
Showing posts from June, 2014

xcode - Core data use to write data in memory not on disk in iOS development -

I want to use core data to store the data that I'm getting from the API, and this data banking More alert for, I am a newbie in Core Data, so I am a little confused about the needs of my customers and ask the following requirements and questions. The customer described in the email "We will need to keep everything in memory" in the disc), then what is the use of coredata? "We only type in the same type of store NISNMMereSTOROR; i.e., do not use Sqlite or any other system writing on disk". Is there a way we can get to store in the store? In the form of a clint mentioned in the note "This is a requirement of the bank - because we will parsing sensitive customer data that we can never write it to disk" Please give me suggestions or any reference link to achieve this goal. Thanks in search of feedback. Yes, you can set PersistentStore with NSInMemoryStoreType, and then the data is stored in memory only Go to disk-based continuous stores ...

web services - Webservice Testing with Specflow (BDD approach) -

Can I use a spaceflow to test websites or BDD in a normal way? Please share it with me some frameworks and / or script I am new to this whole point of view and I was asked to automate webservice testing using SpaceFlo C # is. Yes, spaceflight can test the webservice - you have to type the code to do this! What have you tried? We test our web services on many types of Windows and NIX platforms, which use the sample with a mix of code and scripts to configure and manage our services. Given MyCalculatorService is running, when I call MyAdditionMethod with 2 and 3, the result is 5 "MyCalculatorService is running" / P> Whatever you need to do You can configure your service and copy it to the latest AS Just launch the prohnor or launch it "When I call MyAdditionMethod with 2 and 3" Connect to the service in the same way as you Integrator This could be just a call or something "Then the result is 5" This could be valid ...

html - No Css transition possible -

I'm trying to make a good transition for my button. I tested the mode used on a red div, it works! But this will not happen on my button I think that is probably due to nested elements, but no test solution works. div.container {max-width: 240px; Width: Auto; Border: 1px solid # cd8102; Boundary-radius: 3px; Height: 36px; Background: Linear shield (# fcbf00, # f39600); / * Standard syntax * / font-family: 'PT senses', non-serif; Art color; Font-size: 16px; Text-decoration: None; Text align: center; / * Safari 3.1 to 6.0 * / -bbkit-transition: background 1s linear 0s; / * Safari 3.1 to 6.0 * for transition: background 1s linear 0s; } Div.container: hover {background: linear-shield (yellow, # f39600); / * Standard syntax * / width: 300px; } Div.innerContainer {width: 90%; Margin-left: auto; Margin-right: auto; Display: Inline-block; Width: Auto; / * Default value * /} div.box1 {box-size: border-box; Width: 207; Max-width: 207px; / * Range: 1px solid red; * Swimmi...

python - How to allow only one checkbox checked at a time? -

I am creating a GUI for a script in Python, using PySide Qt. I have some checkboxes in the main window and I was wondering if it is possible to depend on each other, what do I mean, if I check one of them then all others should be unchecked. Therefore, only one time can be examined. Is there a comfortable way to do this? Otherwise I would write a function to uncheck others. To create the Cuban group as a group and you can get a class from this And can override the original check / uncheck, depending on how you want to handle the checkbox

Android why background image extends scrollview -

Hello, I have a scrollview and relative layout. When I drop the background for ScrollView, ScrollView increases the height of the background image. When I run the application, I think the activity can scroll down and there is no object in this area. & lt; ScrollView xmlns: Android = "" android: id = "@ + id / scrollview01" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "match_parent" android: fillViewport = "True" Android: Scrollbar = "None" Android: Background = "@ Drawable / Back 2" Android: padding = "0dp" & gt; & Lt; Android: paddingLeft = "@ Dimen / activity_horizontal_margin" Android: paddingRight = "@ Dimen / activity_horizontal_margin" Android: paddingTop = "Android: paddingBottom =" @ Dimen / activity_vertical_margin "Android: layout_width =" match_parent "Android: layout_h...

.net - C#. How fast insert Byte to Struct all time? -

Net 2.0 for code I write ByteArrayToObject function to insert offset bytes in the structure, but is it possible to quickly? It is planned that there will be several structures in which the changes in network information are required to be attached. If I can insert these bytes quickly in the right place, then it will be organized in the form of a large structure in the protocol. Thank you for any help. In my case, I do not like to copy all of the Object Focus Object broken arrows to change the bytes every time. /// & lt; Summary & gt; Change the object straight to a byte array & lt; / Summary & gt; Private stationary byte [] Object obie (object obege) {var size = martial. Size of (OBJ); // Both managed and unmanaged buffers are required by bytes = new byte [size]; Var ptr = martial. Olloc hinge (size); // Copy object byte-to-byte Marshall in unmanaged memory. StructureToptr (Ozz, PTR, False); // Copy the managed buffer from unmanaged memory. Martial Copy (PTR,...

rest - Spring MVC Restful service response -

कोई भी विचार क्यों मैं सेट करते समय एक "HTTP / 1.1 200 ओके" मिलता है Response.status (Response.Status.NOT_FOUND) मैं देख सकता हूं कि प्रतिक्रिया शरीर में यह सही ढंग से निर्धारित किया गया है? कर्ल-वी http: // my_host / api / v1 / user / 99999999 HTTP / 1.1 200 ओके एक्सेस- नियंत्रण-अनुमति-उत्पत्ति: * एक्सेस-नियंत्रण-अनुमति-पद्धतियां: पोस्ट, प्राप्त करें, विकल्प, हटाएं .... {"स्थिति प्रकार ":" NOT_FOUND "," entity ":" आईडी के साथ उत्पाद पुनर्प्राप्त करने में असमर्थ: 99999999 "," एंटिटीटाइप ":" java.lang.String "," status ": 404," मेटाडेटा ": {}} @RequestMapping (मान = "/ उत्पाद / {आईडी}", विधि = RequestMethod.GET) @ रिस्पॉंसबॉडी सार्वजनिक प्रतिसाद प्राप्त उत्पाद (@ पैटवर्णीय स्ट्रिंग आईडी) {उत्पाद उत्पाद = शून्य; //productService.getProduct(id); अगर (उत्पाद == शून्य) {// मुझे पता है कि मैं यहाँ प्राप्त !!! वापसी Response.status (Response.Status.NOT_FOUND) .ent...

