
Showing posts from August, 2015

diff - difference between 2 commands in Unix AIX -

I need to find the difference between 2 CMD outputs. I got this CMD for Linux, but it is not working for Unix AIX server. diff & lt; (Cmd1) & lt; (Cmd2) Please let me know the same Unix command The instructions you are looking at are using process replacement , i.e. & lt; (...) part basically produces this cmd1 and presents it to such that the named file in the file system is defined by the diff . This is a feature of bash open, therefore, for a start you need to make sure that you do not use bash and sh are doing. If that does not resolve the problem, then you can try to download and install the latest bash for Ax. If that does not work, you need to use 2 temporary files, something like this (or using mktemp ): cmd1 & gt; Tmp1 _ $$ cmd2 & gt; Tmp2 _ $$ diff tmp1 _ $$ tmp2 _ $$ rm tmp? _ $$

python - Sending a signal from main function to a thread? -

I am using Pyqt4 to create a GUI in Python. To create a function, I want to send a signal to a thread from the main GUI. I know how to send a signal to the main GUI from thread, but I do not know the reverse thing. Besides, I want to pass a variable with the signal. Something like this: class main () def function value = 5 self (matte) (qtcore signal ("signal"), value) square thread ( QtCore.QThread def _init_ (self) Qtcore.QThread._init_ () self.connect (Qt.SIGNAL ("signal (int)"), () def run (self, value): time.sleep ( Value) So every time the signal is transmitted to the main GUI, I want to integrate the function in parallel to the GUI without parallel. Any help would be appreciated, jet The object that will be transferred to the thread. You QtCore.QThread > Do not require more or less something like (Disclaimer: I'm more than C ++ Python): myThread = QtCore.QThread () testObject = YourClassWithSlots () # No paren...

ibm mobilefirst - Is there a bug with Worklight on IE 10? -

I am working with a business partner to work an insurance app on a Windows 8 tablet and some interesting practices Whom i can not understand I have been successful in re-using the problem by using a very simple case and it appears to be in the browser as well as being deployed as an app. Create a simple WL Hello World app with a JavaScript library Deploy it on the development server Launch the IE 10 browser and the WL console. Run this app using "Preview as a normal resource" and it should work fine (default is showing hello velocity) Click on F12 to launch To refresh the IE debugger and then browser, click the Show Console button to verify that there was no error a WL.Client.connect (.. .) add call wlCommonInit method ... in WL.Client.connect {{onSuccess: function (d) ) Eta) {console .log ("connection successful"); }, But failure: function (error) {console.log ("connection fails:" + JSON.stringify (err)); }}); Save the...

php - Can't update row in database -

I try to update a line in the database, but I can not do this Here's my SQL: $ sql = "UPDATE` voter_name_imount_tount` SET` volume` = quantity + 1 where` tender` = '$ nid' and nominee = '$ named'; " ; I suspect that the problem is here - and the nominee = '$ Named' ''; Because when I remove all functions and updates from the query correctly, please help. Try this: $ sql = "UPDATE voting_nomination_counter set quantity = Quantity + 1 Where Nadil = '$ Nid' and nominee = '$ Nominated' '' ';

pom.xml - Move a config file into etc folder(of Karaf) when a (Maven)bundle is deployed -

Whenever a bundle is deployed, then I want to transfer a CFG file to the Etc. folder of Carrefour. The Cfg file is done under src / main / resource. Tried the following in Pom, but it is not working. & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Maven-antrun-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Version & gt; 1.1 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; Posted & lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Goals & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; Run & lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Targets & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Functions & gt; & Lt; Echo & gt; Using & lt; / Echo & gt; & Lt; Copy file = "src / main / resources / test.cfg" tofile = "$ {env.KARAF_HOME} /etc/test.cfg" /> & Lt; / Functions & gt; & Lt; / Co...

saving file with download prompt with vbscript -

I am using VBscript to use IE to open a webpage - login - and some data is a file Saves in Why Use IE? - I can use VBScript to interact with the webpage - Webpage uses ajax to verify and sign in, so just using MSXML2.XMLHTTP Wont work After logging into the IE site, I have to direct it to the page I Want to save as a file, problem is returning this page JSON data (filename.json) - so open IE / save / SaveAs is the excitement instead of opening the page, so I can not save the page's data. The code is below. Any help is greatly appreciated set IE = WScript.CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application", "IE_") IE.Visible = true IE.Navigate "https: // "IE" with IE.Documentation .getElementByID "(Username"). Value = "myusername" .getElementByID ("password"). Value = "mysecret" .getElementsByName ("Login") (0). Wait till the end of the end. With 'IE' all OK, logged in...

javascript - when text focus (keyboard open) the fixed header hide(gone) -

In the text box of my phonegap application for Android (4.2.2) using jquery mobile (v 1.3.2) The focus is centered (the keyboard is open / show) that jquery mobile Fixed header is never visible again. Here is sample code. & lt ;! - Header start - & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "header" id = "header" data-condition = "fixed" data-tap-toggle = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Stop card & lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui-btn-left" & gt; & Lt; A data-role = "button" data-icon = "check" id = "save" & gt; Lagre & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ui-btn-right" & gt; & Lt; A data-role = "button" data-icon = "delete" id = "stopcardcannel" & gt; Avbryt & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - End of header - & gt; You...

c++ - QByteArray to QString to std::stringstream doesn't work -

किसी को पता है क्यों QString Lulu (डेटा); // डेटा QByteArry (QNetworkrequest से) std :: stringstream streamedJson; // कस्टस्ट्रिंग लुलु (डेटाडेटा ()); qDebug () & lt; & lt; "लुलु:" & lt; & lt; लुलु; // यहां पर यह सही स्ट्रिंग देखता है; जेसन & lt; & lt; Lulu.toStdString (); QDebug () & lt; & lt; "स्ट्रीमेडजसन:" & lt; & lt; StreamedJson; // यहां 0x7fffc9d46568 के विचार हैं काम नहीं करता है? क्यों स्ट्रिंग को यहां न देखें? अंत में मैं इसे पार्स करूँगा और पार्स स्ट्रिंग दे दूँगा boost :: property_tree :: ptree propertyTree; Try {boost :: property_tree :: json_parser :: read_json (streamedJson, propertyTree); } पकड़ (बढ़ावा :: संपत्ति_ट्री :: जेसन_पार्सर :: जेसन_पार्सर_आपर & amp; पूर्व) {qDebug () & lt; & lt; "पूर्व:" & lt; & lt; ex.what (); // यह और लुलु समान (पृथक) स्ट्रिंग qDebug ("गुणधर्म त्रुटि") को देखता है; } इस समय यह केवल "गुणधर्म त्रुटि" को देखता है लेकिन इ...

