
Showing posts from March, 2011

jquery - Switch HTML ID Attribute Value Between HTML Text-Boxes Using JavaScript -

In my HTML form, I have a heap of HTML text boxes (more than 2) when the id attribute is empty for the first time The HTML page loads. But when the user clicks on a text box, the ID must be "active". Others should be empty when the user clicks on the other, the id of the previous text box must be empty. The id of the new text box must be "active" & lt; Input type = "text" name = "test" id = "active" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "test" id = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "test" id = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "test" id = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "test" id = "" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "test" id = "" & gt; How can I do this using JavaScript? Can anyone help me solve th...

php - Validation based on another field -

I am new to this Symfony framework and a dead ended during implementation. I'll have to validate the new password and password confirmation field only if the user's current password is entered. / Ul> but turns either the sections used are removed or any unit is required. The implementation of the two fields is as follows, // If this field is loaded $ builder-gt; ('Current password', 'password', array ('label' = & gt; 'current password', 'expected' = & gt; false, 'attr' = & gt; array ('class' => Form-control "error," '=' '))); // This must be filled in fields or set as the required $ builder- & gt; Add ('password', 'duplicated', array ('type' = & gt; 'password', 'required' = & gt; wrong, invalid_message = '> error message: PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH,' options' => ; Array ('atri' =>...

Generating CRUD with Appfuse Maven Plugin(AMP) -

A few days ago I used the command MVN Office: General to generate the CRUD with the app Have done But it generates folllowing files / classes for a given class (say, category): 1) Category-validation.xml 2) Category-action-validation.xml 4) Category 4) Category Action. Java 5) CategoryForm.jsp 6) Category List. / P> I hope that this grid / category Dow Hibernate or maybe category manager / category management implementation class at least !!! Private General Manager Category Manager; And it is in contradiction with the standard Tutorial (epiphase) Can someone tell me how to category / category for this category Can Dow Hibernate and Category Manager / Category Manager Improve Emple Class? Use-Damp.genericCore = Incorrect when you run the app: Gen. Like the following: mvn appfuse: gen -Dentity = Category -Damp.genericCore = false

java - Array indexing issues -

I'm trying to create 7 classes of a class for a loop. I can go through 7 times the loop, but once I press once I get a ArrayIndexOutOfBound error My code is as follows: data [] temperature = new data [7]; (Int i = 1; i & lt; = temperature.length + 1; i ++) {System.out.println ("Please enter temperature for day" + i); Temperature [i] = new data (input.nextDouble ()); } Array starts with indexes 0. The problem with your code is that you are trying to use the 8th array element that does not exist . For more information, see. Your code should look something like this: data [] temperature = new data [7]; // Start the loop with index 0-6 (make 7 indexes total) // index 0, for it index 6 (= temperature lining) (int i = 0; i & lt; temperature; height; i ++ ) {// Since it may seem strange to enter the temperature for day 0, notice (i + 1) System.out.println ("Please enter the temperature for the day" + (i + 1 )); Temperature [i] = new da...

android - Error launching SDK manager: "find_java.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running" -

I'm trying to start Android SDK Manager in Android Studio, but it shows me the following error SDK manager can not be launched Output: C: \ PROGRA ~ 1 \ Android \ ANDROI ~ 1 This version of \ sdk \ tools \ Lib \ find_java.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows that you are running to see if you have the x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program Needed Needs, and then contact the software publisher, check the system information of your computer. Error: No suitable Java has been found. To use Android Developer Tools properly, you need a suitable version of the Java Java console on your system. For my error message, I have already setup my JAVA_HOME variable in 32-bit Java SDK1.7, 32-bit OS, Java installation path in my system. However, it shows the same error in other systems, I have a 64-bit configuration, it works well, any help would be appreciated. Just one issue fixed SDK manager is now opening in my end without any issue. Solution ...

angularjs - Is FireBase hosting dependent? -

I have created a very simple firebase + conalier app with an angifier, or instead, I copied the code from examples Is of All this, for now, access and logout through Google is permitted. This code is very easy. I do not think there is a need to post it here. I tried to host it differently stable files, and found somewhat strange results. On Google Drive, Dropbox, and Github Although the page was served to all of them, there were no 404 errors in the console and no JS errors, the login was not working itself. What will happen that the program will launch the long screen and the user will enter, but the angular "auth.user" object is taped again. The same code exactly, when run on Visual Studio (via "View File in Browser") and hosted on Firebase hosting hosting solution, was running as expected, no problem Logging and logging work both. I was surprised how this could happen, because this is not a "backend" app, or more accurately, it has only one ...

