process - Erlang alternative to trap_exit? -
I would like to execute some code when my Gn_ server stops, I have my gen_server trapping exhaust (I in init callback I just need a "callback before going out of the process" Is there something like this exit? @ Pascal's answer is absolutely correct, but I'm another Aproach. Sometimes you want to lay down the processes by process_flag (trap_exit, true) added). This process works well because
ends / 2 always gets out of the process. I know that since I work to trap the process related to the exit, the crash which does not crash my gene_surver. I can work around this, but I am thinking that there is no alternative to using the
process_flag (trap_exit, true) to achieve this goal?
gen_server , but generally, you can put them in the supervision hierarchy, which is more secure. You may have created those processes and the
gen_server with the same supervisor with the
one_fure_l restart strategy If one of the procedures dies, they all resume. Second, you have to specify timeout for the shutdown strategy - will ensure that the ending function will be called.
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