
Showing posts from March, 2013

c - Is it possible to use memory barriers only on the storing side -

First of all, some references: I am working with the pre-C11, inline-ASM-based nuclear model, But I am happy to ignore the C aspect (and any compiler blocking issues that I can deal with separately) and only consider it as an asm / cpu-architecture question. Suppose I have a code that looks like: different store barrier store flag blocks I flag from another CPU core and concluded that different stores were already made and visible, it is possible to do this without any kind of memory barrier instructions loading side ? Obviously this is possible at least on some CPU architectures, for example x86 where there is no need for a clear memory hurdle either on the core or on the core. But what about general? Is it widely widespread by the CPU arc, is it possible? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If there is a CPU load again there will be a load constraint for your code to work correctly, there are lots of architectures Who do such reinvention; See ...

sql - select resultset of two tables without merging result -

मेरे पास एक सवाल है यदि यह संभव है। तालिका एक तालिका बी --- ---- -------- test1 test4 test2 test5 test3 परिणाम ------------------ test1 test4 test2 test5 test3 एक अस्थायी तालिका की तरह लेकिन दो तालिकाओं से। जब आप इस कॉलम को सामान्य चयन बयान की तरह चुनते हैं तो वे परिणाम के संयोजन कर रहे हैं। लेकिन मैं क्या चाहता हूं कि एक-दूसरे के बारे में भी पता न हो, सिर्फ कॉलम में एक तरफ प्रदर्शन हो। क्या मैं तार्किक रूप से चाहता हूँ चयन करें (तालिका से स्तंभ का चयन करें, तालिका खण्ड से चुनें स्तंभ) दोहरी से अग्रिम धन्यवाद यह मानना ​​संभव है, कि क्रम में निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए प्रत्येक तालिका में आपके पास id है एसक्यूएल टेबल अनारडेड सेट्स को प्रदर्शित करता है। यहां एक विधि है, जिसमें ओरेकल सहित अधिकांश डेटाबेस में काम करना चाहिए: कोला के रूप में t1.col1 चुनें, कोला के रूप में t2.col1 (टी 1 पर चयन करें t1। *, Row_number () से (संख्या के अनुसार) तालिका 1 t1 से seqnum के रूप में) t1 पूर्ण बाहरी कनेक्ट (टी 2 पर चयन करें।), Row_number () से (टेबल के अनुसार seqnum के रूप में) तालि...

php - sql query to select count of only max value from table -

partyname राज्य निर्वाचन क्षेत्र candidatename जिले वोट भाजपा महाराष्ट्र नागपुर-पूर्व नितिन गडकरी नागपुर 1200 एएपी महाराष्ट्र नागपुर-पूर्व अरविंद केजरीवाल नागपुर 750 भाजपा महाराष्ट्र नागपुर-पश्चिम विक्की नागपुर 4800 एएपी महाराष्ट्र नागपुर-पश्चिम लकी नागपुर 3500 भाजपा महाराष्ट्र नागपुर उत्तर राकेश नागपुर 100 एएपी महाराष्ट्र नागपुर उत्तर रावण नागपुर 1500 नीचे मेरी उम्मीद उत्पादन के लिए है तालिका के ऊपर क्वेरी पार्टीनाम और निर्वाचन क्षेत्र द्वारा वोट समूह से केवल अधिकतम मूल्य चुनें और आउटपुट के नीचे प्रदर्शित करें। partyname गणना भाजपा 2 एएपी 1 bcoz नागपुर -east और नागपुर पश्चिम से भाजपा की ओर जाता है तो यह प्रदर्शित की संख्या 2 और आप तो नागपुर से ले जाता है - उत्तर तो यह केवल 1 संख्या प्रदर्शित plz सुझाव देते हैं। मुझे प्रश्न ...... आप इस तरह से कोशिश कर सकते हैं: सेलेक्शन समूह द्वारा तालिका समूह से अधिकतम (वोट) चुनें Sql बेलाल:

Node.js Express + Passport + Cookie Sessions n > 1 servers -

पासपोर्ट डॉक्स से: एक विशिष्ट वेब अनुप्रयोग में, प्रमाणीकरण के लिए प्रयुक्त क्रेडेंशियल्स एक उपयोगकर्ता केवल लॉगिन अनुरोध के दौरान प्रेषित किया जाएगा। यदि प्रमाणीकरण सफल होता है, तो उपयोगकर्ता के ब्राउज़र में एक कुकी सेट के माध्यम से एक सत्र की स्थापना और रखी जाएगी। प्रत्येक अनुरोध के बाद क्रेडेंशियल नहीं होंगे, बल्कि सत्र की पहचान करने वाली अनूठी कुकी लॉगिन सत्रों का समर्थन करने के लिए, पासपोर्ट सत्र के लिए और उपयोगकर्ता के संस्करणों को सीरियलाइज़ करेगा और deserialize करेगा। इसलिए, यह प्रमाणन क्लाइंट के ब्राउज़र में बनाए रखा जा रहा है, मुझे स्केल करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए वेब सर्वर & gt; 1 (प्रत्येक सर्वर एक ही डेटाबेस का उपयोग करता है) और पासपोर्ट को उपयोगकर्ता को कुकी में संग्रहीत किसी आईडी से डिसेरीलाइज़ करना है, भले ही सर्वर ने पहले उपयोगकर्ता को देखा हो। अगर सर्वर है पहले उपयोगकर्ता को देखा लेकिन कोई कुकी मौजूद नहीं है, तो मैं उम्मीद करता हूं कि पासपोर्ट प्रमाणीकरण विफल करने के लिए ... लेकिन मैं यहां तक ​​कि n & gt; 1 सर्वर 1 सर्वर प्रक्रिया के साथ, पासपो...

