php - Codeigniter URLs showing 404 -
I have a simple web hosting platform, I'm hosting a Codeigniter application on / var / www / html which means That this file structure is:
html | -Application | --- Controller | --- model | --- view --- config | -public | -System | -Instructions. Php | -htacess My .htaccess file looks like this:
& lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; RewriteCond rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f rewrite code% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d RectitRule ^ (. *) $ Index.php / $ 1 [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; In my config.php file, I have the default Root View Controller:
$ config ['base_url'] = 'http: // www example .com / '; In my routes In the Php file, I have the www in my browser, when I have
$ route ['default_controller'] = "home" When opening I get the home / index automatically but when I like any other URL www / admin I get a 404 error It is also worth noting that this folder was completely working on my local machine and another remote server Whistle Did.
To be more precise, I get this error when I try
not found Requested URL / Home This server But was not found. edit
My home administrator looks like this. Class Home Expands CI_Controller {Public Function __construct () {Origin: __ Construction (); } Public Function Index () {$ this- & gt; Load-> View ('home_view'); } Public functions some functions () {echo 'in some functions'; }} edit
I do not think if it adds index.php to the URL, then
www. (does not work) (WORKS)
You need to specify the operation for individual URLs in the root file. For, add it before $ [[default_controler '] = "home",
$ route [' search '] = "home / search" . What this means, you will create a function search in your home controller which will load the visible files for the specified URL.
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