css3 - Is the > symbol necessary when selecting a child element in CSS? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब div & gt; पी {पृष्ठभूमि रंग: पीला; } div p {background-color: yellow; } लेकिन क्या मैं इस बारे में अनजान हूँ? ऐसा लगता है कि & gt; कम से कम उचित शैली है। एक अंतर है; & gt; है "तुरंत बाद" तो आपका div & gt; पी यहां पी पर लागू होगा: & lt; div & gt; & Lt; p & gt; यहां पाठ & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; लेकिन यहां नहीं: & lt; div & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & Lt; p & gt; यहां पाठ & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; एक और विस्तृत विवरण के भीतर पाया जा सकता है।

javascript - Simple message passing between 'background.js' to 'contentScript.js' -

I am trying to implement the following flow: key in the background For bindings .js , when they are pressed: Message from background.js -> is being sent from ContentScript.js response contentScript.js -> gt; ; Background. Js Here are the definitions: "background": {"script": ["" [" *: // * / * "]," js ": [" contentScript.js "]}, ," / code> The binding part is working fine. Here is the code background.js : Chrome.runtime.sendMessage ({greeting: "hello"}, function (feedback) {console. Log (response.farewell);});}); Here the code is contentScript.js : chrome.runtime .onMessage.addListener (HandleMessage); Function Handle Message (Request, Sender, Send Response) {If (request.greeting == "Hello") {sendResponse ({Vida : "Goodbye"});}}; This error is that I am getting: Error in event handler for: Undefined Stack Trace's 'Farewell' property ca...

ibmsbt - Create a folder via IBM sbt and share it to specific user: what is the correct Userid format? -

I am trying to create a folder and trying to share it with a specific user, one of the SBT In standalone Java console application (JDK 7). I started with FileServiceApp sample in sbt / sample, and modified it with the following code: ... fsa = new FileServiceApp (url, user, password); File service file service = fsa.getFileService (); File newFolder = fileService.createFolder (newFolderName, "description", with share); A string that contains 3 values ​​separated by commas: ID (individual / community / group), is described as (reader / contributor / owner): > update: I've downloaded just SBT 1.1.0 make Folder now share with does not accept the parameter but I get a "not found" error ("Bad request" if there is no error in those 3 elements in the stock) Edit: createfolder calling parameters without third only works, but is not shared course folder. If I try the following (also with sbt 1.1.0) I get the same behavior: file newFold...

ruby - How do I make rvm find a global binary when inside a project with a Gemfile? -

मैं एक परियोजना में rvm और ruby ​​2.1.0 का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। $ ~ / आरवीएम संस्करण आरवीएम 1.25.33 (स्थिर) वेन ई। सेगुइन और लेफ्टिनेंट; वेन्नेजगुइन @ जीमेल.com>, मीकल पापीस & lt;> [Https://] $ ~ / ruby ​​-v ruby ​​2.1.0p0 (2013-12-25 संशोधन 44422) [x86_64-darwin13.0] मैं चाहता हूं उस प्रोजेक्ट में मणि का उपयोग करें, लेकिन मुझे प्रोजेक्ट के रत्न में उस मणि नहीं करना है इसलिए मैंने इसे विश्व स्तर पर स्थापित किया है, और मैं इसे अपने प्रोजेक्ट के बाहर उपयोग कर सकता हूं: $ ~ / gem install dotenv $ ~ / स्पर्श .env $ ~ / dotenv "कार्य" काम करता है गूंज समस्या यह है कि एक बार जब मैं अपनी प्रोजेक्ट (या किसी जेफफ़ाइल के साथ कोई फ़ोल्डर) में प्रवेश करता हूं, तो रूबीगेम कहते हैं कि dotenv "नहीं मिला": $ ~ / cd my-project $ my-project / touch .env $ my-project / dotenv गूंज "dotenv नहीं मिल सकता है" /Users/kikito/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.0/lib/ruby /site_ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/dependency.rblege98:in `to_specs ': 8 कुल म...

sql - Duplicate Output error when exporting Access query to SharePoint list -

I have several tables in SQL, which are connected to SQL Server. From them I have created a simple query that I am trying to export the following to SharePoint. When I run the export, I get the following error: I assume that the export is conflicting with the applicable title column in the SharePoint list was originally a column titled, so I first tried to rename him with a surname. It was not working, so now I have removed that column completely but I am still getting this error. Google has not helped, I have managed to find someone with the same problem, but he removed the title column and he worked for them. What is the reason for this, and what can be done to fix it, or work around it? / P> So I solved it: Adds the tables used in the access query, in which the column Columns not used in Because one of the tables had a column called Table, which made it a conflict.

