tomcat6 - Solr 4.7.1 with Tomcat 6 doesn't store romanian characters -

When trying to store a special character (diagram) in a salt schema field, such as:

  & lt; Field name = "description" type = "text_general" indexed = "true" stored = "true" required = "wrong" />   

Romanian characters are: (Ä ??, Ã, à¢, È ??, È ??) and they ? .

To mention that I need a basic setup, I have run it with Tomcat 6.

My Solar version is 4.7.1

Ensure that you have the proper encoding Solr collect data.

Also consider specifying charsets for the content type. Content types like: text / plain; Charset = UTF-8

Also try to check how the data is parsed in the solar side. Just debug this method:

  org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrRequestParsers.parseParamsAndFillStreams (HttpServletRequest, ArrayList & ContentTream & gt;)   

thise See lines:

  final string cs = ContentStreamBase.getCharsetFromContentType (req.getContentType ()); Last charset charset = (cs == empty)? IOUtils.CHARSET_UTF_8: charset. Name (cs);   

Solr-up UTF-8 should come with here.


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