java - How build hadoop sources under windows? -
Windows 7 x 64 is trying to create data from sources. According to the instructions
I have cloned the houp sources, run Get more error - Any ideas how to solve it? Firstly, the use of Protoco mojo of Whoop-Maven-Plugin will be used by Java's There are 4 results for this: If you use As they say in your website, if you have multiple versions of If you have not installed the protocol buffer compiler, you can download it from the following location: root / branch-5 (SHA-1: fa3bb675a728105d69614f53abe4339958550adf) in the checkout again with the Windows console: >
Set platform = x64
Install clean - PDIT, native-win-skeptestst-data < / Ol>
[ERROR] Failed to execute target org.apache.hadoop: Thup-Maven plugins: 2.5.0-SNAPHHT: Protocol on project Still-protoc): Haup-Common: org.apache .maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: 'Protocol - version' did not return a version - & gt; [Help1]
java.lang The Process attempts to execute the following commands:
Basically it is being used to check that the protocol version of the protocol buffer compiler (protocol) on your system
Protobuf matches JAR version.
protocol could not be found (it receives the exit value of 127)
protoc -version if it works?
protoc in your system, you will see the
HADOOP_PROTOC_PATH environment variable in your build shell , Which you want to use for the Hadoop Build. If you do not define this environment variable, then
Protocol is viewed in
PATH . Is this available on your
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