how to clean maven completely in Ubuntu-14.04 -
I am using Ubuntu-14.04, maven-3.2.3, mahout-0.9, THEP -2.2.0. I am new to Maven I have tried to run Mahavat on the hoops, at that time I get an error like unable to find Hap-Core -2.2.0 for Meho-Core-0.9. So I searched and found a key because I needed to mention Mahat Classpath which is related to the hoop. That's why I changed the path of mahout by using "Export" in the open terminal (such as .bashrc or none of / etc / profile). Mayhat and Mayhane run from that mat. I found to change the environmental path which I changed. I tried the following,
mansoor @ mansoor: ~ $ mvn --version program 'mvn' can be found in the following packages: * maven * try maven2: sudo apt-get install & lt ; Selected package & gt; So I tried with both things
Mansur @ Mansur $ sudo apt-get install maven (maven2) If I tried to install new, then I got the following,
Mansur @ Mansur: ~ $ mvn -v Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / Codehaus / classworlds / launcher: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cloud logger $ (URLClassLoader.java202) (original method) java at Java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ( on .URLclassLoader.findClass ( on .net sun.misc.Launcher $ AppClassLoader.loadClass ( on java.lang.ClassLoader. LoadClass (ClassLoader.javailers47) The main category could not be found: org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher. The program will exit I removed the maven and I tried
$ mvn -v / and (--current) < / Pre> Again I get the following error,
The program 'mvn' can be found in the following packages: * maven * maven2 Try: sudo apt-get install & lt; Selected package & gt; After I have used I tried new installation
sudo apt-get remove maven (maven2) < P> with maven packages which have been downloaded from the Apache site. At the same time I got a single error. I checked all the pathways and environmental variables, which I know is Bile,
Mansur @ Mansur: ~ $ mvn mansoor @ mansoor: ~ $ Joe Maven Mansoor @Mansur: ~ $ Joe Maven 2 Mansur @ Mansur: ~ $ Jess MVN MVN: Mansur @ Mansoor: ~ $ It's Meaven: Mansoor @ Mansoor: ~ $ Jesse Maven 2 Maven 2: Mansur @ Mansour: ~ $ Pseudo Gedit ~ .bashrc == & gt; There are no Mewer variables, which mentions Mansur @ Mansur: ~ $ sudo gedit / /bash_profile Mansur @ Mansur: ~ $ sudo gedit / etc / profile / usr / bin $ ls == & gt; Here also a Maven / USR / share $ ls ==> There is no mawn here Everything was empty which means that there is no Maven, how can I not completely clean Magan and re-invent it in a new form? Installing Anyone Can Help Me Resolve It?
Try it, it has made clear how to set up a Mahout in Ubuntu
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