database - Simple Relational Algebra Query -
I have created two relations with respectable characteristics, team (TeamName, TeamID) and player (Team ID, PlayerName, PlayerHight)
I am trying to find names of all the team in which all the players (that team) have a height of more than 6 feet.
My impression is that TeamName and TeamID are related, so teamsaid X can have TeamId1 and Player name A, B, C players can be 6,7,8 players and TeamID1. Here are examples!
In my understanding, what should I do? Make a connection with players: Project playerHight, TeamID (player) 2. Calculate in some way that separate Team IDs for "each" ; 6 Returns TeamId 3 I can not understand the last part, and I know that the first two are wrong.
Please help, I am very confused and if I explain to you then I will learn it correctly by grouping the team and not only those players who do not have any players & lt; = Height 6
Select t.teamname from team by t.teamid group p.teamid = T.teamid being a t.teamname to be a player in the group (case when p.playerheight
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