database - C# error: The type or namespace name '' could not be found, checked framework -

Databases do not use, I have followed all these steps. I'm trying to connect an MS Acces database with my windowsformapication. All the frameworks are on 4 customer profiles. The type or namespace name 'Dataselag' was not found (Do you use Usage Director Or are not forgetting assembly references?) Getting this error, using the database; I can not be found in my second code ... I do not know why ... This is my database code using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Text; Using System.Data; Using System.Data.OleDb; Namespace DatabaseBase {Public Class DBaccess {Private Static String connectionstr; Stable dbxus () {string mdffile; Mdffile = @ "C: \ User Rike \ Documents \ Visual Studio 2010 \ Projects \ Week-2-ODPratch \ Database \ ClientNACCDDB"; Connectionstr = @ "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = '" + mdffile + "'"; } Public stable dataset gatewark query (string sqlstr) {dataset DS ...

image - Displaying png files from R into spotfire -

I want to pass data from Spotfire to R and then display the plot created by R - what is the best way For doing this? You will have to register the data function with input and output, and specific PNG data will be sent to a binary label. Need to return to the form Some details:

Edit custom path with OpenCV framework using CMake to generate XCODE project in iOS -

I have a cross-platform build system using the CMAC, and I have OpenCiv dependencies for iOS. Manually set $ {OpenCV_DIR} , my project is compiled and executes correctly, and if I manually execute the XCODE Project Variable Project & Gt; Create Settings & gt; With framework search path with $ {OpenCV_DIR} . How can I set this variable using CMake directly? CMake does not have complete integration with XCode You can generate a project using it But many things fail just drag it into your project OpenCV and it will know.

c# - Entity Framework Table Per Class Inheritance -

I am trying to apply a history table for an entity in EF6. I think the legacy will be one way to do this with the history table, which is a derivative type of the actual table unit, which has direct copies of all properties. booking for my code first table unit config public class BookingEntityConfiguration:. EntityTypeConfiguration & LT; Bookings & gt; {Public Booking Centers () {Property (B = & gt; B Booking ID). Column order (0); HasKey (b = & new; {b.BookingId}); HasOptional (b = & gt; b.BookingType) .mind () .hareingen (c => c.BookingTypeId); }} BookingHistory for my code first table unit public class BookingHistoryTypeEntityConfiguration:. EntityTypeConfiguration & LT; BookingHistory & gt; {Public booking historyTip Entity Configuration () {Property (B = & gt; B Booking ID). Column order (0); Property (B = & gt; B. Booking Edition). Column order (0); HasKey (b = & new; {b.BookingId, b.BookingVersion}); Booking Histor...

php - Magento system.xml groups multiselect -

Menu-> configurate in the admin panel I have a tab I am using: & lt; Frontend_type & gt; Multispack & lt; / Frontend_type & gt; & Lt; Source_model & gt; Adminhtml / system_config_source_customer_group_multiselect & lt; / Source_model & gt; And I get a three user group, i.e. a general, retail, whistle. Question, how to get the fourth group, namely not logged in? Instead of calling the core model, you can define your own supervisor in system.xml Please find the code below which will solve your problem. & lt; Source_model & gt; Adminhtml / system_config_source_groupCollection & lt; / Source_model & gt; Now create your GroupCollection.php file in your local community (working directory) below. For example, app \ code \ local \ Mage \ Adminhtml \ Model \ System \ Config \ Source \ GroupCollection.php code below that file Add. & lt; Php class Mage_Adminhtml_Model_System_Config_Source_GroupCollection {/ * ...

html - background-color on heading with pseudo-element -

I am trying to create a title with a trailing bar. I used the pseudo-element :: after . My problem is the background color of the title, after the :: post element that is located "located" at the top - but it is not. HTML: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Test & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Test 2 & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: body {font-size: 0.9em; Font-family: aerial; } Div {width: 300px; Margin: 0 auto; } H3 {font-size: 200%; Background color: HSL (0, 0%, 100%); Margin: 0 px; Display: Inline-block; Padding-right: 20px; } H3 :: After {content: ''; Display area; Width: 300px; Height: 1.3rem; Background: HSL (200, 30%, 20%); Margin-top: -1.7rem; } Position the pseudo-element exactly ... This is also clean...

php - create dependent dropdown lists in yii -

I'm new to Yii, and want to make dependent drop down lists, im using the active form ... I am able to populate the first drop down list but the other is not autoppied. What are you trying to do when the user selects a state in the dropdown list, then the second dropdown list will be displayed in the districts of that state Should be populated with .. MT tab state_details static statemen state_district ID state authorized view & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ form- & gt; Label x ($ model, 'state statement'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ form- & gt; DropDownList ($ model, 'statename', CHtml :: list data (state statement :: model) - & gt; search (), 'statined', 'statemanm'), array ('prompt' = & gt; select state ' , 'Ajax' = & gt; array ('type' = & gt; 'POST', 'url' = & gt; CController :: createUrl ('loadStateDistri...

angularjs - Can 1 html calls 2 different controller from 2 different external javascript? -

मेरे पास html है .. & lt; body ng-app = "buyby" & gt; & Lt; div id = 'welcomebanner' ng-controller = "1stController" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "inputCtrl" एनजी-नियंत्रक = "दूसरा नियंत्रक" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; फिर मेरे पास 2 अलग जावास्क्रिप्ट है, 1stController के लिए एक var ऐप = कोणीय। मॉड्यूल ('BuyBye', []) app.controller (' 1stController ', फ़ंक्शन ($ गुंजाइश) {} और दूसरा नियंत्रक के लिए एक। var ऐप = कोणीय। मॉड्यूल (' खरीदें ', []) App.controller ('2ndController', फ़ंक्शन ($ गुंजाइश) {} लेकिन केवल 1 नियंत्रक काम करता है, जबकि दूसरे नहीं करते। क्या यह इसलिए है क्योंकि मेरे पास दो अलग-अलग जेएस फाइल हैं? धन्यवाद। यह हो रहा है क्योंकि आप मॉड्यूल BuyBye var ऐप = कोणीय। मॉड्यूल ('खरीदें', []) var ऐप = कोणीय। मॉड्यूल ('Buyby', []) ऐप नियंत्रक ('1Controller', फ़ंक्शन ($ राशि) {}); app.controller ('2...

