rstudio - Shiny application -- how to suppress function and rendering on launch? -

I have developed a shiny app with RStudio that takes input, searches for a look-up table, and Then returns a value. This is not searched until the user hits the submit button. However, upon launching, the app automatically gives and gives the first set of values ​​set before the lookup table. After this initial search, does the app really work as expected? Is it possible to stop this initial search (or have a default value) and only search when the submit button is pressed? I can not present the reproducible code, but here is the structure of my input (server.R) and my user interface (ui.R) code:

  # server.r Snippet output $ Word & lt; # Rendertext ({predictWord & lt; - Input $ gm predict.function (predictWord) # User-defined functions in global.r file}) # ui.R Snippet TabPanel ("Word Forecasting", SidebarPanel (Text Input ("Village" , "Enter three words"), Submit Button ("Forecasting"), MainPanel ("Word Forecasting"), TextOptput ("Prophecy Ward")))    

one way action button must be replaced by submitButton B The component will be a if statement is a simple example for displaying a number, of which only a few have been modified.

  is required ( (Appendix "HeaderPanel", "ActionButton Test"), SidebarPanel (numericInput ("N", "N:", min = 0, max = 100, value = 50), br () , ActionButton ("goButton", "go!"), P ("Main Panel (.)), MainPanel (Verbatum Text Output (" Antiquity "), Server = Function (Input, Output K) {output $ nText & lt; - Depend on the render text (input) $ goButton if (input $ goButton> = 1) {# input $ n different (input $ n)}}}}})))   < Use divestment to avoid dependency on / div> 


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