wxmac image not found (Python 2.7.5, OS X) -

I used " wxmac " in 2012. Recently, I can not import wx from now on "clean" and then "clear":

  Python 2.7.5 (default, 9 March 2014, 22:15:05) [ GCC 4.2.1 compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (Clag-500.0 .68)] Type "Help" on Darwin, "Copyright", "Credit" or "License" & gt; & gt; & gt; Import for more information. Wx traceback (most recent call final): File "& lt; Stdin & gt; ", line 1, & lt; module & gt; file" / library / python 2/7 / site-package / wx-2.9.4-oxcacoa / wx / ___ "___", line 45, & lt ; Module & gt; Wx._core Import * file from "/ Library / Python 2/7 / Site-package / Speech2-2.4-Oexcacoa / Wx / _Corpa", in line 4, in & lt; Module & gt; Import_core_ import error: drop (/ library / python 2/7 / site-package / wx-2.9.4-okskakova / wax / _core_, 2): library is not loaded: / opt / local / lib / libwx_osx_cocoau_xrc - .0.dylib Referenced: / Library / Python 2/2 / Socite-Package / Wax-2.9.4-OXCacoa / Wax /_core_. The reason: Image was not found   < P> It looks like I am new to version 29.4 now:  
  Install Fluffy wxmac Warning: wxmac-3.0.1 is already installed   

my pet Looking at the Than installation, these related files are:

  ls /library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ wx wx-2.9.4-osx_cocoa wx.pth wxPython_common- Py2.7.egg-info wxversion.py wxversion.pyc   

I doubt that "Bru Cleanup" removed my old, but working version of wxmac. Now, either the wxmac version or some symlink is causing the current problem. How should I go about fixing or finding it?

It seems that wxpython files were copied or referenced from simulin or / library; Homebrews will never install files in the library / and they do not know how they or the installer placed them there. To use Homebrew wxpython, please remove wx-related items from your / library site package package and in addition to wxmac install Alcoholics wxpython .

Use wxpython with Python system, you should tell Python that your homebro site-package folder is a special "site-package" folder; It is not enough to be in sys.path because wxpython depends on .pth files which are processed only in special folders. To do this, you can run:

  mkdir -p ~ / library / Python / 2.7 / lib / python / site-packages echo "import site; site.addsitedir ('$ ( Brew - -profix) /lib/python2.7/site-packages') "& gt; & Gt;   

Then, import wx should work.


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