How to remove lines that do NOT end with a particular sequence with regex -

I want to use regex to find all the words in a dictionary file that ends with a special character sequence . I currently have the following regex . * Personus $ , which matches all the entries in my dictionary with my personal information. But now I really want to reverse this regesis to match all lines ending with my palves, so I can change them with empty string and end with my presentation I can end up with a good list of dictionary entries that occur. I tried to reject the expansion portion using the following regex: . * [^ (Persvance)] $ The resulting list contains all the basic entries that end with my entries, but there are also some entries that do not end with my divine . Note: There are a lot of similar questions on the stack overflow, but I was not able to find any that was completely my special case. Most similar questions are either to focus on extracting those lines that do not start with a particular sequence, or focus on removing those rows that have a ...

floating point - R generates fewer random numbers than specified with rnorm, rexp, rpois and runif -

I get random numbers for two groups of a vector of size. A group is P, and for other q = 1-p (for example, P = 0.5 for population of 1000, I have to generate 500 random numbers from distribution and 500 to 500) Since this is a simulation in which I have to be 'P' different, so I have written my code to generate it like this: group1 = rnorm (n = n * p) group2 = rnorm (N = n * * Q) # First method group 2 = rnorm (n = (n - n * p)) # second method With all the above methods, r is a less random The number generates in many rows of group 2 (approximately 35% of the rows with the first, and approximately 12% of the rows with the second method). I also go to the same bug with the Resposi, RPI, and Runif. / P> Below is a snapshot of both methods for your reference. #### Example script ##### N = 1000 p1 = seq (0.01, 0.99, 0.001) q1 = 1 - p1 ### First METHOD ### X = Data For x (i in 1: length (p1)) {x [i, 1] = p1 [i] x [i, 2] = q1 [i] x [i, 3] = length ( Rainifice (x ...

unit testing - spring mvc controller Test with Enumeration value -

I'm trying to test this method: @RequestMapping (value = "/ Prsonlstet / {employee} ED" method = Anurodmthkput) public @ Risponsbodi object (update @ Pathwarwybl integer Mpariaidi, @ Rajstperam Mployrstet Impestet) throws exception (staff services). Offshore Employee (Entity Manager.Fund (Employee Employee, Employee), Imprest); Return tap; } EmplyeeState are saved in the DB as an enumeration, integer values, it is my test code: @Test public void EmployeeTest () throws exception {mockMvc.perform (MockMvcRequestBuilders.put ( "/ PersonalState / {empstate}", EmplyeeState.PERMANENT) ultimate ( "EmployeeID", "550")) .andDo (print ()) .andExpect (MockMvcResultMatchers.status () .Okay()); } I found this errror: resolve exception: Type = org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException MockHttpServletResponse: level = 400 I tried to pass two variables as parameters, was only passed as employee ID parameter, but I still have the s...

Python program unable to print one line having the same pattern like other lines -

The Python program is unable to print a line with the same pattern as other lines My Input The last column in the file is the name of the continent. Since there are three entries to end with "Europe \ n" pattern, but only first and last are printed. I am using Python 3 in Ubuntu 14.04 #! / Usr / bin / python fh = open ('countries.txt') in line for fh: if line.endswith ('Europe \ n'): Exit print line () Input: India 1267 746 Asia Mexico 762 78 North America France 211 55 Europe Japan 144 120 Asia Germany 96 61 Europe England 94 56 Europe Output: France 211 55 Europe England 94 56 Europe line for fh: print repr (line) , which gives the line: ('Europe \ n') which gives: 'India 1267 746 Asia \ n 'False' Mexico 762 78 North America \ 'False' France 211 55 Europe \ n 'True' Japan 144 120 Asia \ n 'False' Germany 96 61 Europe \ n 'True' England 94 56 Europe 'False' The l...

javascript - Accessing model attributes from Backbone view Underscore template -

I have a backbone.js view that looks like this: var stream = Backbone.View.extend ({tagName: 'div', className: 'stream', events: {}, initialize: function () {this.listenTo (this.model, 'change', this.render);}, Presentation: Function () {this. $ El.html (this.template (this.model.attributes)); Back to;}, Template: Function (data) {console.log (data); if (data.mime_type .match / ^ audio \)) {Return _Template (' gt; source src = "& lt;% = source_uri%> & gt; no sound & lt; / Audio & gt; ', data);} Other {// FIXME What to do? Return _.template ();}},}); with a similar model that looks like this: var StreamM = backbone.model.extend ({url: function () {return ( It? Id)? '/ Streams'' + '/ streams';}}); And I am trying to instantiate Stream V like this: $ (document) .ready (Function () {Var Stream = New Streams C; Stream ({Success: Function (Call, Resp, Opts) {var MP3 = coll.findWhere ({M...

gorm - Grails : Retrieve all latest children records -

I'm new to Grails, I have a problem as described below. I have 2 domain classes: Parents and children I am storing arrays of arrays in the database. The parent category is: class guardian {is stable [large: child]} is a child class: class string string value is static = [parent: parent] static barriers = {time (empty: wrong) record (empty: incorrect) I now need: I need to recover the baby's latest records, which contain several rows in the database with unique original ID . Example: Parents have the latest ID 7. There are approximately 10 records on Parent ID 7 in the hair table. I want to retrieve all these 10 records with the reference of parent ID (7). Please type some help codes / queries. gorm is a greate ORM You can use: def parent = parent.get (7) def hair list = hair. Find AllByParent (Parents); Read , it will help you to understand the gorm better.

