rstudio - Shiny application -- how to suppress function and rendering on launch? -
I have developed a shiny app with RStudio that takes input, searches for a look-up table, and Then returns a value. This is not searched until the user hits the submit button. However, upon launching, the app automatically gives and gives the first set of values set before the lookup table. After this initial search, does the app really work as expected? Is it possible to stop this initial search (or have a default value) and only search when the submit button is pressed? I can not present the reproducible code, but here is the structure of my input (server.R) and my user interface (ui.R) code:
# server.r Snippet output $ Word & lt; # Rendertext ({predictWord & lt; - Input $ gm predict.function (predictWord) # User-defined functions in global.r file}) # ui.R Snippet TabPanel ("Word Forecasting", SidebarPanel (Text Input ("Village" , "Enter three words"), Submit Button ("Forecasting"), MainPanel ("Word Forecasting"), TextOptput ("Prophecy Ward")))
one way action button must be replaced by submitButton B The component will be a if statement is a simple example for displaying a number, of which only a few have been modified. is required ( (Appendix "HeaderPanel", "ActionButton Test"), SidebarPanel (numericInput ("N", "N:", min = 0, max = 100, value = 50), br () , ActionButton ("goButton", "go!"), P ("Main Panel (.)), MainPanel (Verbatum Text Output (" Antiquity "), Server = Function (Input, Output K) {output $ nText & lt; - Depend on the render text (input) $ goButton if (input $ goButton> = 1) {# input $ n different (input $ n)}}}}}))) < Use divestment to avoid dependency on / div>
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