jquery - Kendo Not able to bind the data if the data is very large -

I have a grid and I'm trying to force my working file if the number of records is low, but In my case 3490 for large records, this data fails to bind

  $ ("# addCustomer_Admin"). Click (function () (debugger; $ .ajax ({url: '@ Url.Action ("GetAllUnAssignedUnits", "admin"), Data type: "Jason", type: "post", success: function (results) {Debugger; bindunetsgrid (result);}, error: work (result) {debugger;}});}); BindUnitsGrid (data) function {debugger; $ ("#CustomerUnitsGrid") Kido Grid ({Data: Source: {Data: Data, Schema: {Model: {Field: {Unit ID: {Type: "number"}, Nickname: {type: "string"}, serial number: {type: "string" } {Type: "string"}, postal code: {true: column: {type: "string"}, address1: {type: "string"}, city: {type: "string"}, area: {type: "string"} [Field: "UnitID", title: "UnitID"}, {{field: "UnitID"}, {1} area: "address", title: "alias"}, {region: "serial number", title : "Serial Number "}, {field:" uniType ", title:" unittype "}, {field:" address1 ", title:" address1 "}, {region:" city ", title:" city "}, {field} : "Area", title: "area"}, {field: "postal code", title: "zip", hidden: true}]}); }   

and in my controller:

  [http post] Public Ashkin Task & Lieutenant; Actionsclass & gt; GetAllUnAssignedUnits () {int UnKnownCutomerID = Convert.ToInt32 (Configuration Manager. AppSettings ["UnknownCustomerID"]); If (session ["custUserID"] = null) {try {var list = await _unitRepo.GetUnassignedUnits (UnKnownCutomerID); Return to Jason (List, Jesenfestbavier. Elovaget); } Hold (exception exe) {log objLog = new log (); ObjLog.LogError (exe.InnerException.ToString ()); Return Redirect Action ("Shower", "Error"); }} Else {Return Redirect Action ("Index", "Account"); }}   

Is there any other way for this

Yes Other options are I would suggest suggesting server side paging for a large number of objects, because it has a huge JSON array to manage. I would recommend the following post to implement server side paging.


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