algorithm - Trace a shape into a polygon of max n sides -

I am looking for an algorithm that will get an irregular shape, probably not random, such as the crushing cycle Detects a polygon of maximum N sides around the surface, and around the shape. 'N' can be based on the area of ​​maximimum size. "itemprop =" text "> I will do it like this ang touch and dang for all curve segments, measure tangent angles For this you or atan2 Can use ang [i] = accent (x [i] -x [i-1], y [i] -y [i-1]); Dang [I] = Ang [Ii] -ang [I-1]; Dang Find Invex Point (Black) Code> is changing at these points Then Dang [i-1] * Dang [i + 1] is & lt; 0.0 but you need to handle the code> dang = 0.0 element properly (before and after it needs to be scanned). Add maximum number (green) to these points This point will be a fundamental skeleton for your point Tangent angle is among the closest differences, in order to find the maximum point between the index number i0 and i1 the nearest...

apache - redirecting to url in perl web development -

I am trying to redirect to another URL in my Perl web application using CGI :: Session. to redirect sub {my ($ self, $ url) = @_; $ Self & gt; {Session} - & gt; Redirect (""); } But it does this, it adds links to informative text and URLs: got the document goes here gone. How do I force it to load URLs? Is it an Apache configuration issue or a Pearl release? This is probably a problem in your code, it is necessary to send a redirect instruction in place of normal instructions. I think you have already sent the header before calling this subroutine. It is important to know what you want to send before sending it.

c# - Bitwise Logic knowing what was enabled from the server -

I'm following some quick codes to help with my logic on bitwise code (my first time doing this Actually I have 3 properties, each of which is 1,2,4 int A = 1 int b = 2 int c = 4 Say that A and C are checked, this will be equal to 5 and this value will be saved in the database. good. Now the way I was tested with that value, there is a need to work on that path. In the example, the value is 5, then how will I know with some logic qualities were examined? That's why I'm not saying to work with you, what am I doing, int i = A & amp; C; // If I == 5, then we knew that this A and C was examined but do you need to do this for every possibility? Thank you in advance You can test these situations: i & amp; a! = 0 / true if A is set in i i & amp; B! = 0 / true if B is set in I = After saying this, bitfields are inappropriate in many situations, especially when you store the resulting value in a database, usually only Some flags are bett...

python - How to use the ICE protocol -

I'm trying to make a connection between the two computers behind NAT. I have a third computer that is accessible by both of them. I want to use ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) protocol, but I can not find any examples in Python. I include pjsip to hear about which language to pjnath called library, but it is also written in c. Is there any device in Python? If not, then what is the other way to describe? If not, how to start Python's ICE Protocol? You can find the necessary tutorials for details and links.

php - Codeigniter user form errors not showing -

If the user types in incorrect user names in this code as the username or If the password is incorrect , the error should be visible and if the user enters the user name, which does not exist then the error does not match the username gives. The form can not display errors in the database, the right way. I can log in properly, but login flash data may not correct errors. How do I get errors in my form database to work correctly? The main codeigniter form validation is ok just not throwing my database errors Public Function Index () {$ this-> Load-> Library ('form_validation'); $ This- & gt; Form_validation- & gt; Set_rules ('username', 'username', 'required | trim'); $ This- & gt; Form_validation- & gt; Set_rels ('password', 'password', 'required'); If ($ this-> form_validation-> Run () == FALSE) {$ this-> Login (); } And {if ($ this-> Input-> Post ('username') & amp...

javascript - How to make ajax content indexed by google? -

I am in the early stages of creating a public website with client side rendering using AngularJS I have read in many ways Which dynamic generated content will not be indexed by Google, is there any way to go ahead without affecting the search engine index and ranking or should I make changes in traditional development? My client wants to do it in AngularJS. So I just want to make sure that before I start to explain to them. to access that content Google Do not even need to

Travis sudo is disabled -

I want to use apt to install some packages for testing, though , It fails that pseudo is disabled I found the following in the test output: Pidose, Firefox addon, setuiide and setgid have been disabled. It seems that the output arrives, but paranoid_mode is not doing false work in .travis.yml . Edit: The following .travis.yml will fail to sudo: setuid must be root when sudo apt-get update -qq Language: Python Python: - "3.4" before_install running: - sudo apt-get update -qq script: - nosetests Settings sudo: true and / or paranoid_mode: false does not work. Sudo Access is off on our dockkey-based architecture, which will be used in two contexts: Use the repository sudo: false in their .travis.yml file (this should also be turned on our side) Our educational program (see) On Currently running on our Docker-based architecture brings the LDX / Doder layer due to some security concerns. Permission may not be granted. We hope that thi...

java - execute class from included layout -

Within my layout I've included a another layout . In its turn, this layout shows a listview with items loaded from the web (my webserver) The only problem is: items are not loaded because the virtual class items There is no code to load because the use of IM include another layout which means that only the layout is called and there is no functional code from any .java files (s) Let me have a blank page ... Do I have Include & lt; Include / & gt; Tags are only meant to be seen in one more layout if you use a common view everywhere, then it can be very useful if a progress is retained can be an example. You can include ProgressBar everywhere you want. But this is just a UI If you also want functionality, you should use the pieces Actually, pieces is fine for your description . Here is a tutorial from the Android Developers Official Website

apache spark - how to convert LibSVM file with multi classes into an RDD[labelPoint] -