angularjs - Update several objects with REST API -

I would like to know whether there is a way to update a 'big' (and of course if this is a good practice ) (For example 100; for example) through a single REST API call. I know that the REST API defines http, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE At this time I ask individuals to push with each single object P> Can it cause lack of performance? I found an article about the method HTTP, but I do not know what I want. The techniques I am using: ASP.NET WEBAPI2 AngularJS Should be the HTTP-put and posted way. But since you are updating a collection, see if you can update the archive and not every entry in it. If this is a collection like "Top 100 Movies in 2014", then this collection should have an ID. At the moment I call individuals PUT with each single object. Can it cause lack of performance? Yes, it does, for each request you have an overhead of information that has to be sent.

Using $watch for two variables angularjs -

I have a pop up screen in which the user must choose between two drop down lists. After the selection completes, I return the selection to the service and save them in an object. App.service ('OriginalService', ['$ modal', function ($ modal) {var that = this; this.filtersMananger = {// my-ng- down-firstFilter lists: "", secondfilter: ""}; this.openDialog = function () {var modalInstance = $ ({TemplateUrl: 'ModalScreen.html', controller 'model controller, resolution: {filtersManagerObject: function () {that return.filtersMananger;}}}); modalInstance.result.then (function (filter Manager) {that.filtersMananger FirstFilter = filtersMananger.selectedFirstFilter; that.filtersMananger.secondFilter = filtersMananger.selectedSecondFilter;}, Function () {});};}]) ;; Popup html: & lt; Div class = "data-filter-container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "data-filter" & gt; & Lt; Label for = ...

javascript - jQuery.parseJSON disordered array -

Code> Array ([979] = & gt; Picture model [962] => Brand [4 9 4] => Dimension [980] => Capability [981] => Power [982] = & Gt; List Price [983] = & gt; Warranty [975] => USB Connection [9 76] => Self-cleaning [9 77] => Double Glass Door [978] = & gt; Steam Function [974] => Electrical type) In your code given below, comparable_at contains a Jason encoded array After this, I give a json in the order of php array as console.log (comparable_attr) . Then, after parseJSON and then console.log gave it the data in different order. var comparable_attr = '& lt ;? Php echo json_encode ($ _ comparable_attributes); ? & Gt; '; If (comparable_art.line! = 0) {// check for Jason Console.log (comparable_ETR); Var obj = jQuery.parseJSON (comparable_ETR); Console.log (obj); } Problem: I want to get it after parseJSON in the same order. Received result: returns the first Console.log (comparable_ETR): ...

css - CSS3 double drop border? -

OK, so I want to do something like this. But be of a modular type, where I can have a button class which looks like this, and a class that I can use to apply to classes. I have it now: . Double-drop {status: relative; Padding: Map-packed ($ padding, XL); Margin-top: (-1 * 280 pixels); Border: 3px solid $ black; Background color: $ white; & Amp ;: {content: ''; Status: Completed; Z-index: -1; Top: (-1 * map-obtained ($ padding, m)); Correct: (-1 * get map-map ($ padding, m)); Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Border: 3px solid $ black; Background color: $ Light-gray; }} Which works, and makes the impact on the squares. But if it is inside a parent who is fully positioned. (The drop-side is behind ..) I would like to imitate that effect in my image for all the buttons, and apparently transform its translation so that it moves or not. Will this probably be the first? CSS only multiple borders on the button Perhaps using several shadows, Will there be a simple so...