java - How to change my logic to print numbers in jsp? -

Here my code is working fine but I need a sequence of elements in different order. This is my code. & lt; Body & gt; & Lt;% out.println ("& lt; Table & gt;"); Int apps = 9; Double row column = math.xtrt (app); (Double I = rowColumn; i> I--) {out.println ("& lt; tr & gt;"); (Double j = rowColumn; j & gt; 0; j--) {out.println ("> LD; TD>" + app + " "); Apps--; } Out.println ("& lt; / tr & gt;"); } Out.println ("& lt; / table & gt;"); & Gt%; & Lt; / Body & gt; Printing this value is as follows: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 But I need the values ​​as follows: 7 8 9 6 5 4 1 2 3 If the apps = 16 then I need to put it out as follows: 16 15 14 13 9 10 11 12 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 How can someone change me? Try it out, store values ​​in variables and print after loop: & lt; Body & gt; & Lt;% out.println ("& lt; Table ...

css - Responsive layout side by side on desktop, overlay with nav on mobile -

I'm looking for a responsive pattern where I have two pages (or it's called div) | -------- | -------- | | | | | P1 | P2. | | | | | | | -------- | -------- | As I reduced the width of the page, or see it on a mobile, it falls on the same page. Let's say - & gt; Displays a link to reach page two in the upper right corner. | -------- | | - & gt; | | | | P1 | | | | -------- | and similar to page 2, & lt; - Return to page one | -------- | | & Lt; - | | | | P2. | | | -------- | How can anyone get this idea? I have a library in which it has to support, such as a bootstrap or foundation or "do it yourself". You can get it by using CSS It is: JSFiddle - .div {width: 50%; Height: 100px; Swim left; } .div-1 {background: red; } .div-2 {background: blue; } @ Media (max-width: 480px) {.div {float: none; Width: 100%; }} & lt; Div class = "div div-1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = ...

javascript - Titanium scrollView does not react -

I try to apply an image in titanium that can be rotated and extended. I managed to get it working properly, but I want to be able to scroll the image if the image is larger than the view I include tried many things, including Iventlistnrs and bring the proper use of Jindeks Had been done, but nothing does help. I used to experiment with the bubblepint function without any other results. I hope some of you have got an idea of ​​how to get the desired behavior. XML: & lt; ScrollView id = "imageScrollView" & gt; & Lt; View ID = "Picture View" & gt; & Lt; Image View ID = "Picture" & gt; & Lt; / ImageView & gt; & Lt; / View & gt; & Lt; / Scrollview & gt; "Top": "0", left: "0", height: "120", width: TSS: "# imageScrollView" "47%", showHorizontalScrollIndicator: "true", showVerticalScrollIndicator: "true", maxZoomScale: ...

javascript - Chrome packaged app - find out if running in kiosk-mode -

I am creating an application that can be played in kiosk mode and normally (eg, open from Chrome browser ) But some features should be allowed to run in kiosk mode only. This is a snippet from my manifest.json for any help I can find out in a way that it is running in kiosk mode or normal fullscreen / window -Model? {"manifest_version": 2, "kiosk_enabled": true, "kiosk_only": false} Documentation: To determine whether the app is being run in regular session or in a single app kiosk mode, you can inspect that kiosk session boolean Event from the Launcadata Object is included. like this: (function (LaunchData) {launchData.isKioskSession; // true or false});

How can I let Git push/pull through Windows 7 Firewall? -

My firewall is configured to deny all inbound and outbound traffic unless the rule otherwise says. git.exe , sh.exe , and ssh.exe . So i did Even bash.exe . However, when I type Git pull : Fatal: Unable to reach https: // -repo.git / ': Failed to connect to 443; No error If I allow an outbound connection by default, then everything works. Which rules I am getting ? Let me add a rule to git-remote-https.exe Required because I am authenticating via HTTPS, not SSH. On newer versions of GIT, it is located at: C: \ Program Files \ Git \ mingw64 \ libexec \ git-core \ git-remote-https.exe . Edit: Actually I can see the git.exe , sh.exe , ssh.exe , and Bash.exe , and still everything works, so they seem unnecessary for my purposes.

node.js - Get the request.body in NodeJs -

मेरे पास यह मूल सर्वर है: var http = need ("http"); Var url = आवश्यकता ("url"); Var राउटिंग = की आवश्यकता है ("। / Routingpath"); फ़ंक्शन प्रारंभ () {function onRequest (अनुरोध, प्रतिक्रिया) {var पथ = url.parse (request.url) .pathname; Var query = url.parse (request.url, सच) .query; Routing.Route (path.toLowerCase), क्वेरी, फ़ंक्शन (रिकॉर्डसेट) {response.writeHead (200, {"Content-Type": "application / json"}); अगर (recordset! = Null) {console.log ( JSON.stringify (रिकॉर्डसेट, रिक्त, 4)); response.write (JSON.stringify (रिकॉर्डसेट, रिक्त, 4));} response.end (); console.log ();}); } Http.createServer (onRequest) .listen (8888); Console.log ("सर्वर शुरू कर दिया है!"); } मैं एक अनुरोध पोस्ट करने के लिए "एचटीटीपीआरयूइवर" का उपयोग करता हूं, और (छोटी फ़ाइल में) के अंदर अटैचमेंट जोड़ता हूं या उसमें डेटा भेजने के लिए सामग्री टेक्स्ट बॉक्स का उपयोग करता हूं। मेरे सर्वर में मुझे अनुरोध मिलता है लेकिन इसके शरीर तक कोई ...