org.apache.spill.mllib.util.MLUtils पैकेज से निम्न विधि का उपयोग करके, LIBSVM प्रारूप में बाइनरी लेबल वाले डेटा लोड करता है आरडीडी [लेबलपेपॉइंट] में, कई विशेषताओं के साथ स्वचालित रूप से और डिफ़ॉल्ट विभाजन की संख्या निर्धारित की जाती है। def loadLibSVMFile (sc: SparkContext, पथ: स्ट्रिंग): RDD [LabeledPoint] मेरी समस्या बहु वर्ग लेबल के साथ डेटा लोड करने के साथ है? जब multiclass लेबल डेटा पर इस पद्धति का उपयोग करते हुए ... यह द्विपदीय लेबल डेटा में परिवर्तित हो रहा है .. क्या कोई RDD [LabeledPoint] में LibSVM प्रारूप में मल्टीकाल्ज़ डेटा लोड करने का एक तरीका है ... ?? निम्न विवरण के साथ एक ही पैकेज में एक और तरीका है लोड्स को लिबिसवीएम प्रारूप में डेटा को आरडीडी [लेबलपेपॉइंट] में लेबल किया गया है, जिसमें विभाजन की डिफ़ॉल्ट संख्या है। Def loadLibSVMFile (sc: SparkContext, पथ: स्ट्रिंग, numFeatures: Int): RDD [LabeledPoint] लेकिन जब मैं इसका उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, तो "दिखा पाया एक त्रुटि है" Int, बूलियन की आवश्यकता है " स्पार्क का कौन सा सं...

How to change app language either arabic or english in ios? -

I have an option in Arabic and English. If the user selects an arbic then the whole app will be displayed in Arabic .i has heard of nslocalizedstring I have found a solution for this. I am not clear to show an entrance app. I may have ten view controller , so how do I change the home to viewcontroller . To create a global file for this. Thanks in advance. Try it out This requires complete configuration and files Surgeon. You will not need to change the 10View Controller's language from the Home View Controller, you just have to set the user selected language in NSUserDefault values ​​and later it will be checked in your view controllers if you do a specific task depending on the language is. It sets the Arabic language NSUserDefaults * userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults StandardUserDefaults]; [UserDefaults set object: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ "ar", @ "n", zero]; and for English it [userDefaults set object: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ ...

bash - Convert Hex to Binary on large file -

I have a text file that has ~ 2.3 million lines I have a 64 character hexadecimal string per line. I am trying to read from the line in the file line and convert the hex string to binary and output to a file. I have written this simple loop down, but I know that it is not optimal and will take it forever to fulfill it. What is a fast way to use awk for example? Is Pearl Better to Use? I just need something that is very fast. cat /tmp/hexFile.log | While line bin = $ (echo "obase = 2; ibase = 16; $ line" | BC) bin = 'echo $ bin; Sed 's / \\\ // g'` Repeat $ bin & gt; & Gt; /tmp/binOutput.log This works for me. #! / Usr / bin / perl while ( & gt;) {chomp; (My $ i = 0; $ i & lt; length ($ _); $ i + = 1) {printf ('% 04b', hex (substr ($ _, $ i, 1))) Print "\ n "; }

cmake - Set permissions of the installation directory -

I would like to change the permissions on the installed directory (specified in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX), but I do not know how to do it For example, if I have CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX / softs / myappli /, then I am able to set the permission for all my files. 64 / GCC / 4.7.2 When I "install" my I would like to be able to set the permission for / softs / myappli to "700". you use the install command / signature given below Can: install ([[SCRIPT & lt; file & gt;] [code & lt; code & gt;]] [...]) and type the code to change permissions on the installed time. To wit. Smth: execute_process (COMMAND / bin / chmod ARGS 0700 "$ {CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") Put it on a chmod Cmake or a string, and then up to install .

awk + gsub special characters -

जी । पास वीआरटी = 1 जीटी 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0 जी जी । पास वीआरटी = 1 जीटी 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0/0 सी। । पास वीआरटी = 1 जीटी 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0/0 मुझे ऊपर दिखाए गए एक फ़ाइल है और मैं कॉलम में पाठ के साथ 0/0 को बदलने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं 1। awk -F '\ t' '{gsub ("0/0", $ 1 / $ 1);} 1' ओएफएस = '\ t "file.txt आउटपुट ऐसा दिखना चाहिए: जी । पास वीआरटी = 1 जीटी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी जी । पास वीआरटी = 1 जीटी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी जी / जी सी। । पास वीआरटी = 1 जीटी सी / सी सी / सी सी / सी सी / सी सी / सी सी / सी और यह "awk: शून्य से विभाजन" त्रुटि को फेंकता है। ऐसा लगता है कि मैं विशेष वर्णों से मेल नहीं खाता हूं। कोई मदद कर सकता है। क्या आपका मतलब है: awk -F '\ T' 'gsub ("0/0", $ 1 "/" $ 1) +1' OFS = "\ t" file.txt

wordpress - Overriding admin views in WooCommerce -

I know that you override WooCommerce main templates by defining your own and giving them the same name as the original template can do. But what I want to do, is to change some bits of administration view, i.e. the order editing screen. The file I would like to zoom in / include / admin / meta-box / view / html-order-item.php but obviously I do not want to apply the changes in the core file because My change will be lost on the next WooCommerce update. Is there a way in which I will run my own html core order-item.php file instead of the core? I've been searching for a long time, but I can not understand it ... Thank you! You will have a hard time removing the features from those screens after the plug-in is upgraded Too much code will need to be replaced. I think you can hide or change anything with CSS styles. What you can do, add your attributes to different do_action calls, for example, in html-order-items.php The file specified contains the following actio...

tomcat - Running OpenRDF Sesame through proxied apache -

ProxyPreserveHost off ProxyRequests on ProxyPass: / Badge / Http:// ProxyPassRover / Tomcat / Calling Tomcat loads my Tomcat server (expected). Now I put the openrdf-sesame.war and openrdf-workbench.war in my webpage folder if I goes. How can I configure base-path (like / tomcat ) in OpenRDF sesame, so does the forwarding fail? The easiest way to fix this is to include a sesame-specific reverse proxy in Apache configurations ( Coincidentally I use AJP, Proxy instead of http if you can - it is more efficient): ProxyPass / openrdf-mole AJP: // 8009 / Openrdf-mole ProxyPassReverse / openrdf-mole AJP: // and for Workbench: ProxyPass / openrdf - Workspace AJP: // 8009 / Opencard - WorkBank ProxyPreserve / OpenEdge-JobBenchAJP: // 8009 / OpenEdge-Workbench

