how to get form filled data in Jbpm 5.4 -
I am creating an application using Jbpm 5.4. Every user has a work form in the job and I participated in them through the comfort API. All work is going on well and the statistics table, but I want to know how the JBMP API gets data that fills the user in previous states? Does the data feed those data associated with the table? Can anyone tell me how do I get my own data? I tried the following.
Try {Blocked Gate Content ResponseResparsharsHandler = New BlockingGet Content Response Handler (); Client.getContent (contentId, responseHandler); Content Content = ResponseHandler.Gate Content (); Byte [] byteContent = content.getContent (); Bytereinputstream bytereinputstream = new bytereinputstream (byte content); ObjectInputStream inputstream = new object inputstream (bytereinputstream); Obj = inputStream.readObject (); } Catch (Throwable T) {T. Preststacktress (); }
This code is used to get jbpm-console work data :
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