android - Calling DialogFragment in Activity -

How can I call DialogFragment in my activity . Calling it in your fragment activity ? Here is my sample code on my Fragment Activity : Private Zero ShowAlertDialog (full title, int message) {AlertDialogFragment alert = AlertDialogFragment CreateInstance (getActivity) GetString (title), getActivity (). Getstring (message); (getChildFragmentManager (), "Alert"); } (???, "alert"); getFragmentManager () HTML>

error in displaying a 3-D Plot in matlab -

मैं निम्नलिखित फ़ंक्शन matlab में आकर्षित करना चाहता था: f (x, y) = sqrt (1 -x ^ 2-4y ^ 2), (अगर (x ^ 2 + 4 * y ^ 2) & lt; = 1) = 0, अन्यथा मैंने मैटलैब में निम्नलिखित कोड लिखा था: x = 0: 0.1: 10; y = 0: 0.1: 10; । Z = x ^ 2 + 4 * y ^ 2। यदि (z & lt; = 1) सर्फ (एक्स, वाई, जेड); अन्य सर्फ (एक्स, वाई, 0); लेकिन निम्न त्रुटि प्रदर्शित होती है: सतह: पंक्तियां (जेड) लम्बाई (वाई) और कॉलम (जेड) के समान ही होनी चाहिए लंबाई (एक्स) मैं इस त्रुटि से कैसे बचूंगा ... मैं लगता है कि आपको वाकई जांच करनी चाहिए कि आप क्या कर रहे हैं ... लाइन द्वारा लाइन x = 0: 0.1: 10; % परिभाषित एक्स-सरणी 1x101 y = 0: 0.1: 10; % परिभाषित y- सरणी 1x101 z = x ^ 2 + 4 * y ^ 2; हालांकि, z के लिए इनपुट के रूप में सर्फ को एक मैट्रिक्स की जरूरत है, इसलिए सिंटैक्स जैसा कि आप इसे यहां उपयोग करते हैं गलत। इसके बजाय, एक एक्स-ग्रिड और वाई-ग्रिड बनाएं: [xx, yy] = मेशग्रीड (x, y); % दोनों हो 101x101 मैट्रिक्स zCheck = xx। ^ 2 + 4 * yy। ^ 2; % 101x101 zz = sqrt (1-xx। ^ 2-4 * y। ^ 2) ...

oracle sqldeveloper - SQL Developer eats up my profile space -

How can I change the location of this directory created by SQL Developers: : \ Users \ XXXX \ AppData \ roaming \ SQL developer \ system4. that I have a very limited space on my roaming profile and reborn every time SQL developer files is. Is there no way that I can change the place? OK, I've found it. You need to define an environment variable JDEV_USER_HOME and set it to "c: \ SOME_DIR" .

How to set MaxSelectedItems property of kendo Multiselect dynamically in Javascript -

pure mvc and I want to dynamically set the MaxSolidated Items property of Kando multischeck based on some coding using Javascript . See code erosion below Thanks in advance. @html Kendo (). Multi service (model = & gt; model .name) My Javascript if (condition) {$ (# name) .MaxSelectedItems (1); } JS is not working trying Is: if (condition) {var ms = $ ("# multiselect"). Data ("cando multi select"); Ms.options.maxSelectedValue = 6; } Example: $ ("# required"). Kendo Multi Select ({maxSelectedItems: 4}). Data ("kendoMultiSelect"); $ ("#Change6"). ("Click", function () {var sel = $ ("# required"). Data ("cando multi select"); sel.options.maxSelectedItems = 6;}); $ ("#change4"). ("Click", function () {var sel = $ ("# required"). Data ("cando multi select"); sel.options.maxSelectedItems = 4;}); & lt; Link href = "http://cdn....

batch file - Automatically Find and Set Recommended Resolution in Windows -

There is a recommended screen resolution for each PC. Is there a way to automatically set screen resolution to use a command prompt? Specific resolutions near monitors. If there is a scaling of another size, there is no command line feature to change the resolution.

php - Create 2 cookies in the joomla 1.5 user login -

I have a problem with a Joomla 1.5.26 site that allows this site to handle users and services. Communicates with DB In order to communicate I have to make 3 cookies, one can see in the general url using Chrome's EditThisCookie in the public domain of that site. I created smthng like // cookie set cookie ('cookie_on', 'value_off_cocai_on', '0', '/', '', using a line of code in code.php like this. '); Now my problem is that I want to be at the front end when a registered user logs in to create 2 cookies after logging in, then a user name and another session Session_id Then on the function at login /plugins/user/joomla.php I have added the following code but I get an empty page after user logging and certainly not seeing any cookies Chrome's EditThisCookie Using. LoginUser at the function on my code is such, but I did not know my mistake ... any help would actually be appreciated by the people ... function onLo...

Getting paginated user likes using Facebook SDK on Android -

I am trying to retrieve the user's choice of user by using graph ap for Android. This is my code: bundle parameters = new bundle (); Params.putString ("id", graphUser.getId ()); // getId () returns the current User ID parameter. Input string ("field", "likes.limit (100)"); Request Request = New Request (Session, "Me", Consulting, HTTP Method, Callback); // Callback response call callback function is RequestAsyncTask function = New RequestAsyncTask (request); Task.execute (); Whatever range I've added to the number of likes (1000,10000, etc.), the Graph API returns a maximum of 100 likes in a response with "Next" element within the response Which is the URL to retrieve the next group of 100 likes. The "next" url is of type: where 1206543003 is some random user id now, this is where I got stuck. I do not know what to do with the next "URL" and how to get to the next set (and finally all the user...

c# - Selenium webdriver. Reading an earlier line -

Using Selenium WebDriver is trying to automate some tests for our projects and C # and I have the following status I came in: When I try to test the main menu, something flows like this: Click on the first menu item (located at the top of the page) Wait for the last element in the page to load so that I Make sure the content is completely full (sometimes it takes 15-20 seconds for full page load) Specify the title text in a single device under the main text Click on the next menu item and continue with the same type of flow Now my problem is that after the page is loaded and the title of the test title (3) I get an accident, I think this is happening. Onki C # only read once material and can not return to the last element once read it. So my solution that I thought would take me out first to define body tags in a variable and then it says for emphasis and loud navigation: var body = driver .FindElement (By.TagName ("tan")); . Driver.FindElement (By.XPath (...

