eclipse - Android - Google Play Services - Lib Dependencies -

I have gone through all the solutions outlined in StackHowarflow.

Android ADT & amp; SDK-Tools Version: 23.0.4 Google Play Services: Version 20

  1. 'Google-play-services-lib' library project is imported into the workspace and adds the main project to the Library Project. / Li>

    Enter image details here

    1. In the 'Google-play-services-lib' library project, google-play-services.jars

      is in the 'libs' folder and it It reflects Android-personal dependencies.

      Image Details Here </ P> <p> </ p> <p> <ol start =

    2. In the main project, the 'Google-play-services-lib' libraries project as a Library Project

      Right Click Properties - & gt; Click on Android - & gt; Addition - & gt; Library Project added.

      < P> Note: All clean and eclipse resumes are tried.

      What is wrong with anybody's dependency Google Drive classes are not found and getting the following errors

        10-11 02:. 51: 14.640: w / dalvikvm (22107): VFY: Unable to resolve Interface method 6146: Lcom / Google / android / gms / drive / drivefolder; .getDriveId () LOOM / google / android / gms / drive / driveId; D / dolvikvm (22107): VFY: 51 :: 14.645: On 0x000f 10-11 02 instead of opcode 0x72 D / AndroidRuntime (22107): VM 10-11 Shutdown is happening 02: 51: 14.645: W / dalvikvm (22107): threadid = 1: 51 :: 14.650: E / AndroidRuntime (22107): Severe Exception: Main 10-11 02: 51: Thread Exception (Group = 0x415262a0) 10- Exits with 11 02 14.650: E / AndroidRuntime (22107): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 10-11 02: 51: 14.650: E / AndroidRuntime (22107): com. Ss.watsappcomedypic.MainActivity OnCreate (MainActivity.java3)   

      console error:

        Dx bad class file magic (cafebabe) or version (0,033.0000). Com / google / android / gms / common / internal / safeparcel / a.class    

      itemprop = "text">

      Google services version 20 needs to play JDK1.7 or later

        Eclipse -. Preferences - Java - compiler - compiler compliance level - Changes in 1.6 to 1.7    


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