php - Get and pass array values from Javascript -

Bit of background information - the developer of the system we use has left the company and to add something to me It has been said that new features There is no need to say, there is no document and to make matters worse, I am a complete newbie, so I have to learn as if I go together. I manage to work most, but this problem is completely stuck. It is enough to help me in any way, if you really can dumb the answer empty that would be great, hence the problem ........ The HTML page which is dynamic form Have a population with a list of items. There is a checkbox for each item in the list, and I need to update a MySQL database for each checkbox in the check box. The code echo ("& lt; Td class = \ "tableRight \" style = \ "width: 5% \" & gt; input Gt; & lt; / td & gt;"); The javascript file in page head and

jquery - Oracle Openscript and Javascript (AngularJS) -

I am using opscript on a form page that is using clickable divas "save" button. When a button is manually clicked, a javascript event is executed to save changes on the page. When I play back the script, the script clicks the button and redirects to the next page, but I do not save the changes to the text box. I'm guessing that the ng-click update user () function does not run while playing this playback. How do I open the save button and to run the javascript function? Openscript code: web.button ("/ web: window [@ index = '0' or @ title = payment processor]] / web: document [@ Index = '0'] / web: [[@ name = 'form' or @ index = '0'] / web: button [@ index = '1'] "). Click (); This is how the Div Save button code looks like: .click (); should work, but you can also try mouseClick () . Using OATS and testing against unknown JS docs Example # 64, I increase the display count to display this...

primefaces - How to show a PPT in xhtml page and put actions on it to control like next page previous page..etc,.FYI I am using JSF framework -

How to show the PPT in the XHTML page and to control it as the next page. , .FYI I am using the JSF framework. Any kind of answer has been appreciated. Is there any such condition by using a prefix? Thanks in advance, SRI You'll see & lt; P: media & gt; should keep an eye on the component. > You can see it on the Prime Show Showcase: Edit: Sorry, I read PDF instead of PPT is. Have you tried to see this post?

Socket SO_RCVTIMEO Timeout is double the set value in C++/VC++ -

कृपया नीचे उदाहरण दिखाएं int val = 120000; setsockopt (connSock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (चार *) & amp; वैल, sizeof (int)); मैं टाइमआउट प्राप्त करने में 120 सेकंड निर्धारित करता हूं लेकिन इसमें 240 सेकंड लगते हैं। मुझे लगता है कि टाइमआउट सेट मान से दोगुना है। यह कैसा है मुमकिन? SO_RCVTIMEO और SO_SNDTIMEO सभी सॉकेट परिचालन पर काम नहीं करते हैं, आपको गैर-अवरोधन मोड का उपयोग करना चाहिए और चयन करें । व्यवहार भिन्न ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम कॉन्फ़िगरेशन पर बदल सकता है मेरे सिस्टम पर SO_RCVTIMEO में सेट किए गए मूल्य के दो बार के बाद कनेक्ट समय सीमाएं एक त्वरित हैक जैसे SO_RCVTIMEO को सेट करने से पहले x / 2 कनेक्ट और x के बाद यह काम करता है, लेकिन उचित समाधान चयन का उपयोग कर रहा है। संदर्भ इस समस्या पर चर्चा (उत्तर के लिए टिप्पणियां पढ़ें): इच्छित परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए चयन का उपयोग कैसे करें:

javascript - Localised AngularJS Routes -

I have done backbone js coding and have successfully constructed large projects using backbones and AMD. Now I am watching using AngularJS and have done an implementation with AMD and so far have created some controllers and services so far so that they are very comfortable. The only thing is that we create many applications, which require localization for different areas. For this reason I have successfully configured the Konari translation and it works fine. does not support the translation of the angle is the creation of the local URL path which I can easily achieve in backbones. Does anyone point me in the right direction for any article or post, how it is to do with AngularJS but trawling through Google but can not find anything! So, this is the best solution or not, I interpret an approach that we took When it came to the dumb corner app, the required routes were defined on the backend. So the URL the URL that is generated when running is unknown in our app, wh...

regex - Extract the matched pattern (Numbers +Name) in perl -

I used the pattern below to search and used string form to remove large strings. Example input string like loadStringCombo ('1', 10,1,10, maxcollippromboboxid, quatstyle = 'width: 50px;' quat) Expected Output (10,1,10, Maxcollippromboboxid,) But in this way, I'm getting the only Combobox 1 as the output. while (my $ st = $ str = ~ / [0-9] + [\,] [0-9] + [\,] [0-9] + [\, ] [0- 9A-ZA-Z] + [\,] / g) {my $ str3 = "Cambodia" $ cents; Push @ arry1, $ str3 "\ N"; Print @ saw1, "\ n"; Open the file, "& gt; test.txt" or $!! Print file @ arry1, "\ n"; } Please guide me to remove the value 10,1,10, MaxColProMcbxid. Change this line: while (my $ st = $ Str = ~ / [0-9] + [[,, [0-9] + [\,] [0-9] + [\,] [0- 9A-Z-AG] + [\,] By (my ($ st) = $ str = ~ / (\ d +, \ d +, \ D +, [0- 9 one-zA-Z] +,) / g) { Full loop: while ($ str = ~ / (\ D +, \ d +, \ d +, [0- 9a-zA-Z] +,) / g) {push @ ary1, ...

jsf - How to do the value binding in datatable when selection mode = multiple -

I need explanation for the bond values ​​in the output text below P: Dialog. I am not clear from that and no other way. In my sample: I have tried, if I select single or multiple check boxes, the value is tied, but when I click on the root check box, to select all the check boxes It is used for selection, but the values ​​are not stored at the back end & Lt; P: column headerText = "id" & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {}" /> & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; P: column header = "year" & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {car.year}" /> & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; P: column header = "brand" & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {car.brand}" /> & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; P: column header = 'color' & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {car.color}" /> & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; F: aspect nam...

