java - How build hadoop sources under windows? -

Windows 7 x 64 is trying to create data from sources. According to the instructions

I have cloned the houp sources, run root / branch-5 (SHA-1: fa3bb675a728105d69614f53abe4339958550adf) in the checkout again with the Windows console: >

  • Set platform = x64
  • Install clean - PDIT, native-win-skeptestst-data < / Ol>

    Get more error - [ERROR] Failed to execute target org.apache.hadoop: Thup-Maven plugins: 2.5.0-SNAPHHT: Protocol on project Still-protoc): Haup-Common: org.apache .maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: 'Protocol - version' did not return a version - & gt; [Help1]

    Any ideas how to solve it?

    Firstly, the use of Protoco mojo of Whoop-Maven-Plugin will be used by Java's java.lang The Process attempts to execute the following commands:

      Basically it is being used to check that the protocol version of the protocol buffer compiler (protocol) on your system  Protobuf  matches JAR version.  

    There are 4 results for this:

    • The command protocol could not be found (it receives the exit value of 127)
    • It receives not the exhaust value of 127, but versions do not even get returned versions
    • No version is returned but does not match

      If you use protoc -version if it works?

      As they say in your website, if you have multiple versions of protoc in your system, you will see the HADOOP_PROTOC_PATH environment variable in your build shell , Which you want to use for the Hadoop Build. If you do not define this environment variable, then Protocol is viewed in PATH . Is this available on your PATH ?

      If you have not installed the protocol buffer compiler, you can download it from the following location:

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