jquery - IE11 Can't Tell that Two Strings are Equal -
For whatever reason, a condition is returning In IE Developer Tools, I put a breakpoint on the line and tried various things. Here's the output: The code from which to call That's JQueryUI Widget. This is the complete block that code is running. If I'm helpful, then I can post the entire widget. what I believe some of you space-like characters are not spaces. false when all my accounts, this is true should be there . This is just a simple string comparison; and Chrome got it all down .
this.element.children ('option'). Each (function () {if ($ (This ($ (. ($)) .text () === select.val ()) {// Why does it evaluate wrong?!!! $ (This) .text (value) ctl._trigger ('Select', event, {item: this}); return back;}});
$ (this) .text.match (/ [\ w] + /) [0] and
select.val (). Match (/ [\ w] + /) [0] The same thing comes back?
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