c# - Is it possible with Fixture to create a list of N objects? -

I want to make a list of fixture n objects. I know that I can accompany it: list & lt; Person & gt; Person = new list & lt; Person & gt; (); (Person = add; i; lt; number for propriens; i ++) for (person = stability. Build & gt; person & gt; (). Create (); persons.Add (person);} CreateMany () method or some other method to avoid the loop? You can use linq: list & lt; person & gt; person = numeric Select Category (0, Numberoffs). Select (x => Stability Build. (Build) .toList ();

mysql - I cannot use mysql_* functions after upgrading PHP -

I'm having some problems with PHP upgrades. Before that, I was using PHP 5.2.0 and below ; Now I've upgraded to PHP 5.5.0. I do not expect as some of my snippets. Here's one, for example. It says, deprecated: mysql_real_escape_string () I tried mysqli_real_escape_string () and found another error: / P> WARNING: mysqli_real_escape_string () expects that my code in 2 parameters, 1 is & Lt; Php require_once ("include / session.php"); Require_once ("connection / connection.php"); Require_once ("include / functions.php"); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php $ username = $ _POST ['username']; $ Password = $ _POST ['password']; // $ hashed_password = md5 ($ password); ? & Gt; & Lt ;! - Get the user name password and authenticate whether the database is the same - & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ username = stripslashes ($ username); $ Password = strip slash ($ password); $ Username = mysqli_real_escape_string ($...

implicit conversion - Dedicated Scala String interpolation -

दिए गए नक्शा स्थिरांक के लिए val ctt = मैप ("ए" -> 1) " c "a" उद्धार करता है सूची (1) ? नोट सी "a, b" res: सूची (1, 2) सी "ए, बी" रिज़ः सूची (1,2) सी "ए, डब्ल्यू" रिज़ः सूची (1) सी "डब्ल्यू" रिज़ः सूची () निम्न कार्य करता है: scala & gt; वैल सीटीटी = नक्शा ("ए" - & gt; 1, 'बी' - & gt; 2) सीटीटी: स्कला। कोलिन्शन.इमट्यूबल। मैप [स्ट्रिंग, इंट] = नक्शा (ए -> 1, बी - & gt; 2) स्केला & gt; अंतर्निहित वर्ग CttHelper (val sc: StringContext) AnyVal तक फैलता है {| Def c (आर्ग्स: कोई *): Int = ctt ( | } परिभाषित वर्ग CttHelper scala & gt; सी "ए" res0: Int = 1 या अपने अद्यतन संस्करण के लिए: अंतर्निहित वर्ग CttHelper (val sc: StringContext) AnyVal {def c (आर्ग्स: कोई *): सूची [इंट] = (',')। नक्शा (_। ट्रिम) .toList.flatMap (ctt.get)} और फिर: स्कला & gt; C "a, w" res5: सूची...

google app engine - Keeping GAE at a single instance with flexibility to scale -

I have a relatively low traffic app that can easily be controlled from the same example from 195% time . Occasionally, running more than one instance will be helpful in providing a better user experience. It seems that GAE should be able to automatically scale in this manner, but I only have a single example when the traffic is low Set the minimum example Set maximum instance to 3 Set the minute pending latency in 1 second Li> Maximum pending latency will be automatically (And 1 second) With this configuration, GAE will run approximately two instances now, though an alternative The above. I know that I can set maximum examples in one, but I want to be able to automatically scale it when I need it. What should I do? Note that the minimum / maximum property you are setting is for IDLE installs. Set a minimum example from means that you will always be running at least one instance, even if you have more than 15 minutes No request. If you have less tra...

Removing substring from string before calling strtok in C -

I have a variable that I would like to divide into an array of paths: PATH = / bin: / usr / bin: / usr / local / bin The result of the above string would be: [0] -> ; / Bin [1] - & gt; / Usr / bin [2] - & gt; / Usr / local / bin If I call strtok on the string with only the delimiter : then I get the result: [0] - & gt; Path = / bin [1] - & gt; / Usr / bin [2] - & gt; / Usr / local / bin But still I have a substrings in the index before the PATH = array. I need to find a way to remove the string from PATH = before calling on strtok . Rather than relocating a new array of four instead of PATH = substring, I thought I had the four signals after PATH = I can increase the first letter to indicate. four prefix [] = "path ="; If (strstr (str, prefix)) {str + = strlen (prefix); } So now the indicator SR points before / after PATH = . Line str + = after strlen (prefix) : path = / bin: / usr / bin: / usr / local /...

css - Can I have different widths for different tr elements in the same table -

As the title, I want to set different widths for different TRs in the table. Is this possible? [-------- tr.trheader & gt; TD --------] [--------- tr & gt; TD ---------] [--------- tr & gt; TD ---------] [--------- tr & gt; TD ---------] [--------- tr & gt; TD ---------] [-------- tr.trheader & gt; TD --------] [--------- tr & gt; TD ---------] [--------- tr & gt; TD ---------] I solved this way ... & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Blabla & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> Bla bla bla & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td square = "padding" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; ... Empty "adding "with a slightly width. To do this, you need the tables in the main table.

jquery - Kendo Not able to bind the data if the data is very large -

I have a grid and I'm trying to force my working file if the number of records is low, but In my case 3490 for large records, this data fails to bind $ ("# addCustomer_Admin"). Click (function () (debugger; $ .ajax ({url: '@ Url.Action ("GetAllUnAssignedUnits", "admin"), Data type: "Jason", type: "post", success: function (results) {Debugger; bindunetsgrid (result);}, error: work (result) {debugger;}});}); BindUnitsGrid (data) function {debugger; $ ("#CustomerUnitsGrid") Kido Grid ({Data: Source: {Data: Data, Schema: {Model: {Field: {Unit ID: {Type: "number"}, Nickname: {type: "string"}, serial number: {type: "string" } {Type: "string"}, postal code: {true: column: {type: "string"}, address1: {type: "string"}, city: {type: "string"}, area: {type: "string"} [Field: "UnitID", title: "UnitID"}, {{field: "UnitID...

java - Simulate form post using http client in Android app? -

Therefore, I am currently preparing an app for a service that includes a Jason-based (unfortunately) Read Only API . There is no problem retrieving the content, however, the only way to post content is using a form on the site that is a location PHP script. This service is open source, so I know what the form should be, but whichever I send, it always results in BAD request . I caught the network traffic inside my browser and as far as I can see, the browser creates a multipart form request, however, when I copy the request and use it again the client By calling again, the Bad Request is returned. Is there a way that an APIT request can be prepared in Android, which imitates a form post? If this is read only I think you will not be able to make a request with POST (This is for editing or adding things). If you give me advice to you, then I recommend that you use this project as a library. This makes you deal smoothly with the API, controls network problems, etc....

