jquery - onchange javascript click event cancels the other one out -

Here is the core part of my custom code. I believe that use of 3rd party plugin IM with the on-change function function Is in confict, which is also used on the same "option" tag.

  jquery (doc) .ready (function (e) {var t = e ("# filter-container"); t.imagesLoaded (function () {t.isotope ({itemSelector: "Figure", filter: "*", resizable: false, animation: engine "jquery"}}} ("option"); $ ("select") ("change", function () {var select = $ ( Select this option); var selected optic = ("option: selected"); var r = selectedOption.attr ("data-filter"); T. iops ({filter: r}); return return}}; e (window) ) Reset (function () {var n = e (window) .wide (); T. iosop ("relay")}. Trigger ("resize")})   < P> and dropdown plugin by using here Potential offender from M. It is much more than that time, but this function which concerns me which probably stops my script:  
  $ ("select"). ("Change ", Option () {var select = $ (this); var selected open = select. (" Option: selected "); var n = select.parents (" filter-button "); var r = selectedOption.attr ("Data-filter"); t.isotope ({filter: r}); return back}}   

Both functions are part of different scripts so I add them together Can not To receive Work First can not be canceled?


I tried to use my bela, but it did not seem to work.

Try adding a unique name in the event of your change.

  $ ("select") .on ("change.optionchange", function () {var select = $ (this); var selectedOption = select.find ("Options: selected") ; Var r = selectedOption.attr ("data-filter"); T. isotope ({filter: r}); returned back false}}    


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