ios - I am not able to open people picker -
I want to open ABPersonViewController directly. This is my code
ABAddressBookRef Address Book;
addressbook = abderracebookwith creative option (zero, zero); ABPeoplePickerNavigationController * peoplePicker = [[APIOpollectionValentation Controller Allocation] init]; PeoplePicker.peoplePickerDelegate = self; ABPersonViewController * Picker = [[ABPersonViewController alloc] init]; Picker.personViewDelegate = self; Picker.displayedPerson = (__Brittie ABRecordRef) (name); Picker.displayedProperties = peoplePicker.displayedProperties; Picker.allowsActions = Yes; [People Picker Push ViewController: Animated Picker: Yes];
I have resolved this issue.
This was happening because the account was disabled at the active directory level.
Hope it helps a person with the same problem.
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