UIViews in swift -

All, I have an image and then I display it on the screen and then the image One function to blur and then I'll run another function to add a box to it. But it does not show stigma and box and it is due to the AdSense view and insertSubView - I think I can not actually put both stigma and box on the scene. If I want to get rid of the adobe, then it does not show blurry. I can help with my understanding of addSubView and InsertSubView (array) Here's my code: class view controller: UIViewController {var box: UIView? Override func viewDidLoad () {super.viewDidLoad () // Setup an additional after loading the scene, especially with a nibb. BananaImage: UIImage = UIImage (name: "preach-backgound.png") on imageV: UIImageView = UIImageView (Image: bananaImage) imageV.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, bananaImage.size.width, bananaImage.size. Height) = self.view.addSubview (imageV) blur () // addBox (CGRectMake (200, 300, 30, 30))} function add...

reporting services - RDLC / SSRS report using external image with "#" in filename -

I have an external image in the .rdlc report where I am trying to display an image containing "#" File path I have specified an external image, and I have the file in the path: File: /// C: \ Users \ Me # Picture \ MyPicture.jpg If I remove "#" from the folder and update my path, the image looks just fine. With "#" in the file path, it will not be displayed at all. Am I the one who can escape? I do not see anyone for the XML that applies to "#", but I tried HTML one ( & amp; # 35; ), any thoughts? No problem, I got the answer. To use it you have to use percent-encoding, in my case, I replace "# 23" with "# 23" and it's all right!

dicom - Read the annotations on a CT image -

मेरे पास CT छवि है लेकिन टिप्पणियां मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि वे क्या खड़े हैं ये एनोटेशन निम्न हैं: 1) पीपी: एचएफएस; 2) प्री 3) टीआई: 821.00 मिसे; 4) एसपी: -1372.30 5) 00564489, यह एक रोगी आईडी है? कोई भी इस बारे में मेरी मदद कर सकता है? छवि भी पढ़ी जा सकती है [यहां] 1) पीपी: एचएफएस: यह रोगी स्थिति है: पहला सिर , सुपैन 2) प्री: इसका मतलब पिछला अध्ययन 3) टीआई: 821.00 मिसे - समय अंतराल हो सकता है 4) सपा: -1372.30 - यह स्लाइस स्थिति है 5) 00564489, यह एक रोगी आईडी है? - अगर यह सही शीर्ष कोने पर रोगी के नाम के बगल में है आपका सर्वोत्तम विकल्प उपयोगकर्ता की मार्गदर्शिका प्राप्त करना है या आपके द्वारा जांच की जा रही एप्लिकेशन के दस्तावेज़ीकरण में सहायता करना है यह प्रत्येक लेबल का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है की सूची होना चाहिए।

how to clean maven completely in Ubuntu-14.04 -

I am using Ubuntu-14.04, maven-3.2.3, mahout-0.9, THEP -2.2.0. I am new to Maven I have tried to run Mahavat on the hoops, at that time I get an error like unable to find Hap-Core -2.2.0 for Meho-Core-0.9. So I searched and found a key because I needed to mention Mahat Classpath which is related to the hoop. That's why I changed the path of mahout by using "Export" in the open terminal (such as .bashrc or none of / etc / profile). Mayhat and Mayhane run from that mat. I found to change the environmental path which I changed. I tried the following, mansoor @ mansoor: ~ $ mvn --version program 'mvn' can be found in the following packages: * maven * try maven2: sudo apt-get install & lt ; Selected package & gt; So I tried with both things Mansur @ Mansur $ sudo apt-get install maven (maven2) If I tried to install new, then I got the following, Mansur @ Mansur: ~ $ mvn -v Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: o...

php - WordPress breadcrumbs in search results -

In WordPress I am currently using to display for my pages and posts, when I visit a specific page working fine. / W> I '& lt; P id = "breadcrumbs" & gt; ',' & lt; / P & gt; '); }? & Gt; For example team members while browsing at About us I get: Home & gt; About us & gt; Team member However, I want to be able to display the same breadcrumbs (individual pages and posts) within the search results loop. What is still showing for when searching for member : Your search results: Team Members Home & gt; Search & gt; Member Members of the Members Home & gt; Search & gt; Member But I do not want breadcrumb for the search results page, I want them for individual pages and posts that are displayed as a result of a search for a keyword. For example, imagine I'm searching for member : I would like to display below: Your search results: Team Members Home & gt; About us & gt; Me...

unity3d - Boo Lists - Cast to (int)? -

I tried to follow this tutorial which was originally written for Unity Script, but instead of bu Uses: Whatever I have tried here: Import Unity Engine Class BuildMe (Monobehavikor): Def Start (M): MeshFilter = Gatecomponent (MeshFiltor) Aries = Aries () Mesh.xx = [Vector 3 (0, 0, 0), vector 3 (1, 0, 0), vector 3 (0, 1, 0), vector 3 (1, 1, 0)] Aries Triangle = [0, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1] mesh. Normal = [-Vector3.forward, -Vector3.forward, -Vector3.forward, -Vector3.forward] meshFilter.mesh = Mesh Def Update (): Pass Unfortunately, each of my List liters have caused the problems: 'Boo.Lang.List' can not be changed from '(Unity Engine. Vector 3)' ' Boo.Lang.List 'can not be changed' (int) ' ' Boo.Lang.List 'can not be converted to' (UnityEngine.Wecter3) ' It's a little disappointing - I'm hoping After all the elements, that is, able to guess the type of my list, within the same kind, in any event, I think that everyone mu...

cmd - Batch empty subfolders from folders in a CSV file -

I have a very long list of partial names for folders (each partial is unique to a specific folder); What I'm going to do is to write a batch file to go through every subfolders in each folder, drag the file to the root of that folder, and copy if copied (there are too many duplicates) , Looking back again). I have used some folders to move other things and use other things, I can not get the code to clear the subfolders. Batch file 1 (To access CSV for calling other batch to work): @echo off for FOR / F token = 1, 3 delims =, "%% g in (Pt1Test.csv) dot blank 1.bat %% G batch file2 ( Subfolders are supposed to be empty, then go ahead in the list in the folder): @echo set to set_uname =% 1 / f " Eol =: delims = "%% F ('Dir / b ^ | find'% _Uname% '')) & lt; Next bit I do not exclude figure & gt; Even It's getting the command to pull in the main folder. I know this code works when I'm in the correct dos: for / r...

