c++ - error: no matching function call for call to - compiles with VS2013 though -
I'm writing a code running on several pieces, I work with code when compiling with Visual Studio 2013 I was doing this, but now when I try to compile it for Android, I get the error mentioned in this title. The code that I am trying to compile is like this: The above methods are described in error. For example, I try to call the The error message indicates the last line in this method. How can I fix this problem? As I said, it compiles with VS 2013, but does not use the default NDK Toolchain for Android. EDIT: Forgot to paste the correct error message, here it is: You do not have to match your function Signature change required To pass the evaluations (temporarily from Apart from this, the price passing through the bus will not work anymore like this I recommend doing this in accordance with your other actions. Optionally use a value to call your function < / P> itemprop = "text">
#pragma once #include & lt; String & gt; Square StringUtils {public: static std :: string readFile (const std :: string and filename); Fixed std :: string & amp; TrimStart (Study :: String & amp;); Fixed std :: string & amp; TrimEnd (std: string & amp;); Fixed std :: string & amp; Trim (std :: string & amp;); };
trim () method like this:
std :: string TRData :: readValue (std :: ifstream And ifs) {Std :: string line; Std :: getline (ifs, line); Int colon = line.find_first_of (':'); Assert (colon! = Std :: string :: npos); Return StringUtils :: trim (line.substr (colon + 1)); }
Error: 'StringUtils :: trim (std :: basic_string & lt; char &
Fixed std :: string & amp; Trim (const std :: string & amp; amp;;); // ^^^^^
substr () , return to your function.
Fixed std :: string trim (const std :: string & amp; // ^
std :: string part = line.s Ubstr (colon + 1); return StringUtils :: trim (part);
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