json - Grails RESTful Controller. POST hits index() instead of save() -
I am trying to create a cool controller in Grails 2.3.4. I'm actually following the documentation, however, whenever I try to post, I always suppress the index. The only way to save () to work is to remove the index method. It does not make sense to me.
I have tried to expand both RestfulController superclass:
and implement their own ways:
And yet, when I have my URL Posting on, this index only hits the method, whether it is expanding in a pure controller, or in my own method
I have I tried to add But I'm carrying out their own controller when it is my controller: This is my controller while extending the RestfulController: its Use your post / API / Lab to "/ api / lab" (controller: "Laboratory") UrlMappings.groovy have
json: [ 'application / json', 'text / json '], defines my mime types
static allowed method of your controller and remove the [save: "Post" update: "PUT ", Delete:" delete "] .
class LabController {static responseFormats = [ 'Jason'] def Upyogkrtasrvist Diaf Index for (int max) {params.max = Math.min (maximum ?: 10, 100) patient patient = user Sewakupyogkrtakpetiant render Rogilabkfindalebatiatt Andtip (patient, Labtaipkfin DByName (LabType.LAB_TYPE_INR)) JSON} Save @transnational DRF in the form () {Patient = patient To enable service counter user Piactiaiti Labtaip Inrtaip = Lab type. FIDBAM (LabTap.LLPAPDINR) Boolean LabAldexExists = PetTab.FindbitTealBadTet and Type (Patient, Request.JSON.LabDet, InrType) (labAlreadyExists) {render {Result: "Lab already exists"} PatientLab as JSON return PatientLab = new PatientLab () patient Lab.patient = patient patient Lab.origin = LabOrigin.MOBILE_APP patientLab.type = inrType patientLab.result = Request.JSON.result patientLab.measurement = UnitType.findByUnit (UnitType.UNIT_TYPE_NONE) patientLab.labDate = New Date ()}}
enhances classroom LabController RestfulController {static Pratikriyaprarup = [ 'json'] LabController () {super (Rogeelab)}}
" / api / lab "(Controller:" Lab ")
"/ api / labs" (resource: "lab")
save () method if You do not want to use plural in your rest controller, you can use
resource instead, but most of the time I go with plurality, I have a list of those methods that I support I am doing and I do it in
: ['index', 'show'] allows me to easily support certain actions.
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