actionscript 3 - Google Play Game services ANE version 5089000 -
I am using my ANE for my Android game and it works great. It has AdMob, Leaderboards and Achievements functionality, I used the Google Play game services version 4242000 , which was the first time I first started making it. There is now a new version of Google Play Game Services: 5089000 I want to migrate this new version and implement new features . However, ANEE does not work with it. Whatever I did, it was replaced by the new code by I did a trial Android project in Eclase, which contained the new I am using Has anyone experienced anything like this? Anybody can help please looks like Can answer why no context can not be made. google-play-services.jar (i.e. 4242000 Version changed with 5089000 ). ANE successfully compiles but when the test is done, then
ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext () always NULL returns !!! And as I said, when compiled with the old
google-play-services.jar (which is the version 4242000 ), it works perfectly.
google-play-services.jar (version 5089000 ), and all the functionality worked This means that the
.jar file is not a problem.
AdBar Air 15
swc part of ANE.
abd Logcat
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