) $ page ['parent_id'], 'command' = & gt; $ command); $ this-> db-> Set ($ data) - & gt; Where ($ this-> _primary_key, $ page ['item_id']) - & gt; Update ($ this-> _table_name); Echo '& lt; Pre & gt; . $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Last_quire () '& lt; / Pre & gt; '; Save the order with a Ajax call if the isset ($ _ POST ['Sortable']) {$ this- & Gt; Page_m- & gt; Savings_order ($ _ POST ['sortable']); } // Get all pages $ -> data ['page'] = $ this- & gt; Page_im- & gt; Received_nested (); // See $ this-> Load-> View ('admin / page / command_adack', $ this-> data view); }   

I see this error

Another error:

   & gt; PHP_EOL;} return $ str;}   

? & Gt; so I do not show it on 10 and 11, which are unable to find the name and title

"Type error: the original ITM is Zero

pid = parentItem [2];"

< P> A type, wrong variable name should be really safe?


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