Assign Javascript popup HTML link to PHP variable -

I am trying to specify the following in PHP variables: [ Lt; A href = '' 'javascript: pop_booking_item_add ({ID})' '' & gt; add new item & lt; / a & gt;] I have tried to do this : $ add_button = "[& lt; A href = '' 'javascript: pop_booking_item_add ({id})' '' & gt; Add new item & lt; / A & gt;] "; But I'm getting an error message: Error: syntax error, unexpected" Javascript: pop_booking_tam_A "(TokenNantNACAACEDI_TRTI) / P> I think I need to avoid quotes, but I'm not sure how? This should work: $ add_button = "[& lt; A href = 'javascript: pop_booking_item_add ({id})' & gt; Add new item & lt; / A & gt;] "; or $ add_button =" [& lt; A href = \ "javascript: pop_booking_item_add ({id}) \" & gt; Add new item & lt; / A & gt;] ";

Vim: Insert or Append with indendation -

When I'm adding a line through O or o I am surrounded according to indentation. Is there a way to do this when using A or I ? class DF method ??? | The cursor starts at the end of the first column end ... * clickety click * ... class DF method ??? | The cursor ends in the end correctly O and o come out of the box but then I have to start. or cc / code>

c# - pager style in skin gridview in -

Hello, I'm trying to create a skin for gridview, which contains CSS files Everything Works fine but pager number on hover can not change the color of the font. I Skin Code: & lt; Asp: GridView runat = "server" width = "95%" auto generated column = "false" skin id = "grid" cellpadding = "4" ForeColor = "# 333333" horizontal alliance = "center" font-size = " 10 "font-name =" aerial "borderwidth =" 2px "AllowPaging =" true "PageSize =" 5 "allow =" true "& gt; & Lt; Header Style Font-Bold = "True" Foreclosure = "# FAF 6A" Height = "30px" CSS-Class = "GVHDHD" /> & Lt; FooterStyle font-bold = "True" ForeColor = "# faf6e0" height = "30px" CssClass = "gv_ft" /> & Lt; RowStyle BackColor = "# faf6e0" CssClass = "gv_row" height = ...

c++ - delete[] pointer being freed was not allocated -

I am using a new operator to create a dynamic allocated array (I'm using this one because I I want to save on memory above the use of a vector) in the error disaster, saying that the indicator was released, although it was clearly. Constructors and destructors are as follows: ~ path () {printf ("path destroyer \ n"); If (points) number {delete}; }} Path (const std :: vector & gt; pathpoint & gt; and digits_) {size = points_.size (); Number = new pathpoint [size]; Int i = 0; (Conf. Pathpoints and P: Points_) {points [i ++] = p; } Printf ("path created \ n"); } You have to apply: C ++ standard It says that: The implicit-fixed copy constructor for a non-union class X copies a member of its subobabs [n 3126 pdf volume 12.8 § 16] Assignment-Contributed Copy Assignment Operator for a non-union class X assigns the copy of its sub-members to the member's rank. [N3126.pdf Section 12.8 § 30] Then the inherent-defined copy creator and cop...

php - Error in using mail function? -

यहाँ $ msg और $ विषय वेरिएबल से मूल्य प्राप्त कर रहे हैं फार्म। जब सबमिट बटन क्लिक किया जाता है, मेल () फ़ंक्शन को कॉल किया जाता है। लेकिन एक चेतावनी दिखाई देती है: चेतावनी: मेल (): "25" पर मेलसेवर से कनेक्ट करने में विफल, अपने "एसएमटीपी" और "smtp_port" सेटिंग को php.ini में सत्यापित करें या डी: \ wamp \ www \ abhishek \ wp-content \ themes \ में ini_set () का उपयोग करें। अभिषेक \ career.php पंक्ति 18 पर। यह मेरा कोड है: $ msg = $ _ POST ['msg']; $ विषय = $ _ पोस्ट [ 'विषय']; मेल (' ', $ विषय, $ msg); आपको अपने मशीन पर स्थानीय रूप से मेल सर्वर सेटअप करने की आवश्यकता होगी। मेल फ़ंक्शन की जरूरत है मेल भेजने के लिए एसएमटीपी सर्वर। तो आपको php.ini फ़ाइल पर एसएमटीपी पोर्ट और एसएमटीपी होस्ट का उल्लेख करना होगा। । कृपया एक समान प्रश्न पर एक नज़र डालें

instance - Panda3D's setInstanceCount(n) with Python -

I have been looking for answers for about 2 days and I could not find anything. I am creating a game with Panda 3D engine and Python, and I want to see the floor as a tile, so I was loading the 'grass' model as often as I needed it. When I play the game, however, it really feels really slow. I found the article that explained how setInstanceCount (n) worked, but I did not get an example to use it Tried to change instanceTo () with setInstanceCount (n) to other programs, but how to identify those models, which were copied. It seems that it is working. dancer = actor Loop ("kick") dancer for the author ("chorus-line-dancer .egg", {"kick": ""}} dancer range (50) .custom (0,0,0): Placeholder = Render. Etatnin Node ("Dancer-Placeholder") Placeholder .SetPos (i * 5, 0, 0) Dancer. SetInstanceCount (5) #Orralional: Dancer.Spotholder How do I get it? Apart from this, how can I direct the statistics of each model...

