android - Can I store image files in firebase using Java API -
Is there a way to store image files in firebase using the Java API? Try using this snippet: Bitmap BMP = BitmapFinder ACRR resources (getResources (), R.drawable.chicken); // Your Image BitReon OutputStream BETE = New Bytereanputstream (); Bmp.compress (bitmap.compress format.png, 100, bte); Bmp.recycle (); Byte [] Bitere = BETE.Tobietair (); String imagefile = base64.edecodeToString (byte, base64.default); and to retrieve Public Bitmap String Automation Map (string encoded string) {try {byte [] encoded = base 64 decode (encoded string , Base 64. Default); Bitmap bitmap = bitmapfactoryDisadAbayTitre (encodedbyte, 0, encodibeta.lamp); Return bitmap; } Hold (exception e) {e. Messages (); Return tap; }}