java - execute class from included layout -
Within my layout I've included a The only problem is: items are not loaded because the virtual class items There is no code to load because the use of IM Let me have a blank page ... Do I have If you also want functionality, you should use the Here is a tutorial from the Android Developers Official Website another layout . In its turn, this layout shows a
listview with items loaded from the web (my webserver)
include another layout which means that only the layout is called and there is no functional code from any .java files (s)
Include <>
& lt; Include / & gt; Tags are only meant to be seen in one more layout if you use a common view everywhere, then it can be very useful if a
progress is retained can be an example. You can include
ProgressBar everywhere you want. But this is just a UI
pieces Actually,
pieces is fine for your description .
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