node.js - Return url doesn't work with PayPal and NodeJS -

After my return URL paypi-rest-sdk and is not working with NodeJS. The page after payment: should have more pages: var payment = {"intent ":" Sale "," payer ": {" PAYMENT_METHOD ":" paypal "}," redirect_urls ": {" return_url ": paypalConfigs.returnUrl," cancel_url ": paypalConfigs.cancelUrl +}," Lane PayPal.payment.create (payment, function (error, error): [{"total": total, "currency": "EUR"}, "description": "command print print" Payment) {if (error) {console.log (error);} else {if (payment.payer.payment_method === "paypal ') {request.session.paymentId =; to redirectUrl; I = 0; I & lt; payment.links.length; i ++) {var link = payment.links [i], a Ghar (link.method === "redirect ') {RedirectUrl = link.href;}} response.redirect (redirectUrl);}}}); Try making a payment using an

Sinatra: route doesn't route when deployed to Heroku -

In my app.rb: route '/' Okay, I can see all the categories on the page (so my app has all the necessary information in the TechBomagCategory table). get '/' do_categories = Category.all erb: categories end and then category all. Each do | Category | Get '/' + Category.title do erb: End of end products do not make the necessary route. When I go to any '/' + category.title page, then 404 pages arrive. Note that everything works as expected on my local machine, all pages are presented perfectly properly. What went wrong, how should I fix it? this simple hrooku restart Helps I think the route was unusable because this my categories table was not yet ranked.

html - change shape of font icon using css -

I downloaded the font icon from Change the font For -core colors we can use CSS like this: .flaticon-baby23: first {content: "\ e000"; Red color; } We use this to resize: .flaticon-baby23: {content: "\ e000 " before; Font-size: 15px; } Any way to change the size of the font-icon in the image is These are different sizes How can I resize the icon ??? My style The way the icons "shape" are changing, they should be applied to the border radius, background, and drop-shadow Are there. The icon itself (tweeter bird) is not changing. Depending on what you are trying to do, you may be able to do this. If you are trying to get the edges of the phone font icon to be rounded, which is not possible until you find any that is already there, its Instead, you're trying to create a background for your icon, which is similar to the one you've shown to the Twitter icon, styling the font icon with border-radius, ...

javascript - Initializing object with asynchonous request -

यह मेरी ऑब्जेक्ट परिभाषा है: फ़ंक्शन ड्रिल्ड लेयर (sourceLayerName, sourceTableName, targetLayerName, targetFieldName , ऑपरेटर्स, बेसलेयर = फॉल्स) {this.sourceLayerName = sourceLayerName; This.sourceTableName = sourceTableName; This.targetLayerName = targetLayerName; This.targetFieldName = targetFieldName; This.operators = ऑपरेटरों; This.baseLayer = बेसलेयर; this.targetLayerId; this.drilledLayerId; this.selectedCode; This.redraw = false; this.getTargetLayerId (); // इस फ़ंक्शन को इस प्रारंभिकता को प्रारंभ करना चाहिए। लक्षित लिअरआईडी} डॉरल लेयर। प्रोटोटाइप .getTargetLayerId = फ़ंक्शन () {$ .soap ({url: 'https: //url/version_4.8/services/MapService', विधि: 'getLayersIdByName', appendMethodToURL : गलत, डेटा: {mapInstanceKey: mapKey, layerName: this.targetLayerName,} त्रुटि: कार्य () {चेतावनी ("त्रुटि getLayersIdByName");}, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (सोप रीस्पॉन्स) {layerId = soapResponse.toJSON ()। .getLayersIdByNameResponse.getLayersIdByNameReturn.getLayersIdByNameR...

Why is NLP and Machine Learning community interested in deep learning? -

Why is there so much interest in NLP and ML community for deeper education? Why do they need to approach to learn complex non-linear relationships? I have an idea of ​​the most beneficial things about depth, the ability to learn in an exceptional way Can learn high level features.

python - PySide Dialog return values on accept -

I am creating a dialog that returns a dictionary to a function, though the need to validate the input before being processed is. I am using the following code to run the dialog and return the dictionary: if transadd.exec_ (): known = trans.widig.get_views () A dialog that communicates with a dialog and a widget with a transition. . Unknown: self Unknown [key] = self.unknown_trans [key] [1]. Current text () returns self I have an authentication method that is activated when the user clicks on 'OK': def is valid (auto, Dialog): count = 1 incorrect = wrong for the key in itself. Unknown: if self Unknown_tr key [1]. Current text () == "Please select ..." and \ self.gridLayout.itemAtPosition (counting, 3)! = 0: self.gridLayout.addWidget (QtGui.QLabel ("missing answer", dialog), count, 3, 1, 1) incorrect = true self.sizePolicy = Q TGui.QSizePolicy (QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy .Expanding) Count = = 1 If not Errored...

javascript - Submit multiple form values with AngularFire -

I try to understand how angular frames work. I am trying to save a first name and last name in my Firefox database. I successfully created a "first name" input and saved it in firebase. Now I try to add one last name input, but I can not understand how it works. Even what I do now: HTML & lt; Section ng-controller = "premiercontrolleur" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li ng-repeat = "customer in customer" & gt; & Lt; Input ng-model = "client.prenom" ng-change = "client. $ Save (client)" /> & Lt; Input NG-model = "client.nom" ng-change = "client. $ Save (client)" /> & Lt; Button ng-click = "client. $ Extract (client)" & gt; X & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Form ng-submit = "addClient (newClientText)" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" placeholder = "prima" ng-model ... mvc 4 - Can Orchard 1.8.x be installed on a build server that does not have Visual Studio Installed? -

