ibm mobilefirst - Is there a bug with Worklight on IE 10? -

I am working with a business partner to work an insurance app on a Windows 8 tablet and some interesting practices Whom i can not understand

I have been successful in re-using the problem by using a very simple case and it appears to be in the browser as well as being deployed as an app. <

    1. Create a simple WL Hello World app with a JavaScript library
    2. Deploy it on the development server
    3. Launch the IE 10 browser and the WL console.
    4. Run this app using "Preview as a normal resource" and it should work fine (default is showing hello velocity)
    5. Click on F12 to launch To refresh the IE debugger and then browser, click the Show Console button to verify that there was no error
    6. a WL.Client.connect (.. .) add call wlCommonInit method


        in WL.Client.connect {{onSuccess: function (d) ) Eta) {console .log ("connection successful"); }, But failure: function (error) {console.log ("connection fails:" + JSON.stringify (err)); }});    
    7. Save the app and run it again and it fails with an invalid Stretrer (verified with F12 debugger) < Li>

      Open Chrome or Firefox browser on the WL Console page and click on "preview as common resources" and open the Developer Tools for both and the Console Connect call indicates the success.

      Is this a known problem or do I miss it?

      The ultimate goal is to distribute the Windows 8.1 tablet app, but every time we tried to run the app, it failed with this error. After some debugging I thought that there is something to do with the OS and it has been tried to repeat it in the browser with minimal browser.

      Through testing, I found that the Hello Vertical app with the original code> WL.Client.connect () fails on IE but works on other browsers.

      So I'm thinking that I'm working in IE browser, so it would be good to decide

      Note: I tested WL v6 on Windows 7. 2 ( - IE 10.0.9200.17089 tested on Windows 8.1 - IE 11.0.9600.16663

      I have encountered an error

        HTML1300: Navigation happened. File: index.html has been started before wlclient init: initOptions.onSuccess Request [/ connect / apps / services / API / connect / normal / init] console.trace () __log ( 10080 / Connect / Applications / Services / Preview / Connect / Normal / 0 / Default / Vertical / Worklight. JS: 4882: 31) On Anonymous Function ( Connect / common / 0 / Default / Vertical / Vertical. JS: 5240: 7) vs. Richest Headers ( Worklight.js: 3200: 17) to send At the ( Initially (http: //192.168 .80.167: 10080 / Connect / Apps / Services / Preview / Connect / Normal / 0 / Default / Vertical / Vertical. JS: 3172: 17) on trial ( Preview / Connect / Normal / 0 / Default / Vertical / Vertical JS: 524: 4) at sendInitRequest ( Eview / connect / common / 0 / default / worklight / worklight.js: 7870: 5) Connect (http: // SCRIPT5022: Invalid StateError file: worklight.js, Line: 1055, column : 3 Uncustom exception: Invalid stat error (compiled_code): 1055    

      For future readers , This problem was resolved by moving to a new FixPack release v6.2.0.00-20141002

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