
Showing posts from January, 2012

vbscript - VBS add on not working in internet explorer (IE8) in Windows 7 -

I'm trying to add a command in the IE command bar, which will show a simple warning box when clicked (I later To add more work to it) I used it to create VBScript and added it to the registry (both direct and via wow6432 node). It works properly on the Windows 2003 system, which should be IE-8 (IE 8.0.6001 specific) and works in conjunction with the Windows 7 system on IE-10. But it does not work on Windows 7 systems, which are IE 9 or IE-8.0.76 or later versions. The window refreshes to click on a button instead of giving a popup This script will not run even after minimizing and enabling all security settings. It runs the script when adding the Accec key to the registry, but outside of Internet Explorer, which is not as good as running it. I need to know that some changes are necessary for these particular versions of IE so that the same VBS can be executed in Win2003 system or with IE7 in IE in the Win7 system. The same was added to the same 6432Node. I was ab...

objective c - iOS app crash, symbolicated logs are opaque -

I believe I am looking at the symbolic logs properly, but please let me know that this is not the case. This is a part of the crash log since Apple has been rejected due to the accident on the launch, which I am unable to replicate completely. I have installed a Crash Reporting System called Crashlytics, during which no crash report was received during the app, I believe that to start crashlitics, AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions . He said that, after the accident, the crashtix only sends the report when the app reopens, then the Apple reviewer may have encountered an accident and did not bother to try again, I probably do not have any CrashCat report. Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Code: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 0 Prev exception backtrace: (0xl8lf9a084 0xl929ec0e4 0xl808l9674 0xl0009l3l8 0xl00084fe4 0xl00084098 0xl867ldl58 0xl867lce68 0xl867d0ee8 0xl869dlda8 0xl8679l938 0xl867le88c 0xl867906f8 0xl0006l87c 0xl8678e5d0 0xl869a4de8 0x...

android studio - Ungroup Java Class kinds in Intellij -

intelliJ में, क्या नया संदर्भ मेनू में जावा क्लास टेम्पलेट को अनर्जित करने का एक तरीका है? यदि संभव हो तो मुझे ड्रॉप डाउनडाउन के साथ दूसरा पॉपअप नहीं करना पसंद करता है। (तुच्छ, मुझे पता है, लेकिन जब संभव हो तो अतिरिक्त कदमों से बचने के लिए) वर्तमान : राइट क्लिक - & gt; नया - & gt; जावा क्लास - POPUP - & gt; भरें नाम फ़ील्ड & amp; प्रकार के ड्रॉपडाउन। वांछित : राइट क्लिक - & gt; नया - & gt; कस्टम टेम्पलेट जैसा @vikingsteve इंगित करता है, यह नहीं है एक प्लग-इन लिखने की संभव शर्मीली वर्कअराउंड के रूप में, यदि यह कुछ टेम्प्लेट का मामला होता है तो आप अक्सर उपयोग करते हैं और आप उन तक तेजी से पहुंच चाहते हैं, तो आप एक मैक्रो रिकॉर्ड कर सकते हैं जो न्यू क्लास डायलॉग के साथ समाप्त होता है और वांछित टेम्पलेट के साथ "कलर" फ़ील्ड पूरा होता है। फिर मैक्रो को एक कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट पर मैप करें। सिंगलटन टेम्प्लेट के माध्यम से एक सिंगलटन बनाने के लिए एक मैक्रो रिकॉर्ड करने के लिए कदम हैं: प्रोजेक्ट टूल विंडो में चयनित निर्देशिका / पैकेज नोड के ...

Query about simulating global variables in java -

I have a question and I think it's trivial for the nearest. However, here - I have an app that connects to the database to read specific information. Now it is being read in many applications on many applications based on the request. So I wanted to restrict the number of connections in the database to , so this is what I did. Considering that I have a database access class, DBAFus 2 strings, A and amp; B I wrote a class global which is as follows - public class global {constant string A; Static String B; Public Global (DBAccessInput Input) throws exception {super (); DBAccess dbtool = new DBAccess (input); A = dbtool.getA (); B = dbtool.getB (); }} So now I can go ahead and access an Android. Global as B A and Global. In other sections of the B app. But it seems to me wrong because to populate another population; B. I will need to instantify an object from Global and then I will fall back to accessing an Android app. B as Global.A and similarly for B, I could have a...

javascript - AngularJS + RequireJS not working -

मैं RequireJS के साथ AngularJS का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। नया प्रश्न: RequireJS करता है कोई नियंत्रक लोड नहीं है मैं प्रयोग कर रहा हूं। बूढ़ा प्रश्न: आवश्यकताजेएस main.js फ़ाइल को लोड करता है, bootstrap.min.js फ़ाइल और jQuery। यह अच्छा काम करता है लेकिन यह किसी कारण के लिए कोणीय लोड नहीं करता है। मैं क्रोम का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और डेवलपर टूल्स टैब "नेटवर्क" में लोड होने से पहले केवल 3 फ़ाइलें उल्लिखित हैं। Console.log (प्रकार का कोणीय); बराबर करने के लिए अपरिभाषित । (मैंने कोशिश की है कि डेवलपर कंसोल में) कंसोल में कोई त्रुटि संदेश नहीं दिखाया गया है! समाधान: मैंने इसे 'कोणीय जोड़कर तय किया ' deps सरणी के लिए। मेरा main.js code है: // JS कॉन्फ़िगरेशन की आवश्यकता की आवश्यकता है .config ({// कोड प्रारूप // उपनाम पुस्तकालय पथ पथ परिवर्तित किया गया: {'jquery': '../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min', 'domReady': '../bower_components/requirejs-domready/ DomReady ',' angular ':' ../bower_components/...