I also asked this question at Concern Ford, but there is no happiness yet. So here it is again ... Please read for some more details. If a developer with .NET 4/4 SDK came with a command prompt (like previous SDK) I would not be asking this question. But since the orchard has been built .net 4.5 I am creating errors using the old SDK. It seems that my only choice is to establish Visual Studio Express on Build Server I am doing that when we speak at this point, the question is only academic, but I am still curious. Edit is still not a pleasure. Even after installing VS 2013 Express Web, vcvarsall.bat which usually configures build environment still does not exist. So this is no longer a question of curiosity Express Edition also can not make my construction environment help. Seth Here's my answer ... copy and paste from the forum has gone . This is a late reply. The bottom line is that I finally got build build server to build garden projects. I'm not su...

ios - Cannot upload video to iTunesConnect: The frame rate of your app video preview is too high -

I have created an App Store preview video using the quicktime player on OS X Yosemite. When i try to upload the video iTunes Connect, I get an error message: The frame rate of your app video preview is very high. I can not find any options QuickTime Player to change the frame rate. Does anyone Do you know what to do with it? The video can be easily converted using ffmpeg usable tools. ffmpeg -r 30 -i 60fpsvideo.m4v -vodec copy -acodec copy 30fpsvideo.avi

ios - Crash set variable extension Swift -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब मुझे एक दुर्घटना हुई जब मैं एक्सटेंशन के अंदर एक चर सेट करने का प्रयास करें: एक्सटेंशन स्ट्रिंग {var index: int {get {return self.index} सेट {self.index = newValue}}} var o: स्ट्रिंग = " Tre "o.index = 87 / / यहाँ दुर्घटना println (o.index) // यहाँ भी मैंने बिना किसी सफलता के सब कुछ कोशिश की है। आपकी सहायता के लिए अग्रिम धन्यवाद। आप एक्सटेंशन का उपयोग करके एक प्रकार के नए संग्रहीत चर जोड़ नहीं सकते हैं।

html - I Can't Get This Responsive Background Picture To Scroll With The Page -

I'm trying to set up my web page, so there is a big responsive picture on top of that page Instead of continuing to remain stable is an accurate example of what I am trying to do: Here's my attempt to try to recreate it here Please help! & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Html {Background: URL fixed ( Any repeat center center; -WebKit-Background-Size: Cover; -MOZ-BACKGROUND-SHAPE: COVER; -o-background-shape: cover; Background size: cover; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 class = "title" & gt; How to scroll the image with the page, while keeping the photo responsive? & Lt; / H1> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; Br> & Lt; H1 class = "title" & gt; How to scroll the image with the page, while keeping the photo responsive? & Lt; / H1> ...

Android Intent Share using external image url -

I can not help seeing that all instances of sharing images with intent whenever locally stored files I try to use external URL, Facebook, Twitter etc. I call a toast, "One or more media items can not be added." Do I need to store the copy of the image locally? If so, how do I do this? thanks for the user2245247 correct answer for sharing pictures from remote URLs. Use external library // Get access to image view image view ivImage = (ImageView) findViewById (; // Picasso.with (context) to load fire assent request image .load (imageUrl) .into (ivImage); After successfully loading the image into an image view, trigger the method for the purpose of sharing. // can be triggered by a visual event such as the public zeros press on Share Button (See V) {// View Bitmap Image from View Image Image iv Image = ( ImageView) GetViewById (RIID // Bitmap URI get access to URI for bmpUri = getLocalBitmapUri (ivImage); if (BMPRI! = Null) {// Build a ShareInt...

node.js - Express.js Won't Render in Post Action -

node.JS is a little new, so I can find things on the internet. I have already solved this. This was because I was using the $ .jax from the client side. But when I try it in my code below, it never renders the initial page / contact was made, and when I call / contact / sendmail, all the functions inside / contact / sendmail are working but render not with. There was no error in it, nothing was done. var contact = requirement ('../contactor / contact'); Module.exports = Function (app) {app.get ('/ contact', function (rick, ridge) {res.render ('contact');}); ('/ contact / sendEmail', function (Rick, Race, Next) {var form = req.body; Contact.validators.form (form, function (error) {if (err) {return res.render ( 'User / register'); // it never works! / * Returns res.render ('contact', {error: err,}); * /} else {Contact.sendEmail (request, res, next );}});}); }; Called by this function $ ('contact'). Submit (fu...

javascript - ShareThis Button to Open in Popup -

I am using Sharethis button to share social media. The problem is that when you click on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or other buttons, it opens in a new tab. I want to open it in the popup window. It is possible to do this here I am using the code This head is in the section . & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; On switchTo5x = true; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; StLight.options ({Publisher: "ur-3a946ea7-4e9c-2bf6-f820-37c233b1bc9c", doNotHash: false, doNotCopy: false, hashAddressBar: false}); & Lt; / Script & gt; and goes to the body of this page . & Lt; Span class = 'st_sharethis_large' DisplayText = 'ShareThis' & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'st_facebook_large...