C++ Constructor Inheritance (Invoking Constructor from Derived Class) -

I inherited a base class constructor / I left a boost class. Asoo example Here is the parent class: #ifndef CLIENT_HPP # define CLIENT_HPP #include & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; Memory & gt; # Include & lt; Utility & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / asio.hpp & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / lexical_cast.hpp & gt; Boost :: asio :: ip :: tcp is using; Class Client: Public std :: enable_shared_from_this & lt; Client & gt; {Public: Client (TCP :: socket socket): socket_ (std :: move socket) {} zero start () {} tcp :: socket socket_; }; #endif Here is the child class: #ifndefpenguin_hpp #define penguin_hpp #include "Client.hpp" class Penguins: Public Customers {Public: Penguins (): Customers (Socket_) {}}; In this way I use Penguin class std :: make_shared & lt; Penguins & gt; (Std:: this step (socket_)) - & gt; Start (); Here is the TCP :: socket of the server socket _ . I am a C + + Nob, so...

How to enter values in text box by using Selenium Automation-Android Emulator on Sauce Labs -

While automating an Android emulator on the sauce labs, I can also enter the value "123-456-078 9" in the text box I used the following code; // I have also checked the web element. Driver.findElement ( ("PatientPhone")) Clear () .; Driver.findElement ( ("PatientPhone")) SendKeys ("123-456-0789") .; Use Javascript Executioner and set its value to the value of the following code Hope this will work fine. JavaScript excl. Exe = (javascript exponent) driver; String query = "$ ('# palettephone'). Etr ('value', '123-456-0789')"; Exe.executeScript (query, "");

hadoop - CDH 5.1 host IP address change -

I have a CDH 5.1 cluster with 3 nodes. We have installed it by using the Cloudera Manager Automatic installation. It was running perfectly until we changed a separate network and IP addresses. I tried the following steps 1 stopped service, Claudeira-sqm-server 2. service closed, cloudera-scm-agent 3. edit / etc / cloudera-scm-agent /config.ini 4. Change the server host to the new IP. 5. The restart service, cloudera-scm-agent, cloudera-scm-server is not working. Then I did not help even after changing the IPS directly in PostGrace SQL. I found the following blog: Obtaining the following error in the scm-agent log file Protocol error: & lt; Protocol error for 401 unauthorized & gt; is not working. Can anyone please change all the IP addresses safely in the CDH 5.1 cluster ..... Thanks, Amit This priceless cloudera-scm-agent service is being prevented properly, please try, $ & Gt; Ps -ef | Grep supervisord $ & gt; Mar-9 ...

ms access - Updating table with VBA -

I am struggling to work this code for a few days. If you can offer any solutions, then I really appreciate it. Private subcommands0_Click () If IsNull (NewSupBox.Value) or IsNull (NewNumberBox.Value) then MsgBox ("All fields must be filled") Goto ErrorExit end then not IsNull (DLookup (if "SupplierNumber", "SupGenInfo.SupplierNumber =" & NewSupBox)) = Then the MsgBox ("This supplier number already exists. You can edit the existing record on the editors page.") Goto ErrorExit end Then set the dim db database def REC record set db = CurrentDb set as REC = db.OpenRecordset ("Select * SupGenInfo Scope ") rec.AddNew rec (" SupplierNumber ") = Me.NewSupBox.Value rec (" SupplierName ") = Me.NewNameBox. Value rick UPDATE set REC = nothing set DB = some message box "Record successfully added." Error: Max: End all Edit: I forgot to mention that I do not find an error message. This command will not only ...

python - What exactly is the difference between 'Lambda formats'? -

First of all, I'm a beggar in Python, so get ready for a sweet question)) In one of the topics of this site, I have received very useful advice regarding the use of the Lambda function. Before correcting this, my code is: Def entree1 (self): #Functions that have to be configured in itself. Anyone who has the label (Text = "X") labeled 'X' Fane = TE (Poll) 1 = Label (Fan, Text = ' After correcting it, my code (_ & Lt;; _ | ') ("& lt; button-1", lambda: entry 1 (poll1)) # def entree1 (self) : #Functions that have to be configured in itself.Configured (text = "X") label blocks, whatever is 'X' Fan = Tk () poll 1 = label (fen, text = '| _ |') Poll 1 .bind ("& lt; Button-1", Lambda x: Entry 1 (Poll 1)) #event Handler lambda: some funny lambda x: some fun . And it worked, which is great, However, I can not understand the difference between these two forms. x Thank you for your t...

powershell - Foreach loop not exporting to csv -

पावरशेल स्क्रिप्ट $ (foreach ($ s $ sql_output) {$ ip = $ K [0] $ उपस्थित = $ k [1] लिखना आउटपुट $ आईपी, $ उपस्थित}) | निर्यात-सीएसवी डी: \ स्क्रिप्ट \ is_present.csv मुझे उम्मीद है कि is_present.csv की तरह 1 1 10.10 10.12 0 इसके बजाय यह दिखता है #TYPE System.DBNull कैसे ठीक करें? $ (foreach ($ s $ sql_output) {[PsCustomObject] @ {'आईपी' = $ K [0] 'वर्तमान' = $ k [1]}}) | निर्यात- Csv c: \ temp \ temp.csv -NoTypeInformation लूप उतना ही वैसा ही है जितना पहले था। [CScustomobject] ( को PowerShell 3.0 ) के साथ ऑब्जेक्ट बना दिया गया है और ऑब्जेक्ट के बारे में पता नहीं है इसलिए Export-Csv वस्तुओं के साथ बेहतर काम करता है। उस डेटा को लें और इसे Export-CSV के लिए अगले पाइप के माध्यम से पास करें -नौटाइव जानकारी फ़ाइल की पहली पंक्ति होने से #TYPE System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject बंद हो जाएगा।