Having issues making a simple script in powershell run windows media player in the background -

I am trying to do a simple script where I want to run only part of my script to run in the background. I want to run Windows Media Player in the background. I'm normally new to power and script, under the entire belt the entire one and a half days. Can anyone help me and can explain in basic terms how the initial job works with Invoke-item Thank you for your help. This is my original script. I wanted to launch a powerpoint and a little bit after loading my media player. I know that I can do it in powerpoint, but I am using it to experiment and learn. I've got to do this work: # call SSD $ MusicPath = "C: \ powershell \ Windows_Exclamation.wav" $ Powerpoint = "C: \ powershell \ SSD.ppsx" invoke- Item $ Powerpoint Early Sleep 3s-item $ MusicPath I wanted a media player to run in the background. Even my script is: # call SSD $ MusicPath = "C: \ powershell \ Windows_Exclamation.wav" $ PowerPoint = "C: \ powershell \ SSD.pptx" i...

angularjs - Using Angularfire to remove todo items from two templates in order be placed in another and updating Firebase DB -

In this question I have not even thought of angled filter or anything else. I'm having trouble removing my Todo item from a template and when a date has expired in my Todo list, I am using the AngleFire for the database. I now have a todo list that asks for some 'todo' and completion date if user has not completed in 7 days, Todo is removed and it is removed in the end table should be kept. A 'Toader' has been hosted, which has not been removed from the list of 'Tudo'. Question: How will I remove it from the 'Current Tudo' list when the 'Tood' list is over? Another issue I got is getting the Firebase DB to "expire" from "false" to "timely" from "true". I know that this is doing in the browser, because I've put $ Voice on it, but it's not moving forward for DB. Any pointers will be appreciated! (I think the part is that I filtered, but I'm sure there is something else missing.) ...

sql server 2008 - SqlException: Syntax Error Near 'GO' -

मुझे context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand () का उपयोग कर एक DbContext के माध्यम से एक SQL कथन भेजने में समस्या हो रही है। । मैं निष्पादित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं बनाओ टेबल फ़ोन ([आईडी] [अद्वितीय दिग्दर्शक] नल प्राथमिक कुंजी, [नंबर] [इंट], [फोनटाइपआईडी] [इंट ] [आइडी] [/]> त्रुटि स्ट्रिंग के साथ असफल हो जाता है पूर्व> खोजशब्द 'ALTER' के निकट गलत वाक्यविन्यास 'GO' के पास गलत सिंटैक्स हालांकि एसएसएमएस में सटीक कथन चलने में त्रुटियों के बिना चलता है? डीबीसीओन्टेक्स्ट द्वारा डिफ़ॉल्ट बाधा से संबंधित किसी भी मुद्दे को हल करने की आवश्यकता है I मुझे बाधाओं का इस्तेमाल करने वाले लोगों के साथ समस्याएं दिखाई देती हैं और I मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह कैसे यहां पर लागू होगा। एसक्यूएल का हिस्सा नहीं है, इसलिए यह ExecuteSqlCommand () के साथ निष्पादित नहीं किया जाएगा प्रबंधन स्टूडियो या कमांड लाइन उपकरण का उपयोग करते समय बैच को अलग करने का एक तरीका के रूप में जाओ के बारे में सोचें। इसके बजाए, जीओ विवरण निकालें और आपको ठीक होना चाहिए यदि आप त्रुटियों में चलते ह...

r - Why does data.table group differently depending on whether I pass it the variable name directly or not? -

अगर मैं variable bloodpressure को data.table पर पास करता हूँ, तो सब कुछ ठीक काम करता है। tdt & lt; - data.table (bloodpressure = rnorm (1000, माध्य = 100, sd = 15), पुरुष = प्रतिनिधि (c (0,1))) strata.var & lt; - with (tdt , (सी ('पुरुष')) प्राप्त करें), टीडीटी [, सूची (वर्नाम = 'रक्तप्रभाव', एन =।, मतलब = मतलब (रक्तप्रदर्शन, एनएआरआर = सच), एसडी = एसडी (रक्तप्रदर्शन, ना। आरएम = TRUE)), = = (strata.var)] मुझे यह परिणाम मिलता है strata.var varname N मतलब sd 1: 0 रक्तचाप 500 100.2821 15.13686 2: 1 रक्त प्रदूषण 500 100.0392 15.02566 समूह के साधन से मेल खाता है & gt; मतलब (टीडीटी $ रक्तप्रवाह [tdt $ male == 0]) [1] 100.2821 & gt; मतलब (टीडीटी $ रक्तप्रवाह [टीडीटी $ पुरुष == 1]) [1] 100.0392 लेकिन अगर मैं इस प्रोग्राम को करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, और चर एक अन्य चर ( वर ) var_as_string & lt; - 'bloodpressure' var & lt; - साथ (tdt, मिल (var_as_string)) tdt [, सूची (VARNAME = 'bloodpressure', एन = ।, मतलब = मतलब ...