.net - Must I create explicit DbSet properties on my DbContext? -

I am using unit framework 6 code with an empty database. I have created a fairly large number of POCO classes with a complex class hierarchy (a proper number of tables and quite a solid square). I want to be able to decorate my classrooms in some way so that they can be automatically added to DBCTintact without having to create a DbSet property for each, but I worry that when I try to update -Database I have seen some threads here, where someone was asking a similar question, but to get the reference of an existing set, the response to using DBCOntax.Set () was more efficient. If you are trusting code-first migration, then yes, EF your DbContext uses reflections to discover what tables to create in each table in your database, each DbSet property map.

python 2.7 - Specify --basetemp while keeping the per-session folder behavior -

पायटेस्ट का उपयोग करना, क्या कोई आधार फ़ोल्डर निर्दिष्ट करते समय स्वत: फोल्डर व्यवहार को रखने का एक तरीका है? मैं pytest फ़ोल्डरों को% TEMP% से एक विशिष्ट रूट में स्थानांतरित करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन जब -basetemp तर्क का उपयोग करते हुए, pytest एक सत्र प्रति एक फ़ोल्डर नहीं बनाता जैसे कि पहले। बिना - basetemp: % TEMP% \ pytest -90 \ test1 () \ test2 () \ test3 ()% TEMP% \ pytest -91 \ test1 () \ test2 () \ test3 () % TEMP% \ pytest-92 \ test1 () \ test2 () \ test3 () --basetemp के साथ = D: \ टेस्ट डी : \ Test \ test1 () \ test2 () \ test3 () यह मैं प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: डी: \ टेस्ट \ pytest -90 \ test1 () \ test2 () \ test3 () डी: \ टेस्ट \ pytest -91 \ test1 () \ test2 () \ test3 () डी: \ टेस्ट \ pytest-92 \ test1 () \ test2 () \ Test3 () काम करने वाले काम: मैं अजगर फ़ाइल से py.test को लॉन्च करने पर फ़ोल्डर्स बना सकता हूं और सेट कर रहा हूं Basetemp। tmpdir खींचता है कि अपने स्वयं के स्थिरता को लागू, अपना Temp पथ परिवेश चर लेकिन मैं एक अंतर्नि...

handlebars.js - Templating engine for node.js -

I am using node JS for my website project, now I do not know for the template which is a better handbars Or embedded ezines is any thanks for any help It may be largely dependent, learning systems Depending on your timeframe, on what type of structure you are using more, if you have first template C system is used otherwise it may depend on the language of your proficiency. For example, if you have done a lot of work in PHP, then you will find it easy to choose EJS because the structure is very similar. For example in EJs: & lt;% // Write code here% & gt; Or to print a variable: & lt;% = variable% & gt; It is similar to PHP: However, if you have used the first templateing system like dies, you will find it easier to handle handlers because it is quite similar. However, the ease of learning should not be your only concern. If you have time to learn a new templateing system, then you can reflect the advice given in the answer form, and find ...

In Crystal Reports I am looking to have a header footer then header footer with linked info but different Sums -

So I know that it is not possible to Header 1 Description footer 1 headers 2 detail footer 2 but I'm trying to create a form that displays Invoiss invoice #, date, status, membership, Balance due info total debit credit on terms, total, balance information credits Total: Balance: the debit balance - credit I in order to receive an invoice Was able to, but I can not understand that credit is shown how the debit total. Edit ----------------------------------------- - ------------------------------ Support also with the requirement below: I null [ar saled qty] Should be the value to capture any ideas? Now I'm having trouble getting it on the same page ... Print on one page in 1 print and Page 2. 2. The amount of record is different but the first record In the first sub-station there are 3 lines and the second subreport is 1. Your requirement is definitely possible .... Single Main Use two sub reports in the report where you can get the desired ...

scala - Secured trait causing spec2 unit test compilation errors -

I have implemented authorization for my Play Framework (version 2.3.5) application: Properties Secure (Deaf Username (Request: Request Header) = request.session.get (Security Username) Unofficial (Request: Request Header) = DF on Def.Redirect (routes.login.index) Def withAuth (f: = & Gt; String = & gt; Request [AnyContent] = & gt; Results) = {Security.Authenticated (username, on unauthorized) {user => However, when I decorate my controller functions with the withAuth function, this works like this: (f (request = & gt; f (user) (request))}}} CSV ") .Winders (CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> (" attachment; file name = export CSV "), CONTENT_LENGTH -> csv.length.toString)} Compilation errors in 2 unit tests They are: {val controller = "export data in the form of CSV" in new controllers Datacentor val output = Controller ("attachment; File name = export.csv ")}} Apply (FakeRequest ()) should be the header (the result) Pair...

checkbox - coldfusion check mark all boxes in list -

I have a form with a dynamic table. When it is calculated for some calculation then I need the checkboxes that were checked origninally to check again. I will bring back a list of sq_claim_ids that has delimited # # form.number with a comma, I can locate the syntax to make the cold load through the list and mark each mark which is in the price list. I know that I should use the CFIF tag but I do not know what is the correct syntax for the rest of the need. & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD ALIGN = "CENTER" & gt; #Inventory_Database # & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD ALIGN = "CENTER" & gt; # Seq_claim_id # & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD ALIGN = "CENTER" & gt; # MonthsClosed # & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD ALIGN = "CENTER" & gt; # Amount_Rcvd_by_FRG # & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD ALIGN = "CENTER" & gt; #commission_atmitted # & lt; / TD> & Lt; TD ALIGN = "CENTER" & gt; #net_reco...