import - Connect Neo4J on an existing Postgresql database -

I am a Neo4j new user and I played around with the web admin interface of Nephirz and making small databases and simple queries in Cipher for . Now I want to use Neo4J to create a graph with my existing database. It has a PostGrussClass database with millions of entries of the same structure (Neo4J is very customizable to represent these data). My question is how to import these data? What is the easiest way to do this? I have already seen that the cipher recognizes the CSV files but do I have to make a CSV file with my data or is there another way to import them? thanks for your cooperation. Sam An option to export your postgrace data to CSV and apply to import them in the graph To do. / P> Another method is writing a script in the language of choice (I vote here) which joins Post Grace using JDBC and connects with NEO 4J and then changes between business logic Applies to. A third option is using ETL tools like Taland. It's basically the same as your custom script, bu...

ios - I am not able to open people picker -

I want to open ABPersonViewController directly. This is my code ABAddressBookRef Address Book; addressbook = abderracebookwith creative option (zero, zero); ABPeoplePickerNavigationController * peoplePicker = [[APIOpollectionValentation Controller Allocation] init]; PeoplePicker.peoplePickerDelegate = self; ABPersonViewController * Picker = [[ABPersonViewController alloc] init]; Picker.personViewDelegate = self; Picker.displayedPerson = (__Brittie ABRecordRef) (name); Picker.displayedProperties = peoplePicker.displayedProperties; Picker.allowsActions = Yes; [People Picker Push ViewController: Animated Picker: Yes]; I have resolved this issue. This was happening because the account was disabled at the active directory level. Hope it helps a person with the same problem.

design - How to have conditional views in Rails? -

I saw a feature in an app that I want to be able to implement in the app has many resources - photos, articles etc. . Next to the photos and articles tab there were two buttons in the nav bar - Organization and Private When the organization clicks on the button, they click on the photo or article, they get a list of all the photos and articles of their organization members. If they click on the individual buttons and then they click on the photo or article, they only get a list of their personal photos and articles, leaving the resources of other members of their organization. So I wonder how this situation is kept between requests. I think that in a way, a variable will be passed between the sequences and the controller and for a list of any special resource based on that variable. Or perhaps save the state in the session (though I think this should be done as a last resort) Another way is to use a decorator like draper , but I have to implement it I'm confused about the fe...

android - how to override getView() method in activity extend Listactivity -

There is a list view in my project and there is a menactivity list activity, so I use "Alt + Shift" to add method getView + S "But I'm not getting getView () in this list. Please show me, I need call getView () method. Thanks! getView () is a method of inventory adapters. You need to set a custom adapter in your activity to override it Ref: Public Class MySimpleArrayAdray Extends ArrayAdapter & lt; String & gt; {Public MySimpleArrayAdapter (reference references, string [] value) {} @ override public view getView (integer status, see convertview view, ViewGroup parent) {return rowView; }} In your activity: Crate on public void (bundle extractor) {super.onCreate (icicle); MySimpleArrayAdapter & LT; String & gt; Adapter = New MySimpleArrayAdapter & lt; String & gt; (This, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, value); SetListAdapter (adapter); }

php - PhalconPHP DI : Initializers -

I am currently testing phalcon php for a project, and I have a self-implemented interface. An example, where a class applies Falcon \ di \ InjectionInterprefer , it will inject DI into that class automatically. What I want to do is equal if there is Aranea \ Db \ DbAdapterAware for a class example, then in that class DBadaptor should be automatically injected. I'm doing something similar to Z Framework 2 (), where during D config, you can specify initial as follows: 'initializers' = & gt; Array ('logger' => function ($ service, $ sm) {if ($ Server version of LoggerAwareInterface) {$ logger = $ sm-> Mill ('logger'); $ service-> set Logger ($ logger);}}), If it is not automatically possible in Falcon PHP, then I would like to override the factory defaults class I was thinking and implementing it myself, what would be the right place to inject this argument? Received * in ways, or instead set * in ways? I think that no method is ...

php - A ViewModel for a Contact Form in Laravel -

I'm not new to MVC, but I'm just starting with Laravel. In ASP.NET MVC we have ViewModels, which is basically a data object that we can pass from the scene. The view can then use ViewModel that wants it in any way. What is such a thing in Laravel? I want to create a scenario that I can pass my contact view and make a form metric around it! What do I currently have: Route Route :: find ('/ contact', array ('As' = & gt; 'contact', 'usage' = & gt; 'home controller @ contact')); Root :: Post ('/ contact', array ('as' = & gt;' Contact ',' Usage '=> PostContact @ Home Controller')); Administrators & lt ;? Expands Php Class Home Controller Base Controller {Public Function Contacts () {Return View :: Create ('Contact'); } Public event postContact () {$ formData = input :: all (); See Return: Creating ('Contact'); }} Besides, do not you see anything wr...