javascript - How does the Arrow function work in ECMAScript6 -

मैं गणितीय कार्यक्रम पर काम कर रहा हूं और ECMAScript6 एरो । कौन सा Lambda अभिव्यक्ति C # के समान है। चलो वर्ग = y = & gt; Y y; console.log (वर्ग (4)); मैंने तीर फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने के बाद अपना लक्ष्य हासिल किया लेकिन अभी भी भ्रमित कैसे तीर फ़ंक्शन कार्य करता है। क्या यह लम्बाडा अभिव्यक्ति की तरह काम करता है.क्या कोई मुझे उस पर मार्गदर्शन कर सकता है। धन्यवाद यह अनिवार्य रूप से ऐसा कर रहा है: var वर्ग = समारोह (y) {return y * y; } .bind (this); जहां यह बाहरी गुंजाइश के लिए बाध्य है।

web services - Can I have multiple servers if I only have one publicly facing IP?If so, how is this done? -

I have 5 servers, some of which are serving the same network service (i.e. http), but I want to I can take the internal port number to another port on the other network, such as the public network,, in the form of different machines, but on these other machines I How do I map DNS names? What content do you want to switch, or a layer 4 through a layer 7 switch coming to a material switch Takes packets and routes them on the appropriate server based on those criteria that you specify. Using the Content Switch, you can take web traffic which is bound to an IP and it spreads over several IPs. For web requests, you can switch based on HTTP 'Host' header. The 'host' header specifies that from which host the customer wants to receive the resource. I know that Citrix * is a free version of their Netscape software that includes a content switch. If you want a completely free switch, then it's a proxy: Disclaimer - I work...

how do I convert from the Calendar data type to 'java.sql.Date' or who know a netbeans plugin for date that accepts input in the 'date' data type -

कैलेंडर प्रस्थान = तिथिकशीर्षकम्बो 1.गेटसैक्टेडडेट (); कैलेंडर पहुंचता है = तारीख ChooserCombo2.getSelectedDate (); मैं दिनांक स्वरूप में विदा कैसे बदलूं? ए जावा.sql.Date एक मिलीसेकेंड मान के आसपास एक पतली आवरण है। एक कैलेंडर में एक getTimeInMillis () विधि है जो युग के बाद मिलीसेकंड की संख्या देता है। दिनांक तिथि = नई तिथि (प्रस्थान)। getTimeInMillis ());

javascript - Not working select option dynamic field in jquery -

jQuery (फ़ंक्शन () {var currentCount = 0; jQuery ('# addMoreEmail')। फ़ंक्शन क्लोनिंग (से, काउंटर) {var क्लोन = $ (से) .clone () पर क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {currentCount = cloning ('# MoreEmailDetails', '#MoreEmails', वर्तमानकाउंट); ; //console.log (clone); काउंटर ++; // इनपुट एट्रिब्यूट बदलें: क्लोन.फंड (': इनपुट')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {var name = jQuery (this) .attr ('name')। (0, काउंटर) की जगह (0, काउंटर); var id = jQuery (this) .attr ('id')। (0, counter), jQuery (this) .attr ({'name': name, 'id': id}) .val ();}); // विशेषता के लिए लेबल को बदलें: clone.find ('label')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {var newFor = jQuery (this) .attr ('for')। Replace (0, काउंटर); jQuery (यह) .attr ('for', newFor);}); // html टैग्स के बीच टेक्स्ट को बदलें: क्लोन = क्लोन। Html ()। (1, काउंटर) प्रतिस्थापित करें; jQuery (to) (क्लोन); वापसी काउंटर; }}); & lt; script src = " /l...

ios - Cannot find interface declaration for 'UIView' -

I am trying to add objective counts to my encoded project. But I'm getting the number of these errors: "Interface declaration can not be found for 'UIView'" " " One type " I have linked the quartzakor framework. And the .m file has been added to compile the sources. What am I missing? I am a newbie for iOS Please help. This is a bug in the library header file () UIView But does not import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; , so copying your source files into your project can give you this error. / P> ( UPDATE :) :) One way to fix this is to #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; On the top of UIView + Toast.h another way is to #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; your target's . Include the PP file in the "Helpful" group, if your project has a .pch file Which looks like Xcode does not contain any .pch file in the project template 6, so you will not be able to use it easily.

javascript - Get property value from deep object -

मेरा लक्ष्य: बहु-स्तरीय जावास्क्रिप्ट ऑब्जेक्ट से प्रॉपर्टी का मान प्राप्त करने का एक तरीका बनाएं। उदाहरण के लिए, यहां एक ऑब्जेक्ट है जिसे मैं से संपत्ति का मूल्य प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं: var मूल कुकी ऑब्जेक्ट = {उपयोगकर्ता: "", ग्रिडस्टेट्स: {gridName: {"पेज "," पेजसिझ ": 50," सॉर्ट ": [{फ़ील्ड:" आमनाम ", डीआईआर:" डार "}]}}, प्रोटेक्शन स्टेट: {सिलेक्टरॉ:" स्ट्रिंग ", पैनल्स ओपन: ['स्ट्रिंग', 'स्ट्रिंग ']}} और यहां बताया गया है कि मैं संपत्ति के मूल्य को कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं: getProperty (मूलकुकीऑब्जेक्ट,' ग्रिडनाम '); मैंने अभी तक निम्नलिखित रिकर्सिव फ़ंक्शन की कोशिश की है: फ़ंक्शन ट्रैवर्स (toTraverse, findKey) {यदि (टाइपफ टूट्रावर्स == "ऑब्जेक्ट") {Var foundValue = toTraverse [खोजकी]; अगर (foundValue) {रिटर्न मिला Value; } $ .each (toTraverse, फ़ंक्शन (कश्मीर, वी) {// k या तो एक सरणी अनुक्रमणिका या ऑब्जेक्ट कुंजी ट्रॉर्ज़ (v, findKey);})...