How to open file with relevant path in erlang? -

I am roaming with erlang and how can I read a .txt file with a function, It is not understandable how to read it from the path. Basically it is that I have created my project directories: project / | Ebin / | Private / | Include / | Src / All my .bim files are in the ebin directory and I need to open the .txt file in the "./" directory. This is my code: by_file (filename) - & gt; {OK, BIN} = File: read_file (FileName), ... When I call this function, I give a string like: "/ absolute / path / To / project / directory / private "But I get this error every time. Exception error: function read_mxm: from_file / 1 (src / read_mxm.erl, {error, enoent} line 34 on right hand side) in call from mr_tests: wc / 0 (src / Mr_tests.erl, line 21) If I have a .bxt file I'm calling the function so it works fine if I input only one file name as "foo.txt". How can I work with the relevant path of this project? If I can not do it this way, how ...

cordova - How can I add an iOS icon using PhoneGap 3.5? -

OK ... So, I'm reading a lot about this and beating my head for a while I am here. If I run "PhoneGap Run IOS" in my terminal ... then I get a beautiful icon in the simulator, everything works fine. However, if I create PhoneGap and pull me the latest from Gitobb ... then use the QR code to install it on your phone, then I do not get any icon. The app works ... just no icon. Below is my config file ... and all the images are actually in the path. I know I'm missing something here, but I'm not sure. Help! Thanks, David & lt; Icon src = "Www / icon.png" /> & Lt ;! - iOS 7.0+ - & gt; & Lt ;! - iPhone / iPod touch - & gt; & Lt; Icon src = "www / res / ios / Icon-60.png" difference: platform = "iOS" width = "60" height = "60" /> & Lt; Icon src = "www/res/ios/Icon-60@2x.png" difference: platform = "iOS" width = "120" height = "120"...

Google fusiontables sql OR clause -

I am trying to sample in the query Instead, instead of trying to add one or more status ... query + = "where 'scoring team' = '" + team + "'; query + = "where 'scoring team' = '" + team + "' or 'team achieving' = 'Mexico'; This will return an error While I and query + = "WHERE 'scoring team' = '" + Team + "' and 'Receiving team' = 'Mexico' "; No error will return. Why or will there be a return situation? Any remedy? Thanks! or - The operator is not supported by the FusionTables-API. Believing can be difficult, but how does this happen.

C++ Calling function that has template which has inheritance -

After Then I have a class that defines a TileGrid: of the template & Lt; Typename t & gt; Square tilegrid {...}; I fill the template with a class named ImageTile ImageTile {...}; I have a child class of ImageTile that I have defined that looks like this: class FFTWImageTile: public ImageTile {...}; In a separate file I define the following function: Zero writeDataToFile (TileGrid & Image; ImageStitching :: ImageTile & gt; * Grid, std: : String file name); (Note: Both the ImageTile and FFTWImageTile are in the Image Stitching location) All of the above are now Just fine, but when I try to use it I get an error. Here is an example test case that is using it: Namespace = Image Stitching; TileGrid & LT; Is :: FFTWImageTile & gt; * Grid = new tilegrid & lt; Is :: FFTWImageTile & gt; (...); WriteTranslationsToFile (grid, "output.txt"); When the trial case I get the following error compilation: error: c...

process - Erlang alternative to trap_exit? -

I would like to execute some code when my Gn_ server stops, I have my gen_server trapping exhaust (I in init callback process_flag (trap_exit, true) added). This process works well because ends / 2 always gets out of the process. I know that since I work to trap the process related to the exit, the crash which does not crash my gene_surver. I can work around this, but I am thinking that there is no alternative to using the process_flag (trap_exit, true) to achieve this goal? I just need a "callback before going out of the process" Is there something like this exit? @ Pascal's answer is absolutely correct, but I'm another Aproach. Sometimes you want to lay down the processes by gen_server , but generally, you can put them in the supervision hierarchy, which is more secure. You may have created those processes and the gen_server with the same supervisor with the one_fure_l restart strategy If one of the procedures dies, they all resume. Second,...

ios - Objective-C/Xcode 6: Best way to have a Search Bar populate a table view? -

I have a table view with a search bar above it. I intend that a user enter a query in the search bar and populate the table with the result - either when the user enters the press or they are typing. After reading several tutorials, I select the search bar and search display controller for the search bar, however, it seems that this controller is a filter-existing-table-view -An entry-query-after-display-result tool is less compared to data tools. This means that I'm coming to a table view which already has all the data and I type - what I want is to come to an empty table view and it has been populated. I was wondering if there was a way to use the search bar and search display controller I want to achieve the effect or was it a preferred method? You can have two UITableView class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> UISearchDisplayController Code> s will be one of your search view controllers then assume that you are re-replacing your ...

windows - R: can't read unicode text files even when specifying the encoding -

I am using R 3.1.1 on Windows 7 32bits. I'm having a lot of problems reading some text files on which I want to do text analysis. According to Notepad ++, the files are encoded with "UCS-2 Little Endian" . (GrepWin, a device whose name says it all, says that the file is "Unicode".) The problem is that I do not even want to read the file that encoding is specified (these characters are standard Spanish Latin set- ± ÃÆ'à à ⠀ œA- ³- and it should be handled smoothly with CP1252 or similar.) & gt; Sys.getlocale () [1] "LC_COLLATE = Spanish_spen 0.1252; Elsi_sitiwaiipi = Spesaispiani 12.252; Elsiaimattiarai Spanish_spen = 0.1252; Elsi_anayrarik = C; Elsitiaimaiiii = Spesaispiai .1252" & gt; ReadLines ( "filename.txt") [1] "¡¾" "" "" "" "" ... ... ReadLines ( "filename.txt", encoding = "UTF -8") [1] "\ xff \ xfeE "" "" "...

wxmac image not found (Python 2.7.5, OS X) -

I used " wxmac " in 2012. Recently, I can not import wx from now on "clean" and then "clear": Python 2.7.5 (default, 9 March 2014, 22:15:05) [ GCC 4.2.1 compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (Clag-500.0 .68)] Type "Help" on Darwin, "Copyright", "Credit" or "License" & gt; & gt; & gt; Import for more information. Wx traceback (most recent call final): File "& lt; Stdin & gt; ", line 1, & lt; module & gt; file" / library / python 2/7 / site-package / wx-2.9.4-oxcacoa / wx / ___ "___", line 45, & lt ; Module & gt; Wx._core Import * file from "/ Library / Python 2/7 / Site-package / Speech2-2.4-Oexcacoa / Wx / _Corpa", in line 4, in & lt; Module & gt; Import_core_ import error: drop (/ library / python 2/7 / site-package / wx-2.9.4-okskakova / wax / _core_, 2): library is not loaded: / opt / local / lib / libwx_osx_cocoau_xrc - .0.dylib Ref...