how to get form filled data in Jbpm 5.4 -

I am creating an application using Jbpm 5.4. Every user has a work form in the job and I participated in them through the comfort API. All work is going on well and the statistics table, but I want to know how the JBMP API gets data that fills the user in previous states? Does the data feed those data associated with the table? Can anyone tell me how do I get my own data? I tried the following. Try {Blocked Gate Content ResponseResparsharsHandler = New BlockingGet Content Response Handler (); Client.getContent (contentId, responseHandler); Content Content = ResponseHandler.Gate Content (); Byte [] byteContent = content.getContent (); Bytereinputstream bytereinputstream = new bytereinputstream (byte content); ObjectInputStream inputstream = new object inputstream (bytereinputstream); Obj = inputStream.readObject (); } Catch (Throwable T) {T. Preststacktress (); } This code is used to get jbpm-console work data :

c# - Can I upload an image via wcf without converting to a byte array -

I am capturing jpegs from my IP camera and I convert it to a byte array and then I use a web service I open and upload those people bytes. When I change that byte array back to JPEG and present it, I feel that image quality sometimes gets worse. I have used the quality of the encoder on different scales, but still I can post a code but this is normal and I want to focus on the alternative I'm probably on the way to upload an image with the size of the byte array as quickly as possible. You should do some tests with one. Actually flow camera = & gt; JPEG = & gt; Byte array ~ & gt; Byte array - & gt; JPEG - & gt; Screen . Where = & gt; Arrows are on the camera side. Where ~> is an arrow network. Where -> Arrow is the PC side. JPEG => Byte array ~ & gt; Byte array - & gt; JPEG should be loss-proof and tested. The network connection handles only the byte array, that this option is on the compression algorithm...

awk - compare two columns of two files and give conditional -

फ़ाइल 1: chr पॉज़ 1 नमूना जीन क्रआर 1 123 नमूना 1 x क्रोए 1 234 नमूना 2 वाई क्रोफ 2 345 नमूना 2 z फ़ाइल 2: नमूना जीन सीआर पॉज़ 1 नमूना 1 एक्स क्रआर 1 123 नमूना 2 एआरआर 1 234 नमूना 2 सीआरआर 3 123 नमूना 2 जेडआरआर 2 345 मैंने सामान्य कोड प्राप्त करने के लिए awk 'NR == FNR {A [$ 1, $ 2] ++; अगला} ए [$ 3, $ 4]' file1 file2 इस्तेमाल किया है, जैसे कि मैंने कोशिश की है awk 'NR == एफएनआर {ए [एफ एन आर] = [$ 1, $ 2] ++; अगला} {प्रिंट एक [$ 3, $ 4] == ए [एफ एन आर] ? $ 0 "\ t" 1: $ 0 "\ t" 0} 'file1 file2 लेकिन त्रुटि मिलती है। ]` फास्टस्ट की गई कार्रवाई के रूप में गलत है जिसका उपयोग आपने किया था एफएनआर इंडेक्स के रूप में और यहां आप $ 3, $ 4 `ए [एफ एन आर] = [$ 1, $ 2] ++;` का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं मैंने आपको ++ का उपयोग समझ नहीं पाया? आपको कुछ पंक्ति का उपयोग करना चाहिए awk 'nr == एफ एन आर { एक [एफ एन आर] = $ 0;} एन.आर. = एफ एन आर {विभाजन (ए [एफ एन आर], लाइन); यदि (रेखा [1] == $ 3 & amp; amp; रेखा [2] == $ 4) प्रिंट...

HTML 5 and Java, differences in code on android browsers vs. computer browsers -

I would like to ask you, is there any difference in using Java code in internet browsers on laptops and browsers on Android devices? When I use the application on a laptop, everything is fine, but the tablet is not working on the app (I can not drag and drop objects). I have tried an online drawing application, but it is not working with the tablet browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla). Google Chrome should support HTML5 and Java is enabled? I found this application very useful for working on computers and tablets. Where can the complexity in Java be found in the browser or in the application? This sounds: Working with TouchWizts and using this part of code is necessary to set up mobile touch events. Then it works.

Add a new text element using jquery in bootstrap -

Hi, I am preparing a page in bootstrap, now I have to use some new dynamic features of jazzery. After clicking the user click the Options button, I must add a new text field (button ID = BTED). The new button should come in the next line after that button Here's the code. & lt; Div class = "col-md-12 well sm" Role = "main" & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Legend & gt; Please enter filter configuration here & lt; / Legend & gt; & Lt; Form & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-xs-7" & gt; & Lt; Label = "server URL" & gt; Server URL: & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "server URL" class = "form-control" id = "server URL" placeholder = "Enter server URL" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-xs-7" & gt; & Lt; Label for = "pwd" & gt; Filter... mvc 4 - Return custom error objects in Web API -

I have a web API that I am working on using the MVC 4 web API framework. If there is an exception, then I am currently throwing a new HTTPPRESSpassion exception. I.e.: (! Int32.TryParse (ID, Out UserID)) New HTTPPRESS Pax Expression (requested. CRETERRSpons (HTTPITS code.badreestest, "invalid ID")); This gives the customer an object that is simply {"message": "invalid id"} I have the advantage to get more Further control over this response of exceptions by returning the detailed object. {"status": - 1, "substatus": 3, "message": "user could not be found"} How would I do this Am going to do? What is the best way to sort my error object and set it in a response message? I've also seen a bit more in ModelStateDictionary and it came with a "hack", but it's still not a clean output: var msd = new ModelStateDictionary (); Msd.AddModelError ("Status", "-1"); Ms...