javascript - AngularJS TypeError: undefined is not a function on ng-view directive -

I'm trying to wire a simple angel app and I can not get past is not a function Is error on my visual order The strange thing is that the first scene is actually loaded and given for instruction, but I am unable to navigate my 2nd scene. The controllers are not sure, I'm not sure what's going on here any thoughts? Angular Version: 1.2.26 (same error with 1.2.20) Error app code var app = angular Modules ('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource']); App.controller ('Home', ['$ scope', function ($ radius) {console.log ('Home Controller Hit.');}])); App.controller ('About', ['$ scope', function ($ area) {console.log ('About Administrator Hit.');}]); App.config (function ($ migration provider, $ location provider) {$ locationProvider.html5Mode (true); $ route provider. ('/', {TemplateUrl: 'SiteAssets / views / home.html', Controller: 'Home'}) When. ('About', {temp...

git - GitHub hook not working over SSL -

I got a Geet Hub hook setup to send repository push updates to my web server, so that it can automatically pull that code After upgrading my website to hook up the SSL and to add a rule to force all requests to use https, hooks stopped working because I thought The easier it will be to fix https: // on my web The site is hooked on YouTube on the hook, but it is not working. It only provides output GitHub: As you can see, everything was working fine last night. I have tried that I have also requested that Guitbah send without any problems using POSTMAN. I have a strange feeling that the cloud flyer might be the root cause of this problem, though it is not a substitute for closing. Maybe, as an alternative solution, you want to add the time: Unsafe_SS : An optional string that determines whether the host's SSL certificate for the URL will be verified when delivering payloads. Set it to "1" (not verified), and see if your webhoc is successfull...

javascript - Changing position of Phaser.Text when fixedToCamera -

How would I go about changing a fisher's position? Element of the text when its feature is stable then the camera is set to true. The value of counterText.x is always reset to 45 in the code given below; var game = new Phaser.Game (500, 500, 'phaser-example', {create: create, update: update}); Var counter = 0; Create a function () {counterText = game.add.text (45, 45, 'text', {font: "26px Verdana", fill: "#fff"}); CounterText.fixedToCamera = True; } Function updates () {counterText.x = counter ++; } I assume the problem here that when the suretaker is true, there is no text Use 'position' now, but instead uses 'camera offset' so if you modify that you position as a condition, everything should work fine.

qt - QML On Item Changed Signal -

मेरा ऑब्जेक्ट आइटम {property int current: 0} क्या यह एक सिग्नल फेंकने के लिए कॉन्फ़िगर किया जा सकता है, जो निम्न कार्य करता है? आइटम {संपत्ति के संस्करण myObj: MyObject {} पर MyObjChanged: doThis () ..} cmannet85 ने आपके प्रश्न का उत्तर दिया है: यह संभव नहीं है। शायद आप अधिक कोड पोस्ट कर सकते हैं ताकि हम वैकल्पिक तरीकों का सुझाव दे सकें। आपके द्वारा प्रदान की गई जानकारी का उपयोग करते हुए एक समाधान के संदर्भ में, आपको उस संकेतों का पर्दाफाश करना चाहिए जो क्लाइंट कोड ऑब्जेक्ट बदल गया है। चूंकि आपने कहा है कि current संपत्ति सभी मामलों है, और यह, आप कनेक्शन : कनेक्शनों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं {लक्ष्य: myObj onCurrentChanged: DoThis ()} या मैन्युअल रूप से सिग्नल से कनेक्ट करें: Component.onCompleted: {myObj.onCurrentChanged.connect (doThis); } फ़ंक्शन doThis () {// ...}

urlencode - How to URL Encode a Backslash with R/RCurl -

I am currently trying to encode a string to enter in a URL. My problem is that it is failing when my string has a backslash; I have tried 4 methods with the URLXcode, Curl Escape (RQLL), and the functions of the Colp Surface Encoded (RQRL), but none of them Has not succeeded too. & gt; URLencode ("hello \ hello") error: An unknown stroke in the character string that starts with '\ h', hello \ h "" curlEscape ("hello \ hello") error: 'one in the' h 'character Unrecognized luck is the string "hello \ h" & gt; curlscentcentcode ("hello \ hello") error: '\ h' 'hello \ h' & gt; curlPercentEncode ("hello \ hello \", amp = TRUE) There is an unfamiliar fortune in the character string: 'H' is a Hello \ "" " You & gt; URLencode ("Hello \\ Hello \") [1] "Hello% 5Chello" The error that you are getting is not from any action th...

ruby - Trying to define a method within a method within a class -

I'm trying to pass a sample and I'm getting an error, "undefined method` first_word 'inferno" : String " I have defined the 'first_word' method, this class method is within the 'title'. I am having trouble determining that I can class this class on a string in the 'Method' How can I call the 'first_word' method. Tip: Description 'Title' first letter O @ book.title = "inferno" @ book.title.should == "Inferno" and to each word "Do @ book.title =" Stuart Little "@ book.title. Should == "Stuart Little" should describe every word except 'end' ... 'specify' article 'specify' 'do' book.title = "alexander the great" @ book.title.should == "Alexander the Great" Finally specify 'A' dot @ book. Title = "bookmarking a mockingbird" @ book.title.should == "Specify the end" to kill a millingbird ...