Open specific activity with NFC in Android and launch as separate task -

Today I was able to write a small app with three pages: Start page NFC page for NFC-reading I also managed to read NFC tags and print out the information I received with the NFC tag but I have some questions now: When I'm on my menu page and automatically read the tag to your NFC, I can see my start page, NFC Pages Want To Appear Automatically How Can I Do It? I created my app to start automatically when a NFC tag is placed next to my smartphone, how can I show the app active and in the start list? When I manually start my app, it appears in the list of all apps, if I am using an NFC tag on my FF automatically then it is not visible in the list of all apps. Code> & lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; Use for your NFC page activity & amp; Activity Activity: Name = ". NFCPage" Android: label = "@ string / n...

C++ Template, Linker undefined reference despite instantiation? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 13 उत्तर मैंने एक टेम्पलेट बनाने की कोशिश की एक 3D वेक्टर के कार्यान्वयन के लिए कक्षा 2 फाइलों के प्रासंगिक स्निपेट (vec3d.h और vec3d.cpp) हैं। मुख्य सीपीपी निम्नानुसार है: #include "vec3d.h" # शामिल करें & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; Int main () {Vec3D & lt; डबल & gt; ए (1,2,3), बी (2,4,5), सी; C = 2.3 * b; अदालत के & lt; & lt; c._x; वापसी 0; } इसे g ++ main.cpp vec3d.cpp vec3d.h के साथ संकलित करने पर निम्न त्रुटि आती है: फ़ंक्शन में `मुख्य ': main.cpp :(। पाठ + 0x124):` विक् 3 डी & एलटी; डबल & gt; मैंने परिभाषा और कार्यों की अलग-अलग घोषणाओं को अलग से रखा है, लेकिन मैंने डबल के लिए टेम्पलेट को भी तत्काल रूप दिया है। काफी हद तक, c = b * 2.3 कोई त्रुटि नहीं डालता है कोई कारण? मैं गलत क्या कर रहा हूं? मजबूत> [[EDIT]] मैंने कक्षा को तत्काल रूप से शुरू किया, जैसा होना चाहिए, लेकिन मैंने टेम्पलेट फ़ंक्शन को इन्स्तांत नहीं किया, जो कक्षा क...

rstudio - I'm trying to plot a histogram of log returns (% values) for about 240 monthly returns -

I am trying to plot the histogram (% value) of the log return for approximately 240 monthly returns. Can anyone help me in this? My return is contained in a vector, but I am unable to specify the bin category, etc. "return" is your vector - you can change the bin by changing "brake" Hist (returns, breaks = 100) hist (returns, breaks = 200)

c# - Play and Stop Audio with 2 seprate button Unity -

I am new to unity and am trying to use as two quads buttons and am using a script to prevent an audio file. I have searched the Internet and I have not found any solution to my problem. This is my code using UnityGen; Using System.Collections; Public Square Playstop: Monobehavik {Public Game Object Button 1; Public Game Object Button 2; Public audio clips clip; Zero Start () {Button 1 = Game Object.Find ("F1 Play"); Button 2 = Game Object.Find ("Fa1Stop"); } Zero OnMouseDown (if (Button 1. GETComponent ("Fa1Play") {if (audio! Appearing} {audio.clip = clip; audio.Play ();}} If (Button 2. GateConnector ("Fa1Stop ")} {Audio.Stop ();}}}} No need to just give your button collider and tag, pause your pause tag and play a play tag public class playstop: monobahavier {public audio clip a clip; private bull stop; zero start () {Audio.clip = aclip; stop = true} Zero update ( ) {If (Input.touches.Length == 1) {Touch touched finger = input. Tou...

Accessing class object elements from a private array class C++ -

I have a class bank account and one of my personal members is bank account * customer [10]. I want to place the objects of the bank account (strings, int a, double c, double r, double s) inside the array and then want to access each individual piece data such as getString () or string with getAccountNum). I was trying a lot of things but I got a blank black box. How can I insert objects into a private class array? # bank account. "Bank Account :: Bank Account (): Client () {} Zero Bank ACC :: Job () {string N =" Name "; String * nn = & amp; bank; Bank Account * B = New Bank Account (NN ); Bank Account: (String * N) {name = n;} String Bank Account: getName () {Return * Name;} Zero Bank Account: Go () {string st = customers [0] - & gt; GetName (cout & lt; ct & lt; & lt; endl;} First create your member variable xray of the bank account. If you do not know how to use Points, then do not use it. You can still put it in the 'Bank Aquant...

entities - android greendao update only specific fields in entity -

I'm searching for a little while to solve my problem without success. I have been using GreenDoOutOr-Relay methods in an application I get from different services for a particular unit in my database so that whenever the unit first It is only present in my DB, then it is updated instead of renewal. So far good. The problem is ... Let's say, for example, my unit is called with the user, field id, title, and displayplay. Then in the first call I get a JSON with a user object with its ID and title field only, so I put it in DB and naturally displayName is inserted in the form of a tap. Later on I get another user (same ID field) from another service, but it also comes with displayName but does not include title information. So whenever I run on the automatically generated DAO object by Greeniao, the user gets updated, but as the title information was not present, when it is updated, the title field Reset to reset, so I lose data. Unfortunately I am unable to chan...