Create Spreadsheet in Excel of Name and File Type Using Script -

I have a bunch of excel files and other types of files on which to track me in a spreadsheet I need to look like a batch script for this kind of work.

Itemprop = "text">

Dir does several folders.

  dir c: \ windows \ "c: \ program files \ e * .txt" / a   

Here's my docs. "Reg \ Quik" HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ User Shell Folders "/ v" for individual

  for "skip = 2 tokens = 3" Set) for doctor =% A / f "usebackq token = 2 * delims ="% i IN (`dir"% doc% "/ a / s ^ | findstr / i / v" \ / "^ | findstr / L / v "Image Music Video") DO @ echo% j & echo    


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