xcode - Core data use to write data in memory not on disk in iOS development -
I want to use core data to store the data that I'm getting from the API, and this data banking More alert for, I am a newbie in Core Data, so I am a little confused about the needs of my customers and ask the following requirements and questions. The customer described in the email "We will need to keep everything in memory" in the disc), then what is the use of coredata? "We only type in the same type of store NISNMMereSTOROR; i.e., do not use Sqlite or any other system writing on disk". Is there a way we can get to store in the store? In the form of a clint mentioned in the note "This is a requirement of the bank - because we will parsing sensitive customer data that we can never write it to disk" Please give me suggestions or any reference link to achieve this goal. Thanks in search of feedback. Yes, you can set PersistentStore with NSInMemoryStoreType, and then the data is stored in memory only Go to disk-based continuous stores ...