html - Javascript: Set ID to a child existing table -

I have to set / set a unique ID per javascript per child tables. The main parent table has an ID but the hair tables do not have hair tables and further hair tables. How can I set up the first child and the second child's "On Page Load"? & lt; Table id = "main parent table" & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; You're probably looking for something like this : Each (work (eq, el) {el = '(' id ')) === " "undefined") {el.attr (' id ', ...

c - getchar gives output in the wrong order -

प्रोग्राम को निम्न तरीके से आउटपुट देना चाहिए: एक वर्ण डालें जी सफलतापूर्वक प्रवेश किया! जी #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int c, d; Printf ("एक चरित्र दर्ज करें \ n"); C = getchar (); Printf ("सफलतापूर्वक प्रवेश किया! \ N"); putchar (ग); वापसी (0); } लेकिन जब इसे चलाया जाता है, तो यह उपयोगकर्ता के लिए पूछने से पहले इनपुट दर्ज करने की प्रतीक्षा करता है और फिर निम्न तरीके से प्रिंट करता है: g जी आप getchar से पहले printf के बाद fllush डाल सकते हैं printf (" एक चरित्र दर्ज करें \ n "); fflush (stdout); C = getchar (); एफflush को आउटपुट स्ट्रीम पर कॉल किया जाना है। यह सी मानक से एक उद्धरण है: int fflush (FILE * ostream); ऑस्ट्रीम पॉइंट को आउटपुट स्ट्रीम या एक अपडेट स्ट्रीम में इंगित करता है जिसमें सबसे हालिया ऑपरेशन इनपुट नहीं था, फ़्लेमफ़िश फ़ंक्शन फ़ाइल को लिखे जाने के लिए मेजबान पर्यावरण को वितरित करने के लिए उस स्ट्रीम के किसी भी अलिखित डेटा का कारण बनता है; अन्यथा, व्यवहार अपरिभाषित है।

animation - Animate show of UITableView HeaderView when button pressed (swift) -

I have created a UIView "headerView" that works as tableHeaderView in my UITableView. I is basically hidden and when a button is pressed, it slides from the back of the navigation bar to the screen, as well as suppresses the TableView. override func viewWillAppear (animated: boole) {super .viewWillAppear (animated) self.resetShowGroups ()} personal function resetShowGroups () {var topFrame = self.headerView.frame topFrame.origin.y - = topFrame.size.height self.headerView.frame = topFrame self.tableView.tableHeaderView = blue} To set the table zero initially to zero the hearerview. Display 0.0, Options: .CurveEaseOut, Animation: {if (self.showGroups) {self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.headerVi Ew} else {self.resetShowGroups ()} self.showGroups =! Self.showGroups}, complete: {println This code is nearly as close as I can get it looks fine, but because this slide disappears before hiding, when He's blue, so this kind of It's been a long time and...

Android adb shell command to play sound from the command line -

I have a set of rooted Android device, which I can access on TCP / IP via ADB. I am trying to identify a particular by playing a sound from the command line (one of the .ogg files from / system / media / audio). I know that I can become an app for this but it feels like an overkill to use an APK, and I hope there is another indigenous method there. I already know how to start the intents from the command line. I have tried: No useful reference about the service call media.player syntax was not found I dumpsys media I can see references about AwesomePlayer but I do not get anything. Tried to find a compiled version from the Android source code, because it is disappearing from the device, but without any luck till now. Tried to create a command line Java application for Android. With the media player delveism , but my knowledge of Android and any thoughts? Depending on the, I like the following java code to play some sound, minimum speaker The media player seem...

PHP getting the name of the caller page -

I have a php archive script, PHP-Assets.php contains the most frequently used code in it that keep me Like I'm in a normal place In other PHP pages, they use a statement included, they call that page and depending on the page, call it some functions. No, the way to retrieve the file named PHP-Assets.php is therefore, I can create code based on the caller page. Then index.php; Uses PHP-Assets, and PHP-Assets will know that it was index.php that is currently on display on the user-side; And because it knows that the function can return a different answer. This is superglobal for php $ _ server . With the $ _ SERVER ['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] you get the name of the script requested by the user (eg index.php). Hopefully, what you want, but maybe a better way is to do the script name (or only relevant data?), Only through the function parameters, they need it. web api2 - Returning varying models From Rest Endpoint -

background I have my first webpage for some products, 2 comfort interfaces Developing / batches / packs etc. I read this how to make a good rest API and I got stuck on some concepts and my googling skills have failed me. I would like to give developer options to prevent duplicated API hits for child / sub-processing data (i.e. return all packs with batch) I also like to embed or sideload sub resources Be able to specify which fields they want to return to. I am used to making the method for a normal MVC / WebAP style and to create a self or shared view model and to send it completely if I need to send less data, I have a slimmore view Make modal. Question What type of return will I put on the rest of the last, this is just the one I requested (and the developer has to find out Based on what I can do to rely on documents, I have to build manually. Or should I make a thick visual model and in some way, with the ability of the JSN / XML converter, to mark the fields op...

solr4 - Solr Index replicas on DSE 4.5 -

I am using DSE4.5 and it has 5 node soul clusters. And made solr core on a solr node (x) and is capable of reading data from other solr nodes. But if x node is below then i can not read data from other nodes. As I checked there on the S node other than this, there is no index data for that child speed. How can I copy the SOLAR index in many nodes and also to read the data node DSE 4.5 first? Thank you in advance ... You just need to set the keyboard For replication factors to do something more than 1. If you are doing this on the existing cluster, you will need to run "Notudullo Repair" to copy the relevant data between the nodes.

