expresso store - Ajax Form submission on select change -
I try to submit a form with the class '.basket-form' on the change of a selected field with the ID I am here. #shipping_country '
I have tested the incident on change and its running.
For some reason I can not get to submit the form.
$ ('basket-form # shoeping_graphy'). ('Change', function () {$ ('basket-form') .Ajaxform ({datatype: 'Jason', submit before: function () {$ ('Shipping-val p'). Loading ...); $ ('. Tax-val p'). Text ('Loading ...'); $ ('total-val p' '. Text (' Loading ');}, Success: function (data) {$ (shipping shipping) .HTML (' & lt; p & gt; '+ data.order_shipping_total +' & lt; / p & gt; '); $ (' tax Val ') HTML (. & Lt; p & gt;' + data.order_tax + '& lt; / p & gt;'); $ ('total-val'.) HTML ('& lt; p & Gt; '+ Data.order_total +' & lt; / p & gt; ');}});}); Anyone have any ideas
I've flagged it to stop because it is not really an EE problem, But what to do with one.
But to help you, why not do it;
$ ('# selectbox'). ('Change' Submit () ($ function () {$ ('# myForm'). Submit ();}); Then compel AJAX to submit an event otherwise.
Will she work?
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