jquery - onchange javascript click event cancels the other one out -

Here is the core part of my custom code. I believe that use of 3rd party plugin IM with the on-change function function Is in confict, which is also used on the same "option" tag. jquery (doc) .ready (function (e) {var t = e ("# filter-container"); t.imagesLoaded (function () {t.isotope ({itemSelector: "Figure", filter: "*", resizable: false, animation: engine "jquery"}}} ("option"); $ ("select") ("change", function () {var select = $ ( Select this option); var selected optic = ("option: selected"); var r = selectedOption.attr ("data-filter"); T. iops ({filter: r}); return return}}; e (window) ) Reset (function () {var n = e (window) .wide (); T. iosop ("relay")}. Trigger ("resize")}) and dropdown plugin by using here Potential offender from M. It is much more than that time, but this function which concerns me which probably stops my script: $ ("sel...

ruby on rails - How to create a new content entry via Locomotive CMS RESTful API -

I created a site using locomotive CMS, I have created two content types called Photos and Galleries, these content types One relation is that I can create image galleries on my site. I am currently trying to use the Restine API to create multiple content entries for the photo because it is hidden through a file. I can connect to the API with no problem and modify site etc. I would think that cURL will take the form of a new content entry: curl -X post-D'photo [image_id] = blah and photo [gallery] ] = 1234 and photo [file] = & lt; File path & gt; Photo [published] = true '' http: // & lt; Your site & gt; / Locomotive / api /current_site.json?auth_token=xxxx ' Although I am unsure of how to pass a file in this command, I have substituted it for now, How to write a part? My field is set for the photo as follows: field: - image_id: label: Image ID type: string required: right localized: incorrect - File: # Field Label Name: File Type: Re...

How to access elements from a javascript array for an email sent with PHP/HTML -

So I'm working on a webpage that generates a JavaScript array from the date element of HTML. This array works fine on its own, and I can print it on a webpage using a command like this: document.getElementById ("demo "). = Week [0]; To access the generated "Week" array in JavaScript and paste it into the HTML Span element on the webpage However, it is a webpage that stores data I can not confirm how to get data from this javascript array for email email notifications PHP is formatted using PHP with PHP variables. I thought of using a php array, but I think that whatever solution I am getting for it is either for some other matter or so complex - I have the ability to copy this JavaScript array into a PHP array, which I would like to break and repurpose. Can use for email The front. - The ability to use this JavaScript array within the HTML for the email This is all contained within a PHP file on the server (HTML markup, JavaScript functio...

How to write the following in list comprehension in python -

Can I easily type in the Python for candidates in the list : (= [I]! = 'NA') sum = = int (line [i]) line .append (sum) here candidate is a list of candidates whose list contains candidates marks in each internal list What am I trying to do? "I Internal Increasing one member in the list, which is the total number of each candidate, such as " candidate =" [[143050023,5,7,6, 8], [14305678,3,4,5,6]] [[143050023,5,7,6,8,26], [14305678] 3,4,5,6,18]] I am able to do this without using an understanding of the list, but with difficulty understanding the list is facing It is difficult to try that I am facing in writing. Value is how connects and adds it to the line after each inner loop. When the understanding of the list is used, loop structure is better than normal for the structure? Let's start with your last question: Use the list When doing the loop structure better understanding than normal? Two things must be true: The purp...

python - ipcluster3.exe failed to create process -

I get an iplcluster 3 I'm trying to install XE on Anaconda Python 3.3 on Windows 7 64-bit. However, when I run it, I get an error: c: \ anaconda \ envs \ py33 \ script & gt; Failed to create ipcluster3.exe process Failed to create C: \ Anaconda \ envs \ py33 \ Scripts> ipcluster3.exe start -n 4 process. The error really does not give me enough to start debugging. It seems that my copy of Anacondas came with the beta version of the eyeshadow. I updated it using Coda. conda update -n py33 ipython The following packages will be downloaded: package | Construction --------------------------- | ----------------- Ideathon -2.3 1. Py33_0 3.0 MB Pirlineline 2.0 | Py33_0 135 KB ----------------------------------------------- ------------- Total: 3.1 MB The following package will be connected to UN: Package | Construction --------------------------- | ----------------- Ideathon -0.13 2 | Py33_0 | Py33_0 The following packages will be linked: Pack...

json - Grails RESTful Controller. POST hits index() instead of save() -

I am trying to create a cool controller in Grails 2.3.4. I'm actually following the documentation, however, whenever I try to post, I always suppress the index. The only way to save () to work is to remove the index method. It does not make sense to me. I have tried to expand both RestfulController superclass: and implement their own ways: And yet, when I have my URL Posting on, this index only hits the method, whether it is expanding in a pure controller, or in my own method I have "/ api / lab" (controller: "Laboratory") UrlMappings.groovy have json: [ 'application / json', 'text / json '], defines my mime types I tried to add static allowed method of your controller and remove the [save: "Post" update: "PUT ", Delete:" delete "] . But I'm carrying out their own controller when it is my controller: class LabController {static responseFormats = [ 'Jason'] def Upyogkrtasrvist Diaf ...

ios - UITextView selectAll method not working as expected -

I am making iOS 8 App with Xcode 6.0.1 for my iPhone 5 (which is iOS 8.0.2 ). I want to make it so much that when a user clicks on my UITextView , all the text is selected so that they start typing and erase it easily (but I do not want to Text is automatically erased because users want to keep it or attach it) To do this, I have the following code: - (zero) textViewDidBeginEditing: (UITextView *) TextView {if ([TextView hasText]) {NSLog (@ "before selectedRange:% d ", TextView.selectedRange.length); [Select TextViewAll: Self]; NSLog (@ selected range after:% d ", textView.selectedRange.length); }} When this method is called, then I expect the console output (i.e. selectedRange length is similar to the number of characters in the code> text view text). However, nothing appears as selected in UITextView and it is not selected (i.e. no selection menu pops up). I have seen many questions like this on the Internet, but did not work for me for any soluti...