jquery - IE11 Can't Tell that Two Strings are Equal -

For whatever reason, a condition is returning false when all my accounts, this is true should be there . This is just a simple string comparison; and Chrome got it all down . In IE Developer Tools, I put a breakpoint on the line and tried various things. Here's the output: The code from which to call That's JQueryUI Widget. This is the complete block that code is running. If I'm helpful, then I can post the entire widget. this.element.children ('option'). Each (function () {if ($ (This ($ (. ($)) .text () === select.val ()) {// Why does it evaluate wrong?!!! $ (This) .text (value) ctl._trigger ('Select', event, {item: this}); return back;}}); what $ (this) .text.match (/ [\ w] + /) [0] and select.val (). Match (/ [\ w] + /) [0] The same thing comes back? I believe some of you space-like characters are not spaces.

javascript - Omitting Condition in For Loop -

Let anyone help me understand why the following code works: Var someNumbers = [1,2,3,4,5]; Var length = some Numbers.length; (Var i = length; i--;) {console.log (i); } How is this once the i equation considered for 0 for the loop? What about negative numbers? Will not this cause an infinite loop? In javascript, anything can be a condition! In this situation, it is i - . Once i - returns 0 the loop will close because 0 is Farsi. The part that is missing is the third expression (see "last expression", see for loop) where you usually get increment / decreasing operation, but this case In both the "conditions" are combined in the expression.

html - scalable image and div with float -

Do anyone know that to adjust the code given below, my border div with the image with the image How to make a scale? At present it is only a little scales and then it will not get any smaller. When this scaling is stopped then it is still too big I would love it so that people can view it on any phone, without seeing the entire picture without being cut off. any idea? & lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div align = "center" style = "width: 100%;" & Gt; & Lt; Div style = "float: left; boundary: 1px solid # 999; margin-left: 40px; display: inline-block; width: 100%; max-width: 308px;" & Gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; Big basket & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Img src = "" style = "max-width: 100%;" /> & Lt; H1 & gt; Only $ 7.00 & lt; / H1> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; Your p...

c# - Delete directory of files, UI is not updating -

I am trying to delete a directory of files, and I am removing each file, I want to update the UI which is currently being removed. I have a code in my ViewModel: Private Zero ExecuteDeleteCommand () {var files = new DirectoryInfo (BackupDirectory) .GetFiles (); Forward (files in file) {ActivityFileName = fileName; File.Delete (); }} XAM (nothing special, just a TextBlock ): & lt; TextBlock Text = "{Binding ActivityFileName}" /> What is happening is that files are deleted in that directory, but updating to the Older file in the UI is running. ActivityFileName call OnPropertyChanged , so I know that is not a problem. I have created a directory that contains approximately 23k files, so I know that I should look something other than the last file when it is complete. I just think why he is not updating the UI in every call. The problem is that you are using the UI thread to perform your work. As a result, the UI will not be updated until ...

heroku - neo4j complex hieharchical Cypher query slow performance -

I have a complex hierarchical query that looks like this: MATCH : Company {ID: 7}) - [: HAS_SPACE] - & gt; (S: Space) - [: HAS_BOARD] - & gt; (B), (Colonel) & lt; - [: HAS_COLUMN] - (B) - [: HAS_LANE] - & gt; (Lane) - Optional Match (B) - [: HAS_CARD] - & gt; (CardCall: Column) - [: HAS_CARD] - & gt; (Card (Archived: Incorrect)) This query slows down for 10 seconds card is about 200. What is the problem with it and how can I profile it? It seems that a PROFILE is the keyword, but the output Really does not look like informative BTW, we are using gorphin db on our koku. I think that with this question you have an issue organizer blast with the path, you can help the cipher a bit. (The next version will be more clear about this). Besides, where is your "alternative relationship"? Between the board and the card? Create Index: Company (ID); MATCH (COMP: Company {ID: 7}) - [: HAS_SPACE] - & gt; (S: Space) - [: HAS_BOARD] - & gt; ...

angularjs - Angular JS - Route provider not working -

Help me with this plunk Go to the plunk and see it pls Getting blank screen while using routing, but its work is not correct two things: You are announcing the main app module twice - once in app.js and once In the controller app.js Before a load, which adds the router as a dependency, but after that you are doing this in your controller: var app = angular .module ("gitbewar", []); Which overwrites your previous one, redefines the githubviewer module. To view a module, just leave the second parameter (array of dependency). So change that line to your controller instead: var app = angular Module ("Gitbuvert"); You have the wrong module name for the router is the correct name ngRoute : Performance:

c++ - Convert a date std::string into a QuantLib::Date object -

As often happens to read such strings from .csv or .txt files, I know the easiest way to get Want to convert to a % d /% m% /% y (or any other similar format) string and do something suitable for the QuantLib :: Date object . Below one example code: #include & lt; Ql / quantlib.hpp & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / timer.hpp & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Iomanip & gt; # Include & lt; Boost / algorithm / string HP & gt; Int main () {boost :: timer timer; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Std :: string datesString = {", 17/10 / 2014/21/11 / 2014,19 / 12/2014/20/03/2015, 19/06/2015, 18/09/2015, 18 / 12/2015 , 17/06/2016, "}; Std :: vector & lt; Std :: string & gt; ExpiryDates; Promotion: Partition (end date, date string, boost: is_any_of (",")); For (int i = 0; i It is hidden, but once you & lt; Ql / utilities / dataprurs HP & gt; You can use: date d = date pars...

