php - create dependent dropdown lists in yii -

I'm new to Yii, and want to make dependent drop down lists, im using the active form ... I am able to populate the first drop down list but the other is not autoppied.

What are you trying to do when the user selects a state in the dropdown list, then the second dropdown list will be displayed in the districts of that state Should be populated with ..

MT tab


static statemen


ID state authorized


  & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ form- & gt; Label x ($ model, 'state statement'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ form- & gt; DropDownList ($ model, 'statename', CHtml :: list data (state statement :: model) - & gt; search (), 'statined', 'statemanm'), array ('prompt' = & gt; select state ' , 'Ajax' = & gt; array ('type' = & gt; 'POST', 'url' = & gt; CController :: createUrl ('loadStateDistrict'), // or $ this- & gt; if '$' 'CController' update '=> Enhances' # declared ',' // 'or' success '=' gtc: 'function, then' url ('loadestistic') if ... want. ..} ',' data '= & gt; array (' stateid '= & gt;' js: this.value '),))); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ form- & gt; Label x ($ model, 'state_district'); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo CHtml :: dropDownList ('declared', '', array (), array ('signal' = & gt; 'select district')); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Controller Public Function ActionloadStatDist () {$ data = state_district :: model () - & gt; $ Data = CHTML :: listData ($ data, 'id', '$', 'stateid =: stateid', 'array' (': Raja' = & gt; (int) $ _POST ['stateid'])); Echo chtml :: tag ('option', array ('value' = & gt; $ value), CHtml :: Encoded ($ set governed), true);} << Code>   

Your Success calls to update #statedistrict_stateid but the ID of your dependent dropdown is assigned ever since you use CHtml Are you clear ID format can use


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