jquery - How to display a bootstrap popup box after a file is selected from file browser window? -
So, I have a drop-down list that contains a button to import files from the system: & lt; Input type = "file" id = "file selected" class = "upload" data-toggle = "modal" value = "import" data-target = "# import data" /> Therefore, when the user selects the file from the file browser and clicks on "OK", then a bootstrap modal box should be displayed which displays the details of the file that is selected I went. Code for Bootstrap Popup: & lt; Div class = "modal fade" id = "IMPORTDATA" data-background = "static" tabindex = "- 1" role = "dialog" aria-labeled = "phthomologin label" array-hidden = "true" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "modal-dialog" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "modal-content" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "popupDiv" ng-show = "popup" class = "col-sm-12" &...