c# - Dynamically set the table name in LINQ query -

I am working on the data warehouse application and we have 4 tables where the schema is the same. The only difference between those tables The table name is the same. Table example: ps_Contractor ps_Employee ps_Union ps_NonUnion Schema ID hourly profit total Now I need to prepare 4 reports based on these tables. Instead of writing 4 different LINQ queries, I would like to write a single query where I can pass the table name dynamically. Question How can I pass the table name dynamically after the LINQ query? var data = (in _dbcontext.ps_Contractor in q _dbcontext.log in _l .include .id is l.tablelogid where q.hourly = 8 select new {hour = Q.hourly, profit = q.benefit, total =, log = l.message} .OoLS (); I have seen all the similar questions suggested by stack overflow I do not want to use ExecuteStoreQuery. What options do I have? If all the tables have the same columns, then one of those tables and partial it will be for example: ...

Split a column value to mutliple columns pandas /python -

I'm new to Python / Pandas and there is a data frame with two columns and one string is another. I'm looking to divide the contents of a column into multiple columns. Promote your information in this regard. This is my current dataframe content Songtesty density 0 ["'Hof van commerce', '' Chance", SORETGR12AB ... 4.445323 1 ["-123 minutes. "," Try "," SOERGVA12A6D4FEC55 "] 3.854437 2 [" 10_000 crazy "," Please forgive us (LP Verses ... 3.57 9 846 3 ["1200 microgram", "Bliss", "SOKYOEA12AB018 .. 5.503 9 80 4 ["13 Cats", "Please Give Me Something", "SOYLO ... 2.964401 5 [" 16-bit Lolitas "," Tim Choice Break (intermez ... 5.564306 6 ["23 Skidoo" , "100 Dark", "SOTACCS12AB0185B85"] 5.572 99 7 ["2econd class citizen", "For this we have ... 3.756746 8 [" 2tall "," Display ",...

mongoDB query has got error -

I wrote a question in mongoDB and found an error. Please help someone solve this problem: & gt; Db.Accounts.update (_id: t.source, pending transactions: {$ ne: t._id}}, {$ inc: {balance: -t.value}, $ push: {pendingTransactions: t._id}}) ; The error is: 2014-10-10T20: 27: 02.861 + 0530 Syntax error: unexpected token: db.Accounts.update ( { this is unavailable ... db.Accounts.update ({_id: t.source, pending transactions: {$ ne: t._id}}, {$ inc: {balance: -t.value}, $ push: {pendingTransactions : T _id}});

scala - Using a custom sbt plugin -

I have created a new Scala project and have written AutoPlugin below in a Src / Main / scala / com / company / plugin directory and related namespace The plugin code is a cut and paste from [1] to helloplugin 3 , although I have changed the names. Then, in a second SBT project, I have included my new Hello World plugin in the project / plugins.sbt file. This other project has other 'Business Code'. When I run the SBT in that second project, the plugin is resolved and I have tested that by removing the jar from ~ / .ivy / local / ... and then the project Complain about loading and witnessing of SBT that this plugin can not be found when I redo the publishLocal my plugin project, the error is removed. So I'm glad that the plugin has been solved and the jar file is not empty because I have checked its content. However, when I have a sbt> About My custom plugins are not listed and the command I was expecting to be available is not that. ("[Error] ...

how to check multiple continue statements in C -

In C programming, I want to display 10 numbers using the loop, but using two numbers 5 and 7, I will display Do not want to release statement here is my code, but I am not getting any errors. int j = 10; For {i = 1, i & lt; = j; i ++} {if (i == 5) (i == 7) {continue; Printf ("% d", i); }} If I understand your question, then logical or using Please || if (i == 5 = i == 7) {continue; } Printf ("% d", i); Alternatively, you can make a logical and & amp; Amp; Amp; Can use if (i! = 5 & I! = 7) {printf ("% d", i); }

jquery - javascript find html with class and with nested -

इस स्टैकवॉवरफ्लो के लिए सरल निर्यात javscript फ़ंक्शन चलाना - उदाहरण यहाँ: हालांकि मैं इसे बदलना चाहता हूं, इसलिए यह केवल एक निश्चित वर्ग की पंक्तियों को प्राप्त कर लेता है, यही वह है जो मैंने अभी तक करने की कोशिश की है। var $ rows = $ Table.find ('tr: has (td)'), मेरा var $ rows = $ table.find ('tr.hasClass ('शो'): है (टीडी) '), मैं जेएस के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानता, जाहिरा तौर पर, इसलिए मदद की बहुत सराहना की जाती है। आपको चयनकर्ता में hasClass का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है आपका कोड होना चाहिए: var $ पंक्तियाँ = $ table.find (' (td)'), जहां आपकी कक्षा नाम शो है JQuery और CSS में डॉट ( । ) का अर्थ है class selector already।

java - File location for unit testing -

This is a very simple question, for which I can not find a solution. I have a very complicated Android app that uses the camera and takes some breaks for the pictures. Now I want to write unit tests for some tasks, but I have not been able to load any files. In an Android test project where I should paste the image to test and how can I load that image? file object? I have a generic junit.framework.TestCase class on which to send a class to file , the exam is required. thank you in advanced! This can not be the best solution because it can drain your project considerably though, your test In the case of lack of writing codes to download an image, I'm not sure what another approach might be. Just, I have 'test' drawables in my resources and I load them bitmap, then refer them to their tests somewhere on the disk. This is the code I use: Secure the public fileEserSizeGateOnstastAstorage (Activity Activity, StringPixelName, IIDID) {bitmap bitmap = bitmapfa...

