web services - Webservice Testing with Specflow (BDD approach) -
Can I use a spaceflow to test websites or BDD in a normal way?
Please share it with me some frameworks and / or script
I am new to this whole point of view and I was asked to automate webservice testing using SpaceFlo C # is.
Yes, spaceflight can test the webservice - you have to type the code to do this! What have you tried?
We test our web services on many types of Windows and NIX platforms, which use the sample with a mix of code and scripts to configure and manage our services.
Given MyCalculatorService is running, when I call MyAdditionMethod with 2 and 3, the result is 5 "MyCalculatorService is running" / P>
- Whatever you need to do
- You can configure your service and copy it to the latest AS
- Just launch the prohnor or launch it
"When I call MyAdditionMethod with 2 and 3"
- Connect to the service in the same way as you Integrator
- This could be just a call or something
"Then the result is 5"
- This could be valid To get feedback from the previous step, or to get feedback, new calls are made for your service.
I hope that helps, if not - please try to add some more details with you / are struggling with you.
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