objective c - Xcode Instruments shows my main.m file is using 80% of running time -
I started using the Instruments in Xcode, I tried it with tutorials and it is really great to me this problem. Comes with my main.m file and i can not solve it I run the Time Profiler and it shows that my main.m file is using 82% of the running time? When I'm going there I'll click to check that this statement has been marked as color red and 100%:
return UIApplicationMain (argc, argv, zero, NSStringFromClass ( [UvodAppDelegate class])); I will post a picture, but I do not have enough reputation.
Anyone have any ideas?
Looking at the pictures provided by you, it is normal to use high CPU in the main line.
This line begins the application object singleton and the main event loop.
If you implement in your application for example, then it calculates intensive work, it will appear in profile data.
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