ruby on rails - Param is missing or the value is empty for: contact -

I have the following form validation for name and email: Valid: Name, Attendance: Correct Confirmation: Email, Attendance: True looks like this in my browser: However, when I submit the following form: = contact_for simple_form_contact,: url = & Gt; Create_enquiry_path ,: method = & gt; : Post | Form | There are no errors on the page, but I am getting: > is absolute unavailable or the value is empty for: contact My administrator is: def create contact @contact = contactform. New (form_params) if @contact Err.Any? Render: Action = & gt; : New Flash [: Error] = 'Please fix errors.' Else redirect_to .... flash [: notice] = 'Thank you for your message, we will contact you soon!' Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong? / P> It looks like you expect your parameters The comparison is different. If your parameter dictionary is coming like your controller: {: name = & gt; 'John' ,: Email = & gt...

How to remove parameters from URL in Flask python -

In my website I have URLs that will be backward like parameters: example .com / MagicPage /? P = 10 & amp; D = draft Is there a way to remove these parameters after the request is processed? So when the user clicks on a link, the parameters are passed, but the visible URL only more details: @ app.route ("/ Magic page") DEIF Magic page (): Parameter parameters and work complete remove the indexed parameters in the URL, return to the render page There are two ways to do this. Option 1: Use POST parameter instead of GET. If the parameter adds a HTML form, method = post to and gtc: tag, and replace your page with: @ app.route ("/ magic page") dig magic page (): param1 = request.args.get ("param1") param2 = request.args.get ("param2") From: @ app.route ("/ magicpage", methods = ["post"]) DEF magic page (): param1 = request. Form.get ("param1") param2 = reque...

javascript - Ajax in loop for html output - Bootstrap Tabs -

I want to retrieve more than one Jason files and keep the data of each file in the bootstrap 3 tab. I realize that getJSON is not called before the data is attached to the end of the function, but I do not understand the callback well. How do I set up a callback when I am adding HTML to a variable in an example below? function load tab (p) {var htmlTabs = '& lt; Ul class = "nav nav-tab" role = "tablestist" & gt; '; Var htmlContent = '& lt; Div class = "tab-content" & gt; '; For (var i = 1; i & lt; = p; i ++) {if (i == 0) {htmlTabs + = '& lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "'+ i +'" role = "tab" data-toggle = "tab" & gt; '+ I +' & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; '; HtmlContent + = '& lt; Div class = "tab-panel active" id = "'+ i +" "">; } Other {htmlTabs + = '...

javascript - How an angular object gets the value of another object -

How can I get all the properties from the object? This code is: this.makeReady = function (order) {var tempOrder = angular.copy (command); TempOrder.status = 1; Angular.forEach (tempOrder.items, function (item) {item.status = 1;}) $ http.put ('/ rest / change / invoice /' + + '/', tempOrder). Return (function) () {order = tempOrder; // this does not work}}; } In case of success: Change the value of that object. Try editing the order directly in your $ scope.allOrders and See if you get the behavior you are looking for. this.makeReady = function (order) {var tempOrder = angular.copy (order); Var order index = $ scope.all orderers. Indexoff (order); TempOrder.status = 1; Angular ForEach (tempOrder.items, function (item) {item.status = 1;}); Return $ http.put ('/ rest / change / invoice /' + + '/', tempOrder) .success (function () {$ scope.all orderers [orderIndex] = tempOrder;}); }

php - How to convert htmlspecialchars into normal text? -

I have a mySQL database and I am using special character of html to format text before the inclusion. .. I have found: $ firstname = htmlspecialchars ("O'brian", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); And if I resonate $ firstname; I O & amp; # 039; Brian How can I convert back to normal text? html_entity_decode () function This all html entities P> Do not use htmlspecialchars_decode () !!! things like & amp; # 65; Try this: echo htmlspecialchars_decode ('& amp; 65;'), html_entity_decode ('& amp; ; 65; ';); It should output & amp; # 65; A .

c++ - MinGW: "gcc is not recognized as an internal or external command" -

I downloaded and installed Mingo. I have used the graphical program to install the C ++ compiler. Type GCC in Windows Command Line Print: GCC is not recognized as an internal or external command I checked, and is present in gcc.exe C: \ MinGW \ bin \ / code>. What is wrong? Or on the command line, you must type "\ mingw \ bin \ gcc" instead simply "GCC " The best way to set the environment described above

macros - Scala annotations are not found -

I have a case class with an annotated field, such as: the case class fu ( I have a macro that processes the declaration of this class: val (className, access, field, chairs, body) = classical Match {Case Q} Case Class $ n $ m (.. $ ps) Expands. $ BS {.. $ ss} "=> (N, M, PS, BS, SS) Case _ = & After that, I search for the aligned field like: val aliases = Fields.asInstanceOf [List [ValDef]]. FlatMap {Field => Field.symbol.annotations.collect {// Excluded Version: // Case Annotation if annotation.tpe & lt ;: & lt; Cv.weakTypeOf [Alias ] = & Gt; if annotation.TTPA & lt ;: & lt; C.weakTypeOf [nickname] = & gt; // dislike version: // annotation. ScalaArgs.head match {annotation.tree.children.tail.head match {The matter is verbatim (constant (absolute: string)) => (Param,}}} However, the list of nicknames is exhausted I have decided That field. Symbol.annotations.size, in fact, 0, sit clearly on the field Despite annota...

