Open specific activity with NFC in Android and launch as separate task -

Today I was able to write a small app with three pages:

  1. Start page NFC page for NFC-reading

    I also managed to read NFC tags and print out the information I received with the NFC tag but I have some questions now:

    1. When I'm on my menu page and automatically read the tag to your NFC, I can see my start page, NFC Pages Want To Appear Automatically How Can I Do It?

    2. I created my app to start automatically when a NFC tag is placed next to my smartphone, how can I show the app active and in the start list? When I manually start my app, it appears in the list of all apps, if I am using an NFC tag on my FF automatically then it is not visible in the list of all apps.


      Code> & lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt;

    3. Use for your NFC page activity

        & amp; Activity Activity: Name = ". NFCPage" Android: label = "@ string / nfc_page" android: launchMode = "single task" & gt;      


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