jquery - Oracle Openscript and Javascript (AngularJS) -
I am using opscript on a form page that is using clickable divas "save" button. When a button is manually clicked, a javascript event is executed to save changes on the page. When I play back the script, the script clicks the button and redirects to the next page, but I do not save the changes to the text box. I'm guessing that the ng-click update user () function does not run while playing this playback. How do I open the save button and to run the javascript function?
Openscript code:
web.button ("/ web: window [@ index = '0' or @ title = payment processor]] / web: document [@ Index = '0'] / web: [[@ name = 'form' or @ index = '0'] / web: button [@ index = '1'] "). Click (); This is how the Div Save button code looks like:
.click (); should work, but you can also try mouseClick () . Using OATS and testing against unknown JS docs Example # 64, I increase the display count to display this similar ng-click. My example below is mouseClick () -
AnjularJS Example # 64:
& lt; Body ng-app = "" & gt; & Lt; Button ng-click = "count = count + 1" ng-init = "count = 0"> gt; Increasing & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Calculation: {{count}} & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; -
Open code:
web.window (2, "/ web: window [@ index = '0'] "). Navigate ("https://docs.angularjs.org/examples/example-example64/index.html"); {Looks (14.929); } Web. Button (@ 4, "/ web: window [@ index = '0']" + "/ web: document [@ index = '0'] / web: button [@ index = '0']") mouseclick (empty, 1, wrong); // Click (); // It should also work
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