c++ define variable inside if block for function scope -

Background: I am working on the development of a number of different controllers (10 or more) for a hardware that needs to run code in code. Under RTAI Linux, I implemented a class as a separate member function of the class with each controller. I am looking to pass the desired route for each of these control functions for the respective control variables on which the controller has been selected. Additionally, because there are many criteria for each controller and I'm looking to completely switch the whole code and controllers that navigate without navigating parameters, I define all the control variables in one place and I'm trying to define on the basis of controllers. I choose to run here. Here's a minimal work example of what I'm looking for. I am looking to define the variable based on a condition that is correct or not: int foo () {Int i = 0; If (i == 0) {int a = 0; Float b = 1; Double c = 10; } Elseif (i == 1) {int e = 0; Float F = 1; Double g = 10; } // L...

angularjs - How to access form validation properties in the controller -

As seen here: For example, how to use template var: {{myForm.input. $ Validate}} In the controller? $ scope.myForm.input. $ Valid does not do You save $ $ to $ May add scope .myForm.input. Valid $. Working here. & lt; Script & gt; Angular.module ('test', []). Controller ('formController', ['$ scope', function ($ radius) {$ scope.myForm = {} $ $. $ Watch ('myForm.input. $ Valid', function (Newell) {$ scope.valid = NewVal;});}]); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Form name = "myForm" ng-controller = "formController" & gt; Email: & lt; Input type = "email" name = "input" ng-model = "text" required & gt; {{MyForm.input. $ Valid}} {{valid}} & lt; / Form & gt;

javascript - How to make an image change into others on click? -

I'm trying to create a minimum clickable "slideshow". So far, I have only changed the image change to another. But I want to add it to other images. I tried to add other ifs and elses on javascript but it does not work (i am a noob ...) how can i do this? I want to click Jat and change the picture. This is my code so far: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Img alt = "" src = "1.jpg" id = "imgClick and Replace" onclick = "changeImage ()" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Changemage function () {if (Dokyumentkgetelementbyid ( "Imgklikkndchange"). Src = "Lkjpg") {Dokyumentkgetelementbyid ( "Imgklikkndchange"). Src = "2.jpg"; Document.getElementById ("imgClickAndChange") Src = "3.jpg"; }} & Lt; / Script & gt; Thanks! If you want to cycle through those images, I create an array and its elements Swap...

Creating a vector of maximum values from nloop in R -

यहाँ r कोड है: nloop = 100 xmax = list () के लिए (iloop एक्सएमएक्स 99 नल मूल्यों और 1 अधिकतम मूल्य की सूची लौटाता है। {Y = rtriangle (10, 0, 2, 1) xmax [iloop] = max (y)} मैं इस सूची को सभी 100 अधिकतम मानों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए कैसे प्राप्त करूं? पता नहीं कहाँ आपका rtriangle फ़ंक्शन आता है, लेकिन आपके पास है आपका लूप घोषित करने में त्रुटि यह के लिए होना चाहिए (1: नोलोप में देखें) । इस तरह से iloop ऑब्जेक्ट 1: nloop vector के सभी तत्वों के बाद एक ग्रहण करेगा। आपके कोड के अनुसार, iloop केवल nloop मान (100) ग्रहण कर सकता है: यह आपके कारण 99 नल तत्व हैं।

actionscript 3 - Google Play Game services ANE version 5089000 -

I am using my ANE for my Android game and it works great. It has AdMob, Leaderboards and Achievements functionality, I used the Google Play game services version 4242000 , which was the first time I first started making it. There is now a new version of Google Play Game Services: 5089000 I want to migrate this new version and implement new features . However, ANEE does not work with it. Whatever I did, it was replaced by the new code by google-play-services.jar (i.e. 4242000 Version changed with 5089000 ). ANE successfully compiles but when the test is done, then ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext () always NULL returns !!! And as I said, when compiled with the old google-play-services.jar (which is the version 4242000 ), it works perfectly. I did a trial Android project in Eclase, which contained the new google-play-services.jar (version 5089000 ), and all the functionality worked This means that the .jar file is not a problem. I am using AdBar Ai...

javascript - saving logout time when the user close the browser -

In my project I want to save the logout time in my DB when the user closes the browser (X button, file- > And gt; exit, right click -> exit, shift F4); I am using JavaScript to handle events with On-On -Load but I also have questions with this event back, forward, refresh events: is there any way to leave those events or to get it Any other way? Javascript is restricted to existing window objects, so it does not allow you to access something else .

c# - Is order relevance implied with IEnumerable or should it be explicit? -

For me, IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; C # (Well, .NET) An arbitrary set of data that can be circulated can be supported in any way, such as the result of a SELECT query, a The contents of the array, the character described by the user in the console, or Pi's data data can not be referenced by the index, it is not necessarily finite or infinite, nor can it be modified. It can also be a separate set of data when it is called later, such as IEnumerable & lt; Double & gt; Random numbers It is bits of data such as a consumer being fed like a foreach loop. Now consider a few more concepts that work with the Data Set: In SQL SQL, the order of the specified rows is not guaranteed and it is not relevant. For example, if you do SELECT * to stack_overflow_posts LIMIT 1 , there is no implication from the database that the line you get back is actually the first line that was inserted, nor For the old line example, you need to explicitly order the results containing t...