selenium - jBehave NullPointerException for step method -

मेरे पास निम्न jBehave कहानी / परिदृश्य है; परिदृश्य: कुछ जानकारी सत्यापन जब मैं जनसंख्या को & lt; global_target_pop & gt; के रूप में दर्ज करें और सबमिट करें तब मुझे सत्यापन संदेश & lt; message & gt; & Lt; फील्ड & gt; के लिए उदाहरण: | फ़ील्ड | Global_target_pop | संदेश | | लक्षित जनसंख्या | ए 1 | जनसंख्या एक पूर्णांक होना चाहिए | संबंधित चरण विधि निम्नानुसार है; @ तब ("फिर मुझे सत्यापन संदेश & lt; संदेश & gt; & lt; फ़ील्ड & gt; हालांकि, मुझे इस विशिष्ट चरण के लिए NullPointerException प्राप्त हो रहा है, सार्वजनिक शून्य चेक ValidationMessageForField (स्ट्रिंग संदेश, @ नामित ("मान") स्ट्रिंग कारण, @ नामित ("फ़ील्ड") स्ट्रिंग फ़ील्ड {} । नीचे स्टैक ट्रेस है; java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator.parameterPosition ( org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator पर Org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreator.access $ 1000 (StepCreator.java36) पर org.jbehave.core.steps.StepCreat...

android - How to dismiss progress dialog when i'm moving to another activity? -

I OnPostExecute a new activity started to call pDialog.dismiss () , but when I'm back in the last activity with new activity - the progress dialog is still going on How can I permanently transfer it to another activity at this time? Here's my Ascenca Task Class. Public class FindRideTask Expands AsyncTask & lt; Zero, zero, zero> {Personal progress pDialog; @ Ovrreid protected Postaksaktek (zero results null) {if (Peediaieloji! = Null & amp; Peediaielog. Showing ISI ()) {Peedialog. } Intent = new intent (getApplicationContext (), FindRideBoard.class); Bundle bundle = new bundle (); Bundle InputSolarAralylists ("Results", Rider List); Intent.putExtras (bundle); StartActivity; } Override Protected Zero at Prexactec () {pDialog = New Progress DiDOO (FindRide.this); Pdialogkso (Findridaekthis, "× ×? × × ×? × × ¨ × × × × ×" "," × × × ?? × × × × × × × × × × × × × ?? ") ;} @ override protected Voyum Doinbakground (zero ... param...

android - How to apply pin to zoom to Relative Layout -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब क्या हम ज़ूम को चुटकी लागू कर सकते हैं संबंधित लेआउट के लिए? अगर हम कृपया अपने विचार साझा कर सकते हैं अग्रिम धन्यवाद। नमस्कार वहाँ मुझे लगता है कि आप यहां से इसके बारे में उपयोगी जानकारी पा सकते हैं

reportlab - Bad Marshall data when Installing private python lib in zc.buildout -

I am getting poor martial data errors when installing dependencies for one of my projects. If we install standard virtuales by using So, it works fine without errors. Here is a part of my zc.buildout (error is currently due to that part): [buildout] version = version extension = mr .developer unzip = true include-site-packages = false # FIXME # Trying to install via buildout from here raises a bad martial data error # I should keep in mind that these errors are _not_ when we get a # clean Install in the virtual environment. It is only in the buildout # Find-links = https: // traceback: distribution for 'rlextra == 3.1.9' To receive . Zip_safe flag not set; Analyze the contents of the archive ... rlextra.thirdparty.xlrd.xlsx: module reference __file__ rlextra.utils.buildutils: module reference __file__ traceback (most recent call final): file "& lt; string & gt;", line 1 , & Lt; Module & gt; Main file "build / bdist.linux-x86_64 / eg...

javascript - Selecting multiple divs with same class -

मेरे पास एक HTML संरचना है कि यह कैसे: & lt; div class = "className" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "वर्गनाम" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; ... & lt; div वर्ग = "वर्गनाम" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; मैं jQuery के साथ इन तत्वों का चयन करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। इसके लिए, मुझे यह जानना चाहिए कि क्या इन आइटम्स को लूप के भीतर संभव है, जहां N की संख्या divs है पहली लूप में मैं पहली div को दूसरे लूप में दूसरा, div , आदि ... को लक्षित करना चाहता हूँ के लिए ( Var i = 0; i & lt; N; i ++) {$ ("। ClassName") ...}; इसके अलावा, jQuery के समान वर्ग के साथ divs की संख्या जानना संभव है? $ (...) संकेतन एक सरणी-जैसा ऑब्जेक्ट देता है, जिसका अर्थ है कि आप अपनी अनुक्रमणिका के माध्यम से किसी विशिष्ट तत्व को संदर्भित कर सकते हैं: $ ("। ClassName") [i] ... यद्यपि यह ध्यान देने योग्य है कि jQuery में अपनी कुछ पाशनिंग विधि हैं, जिसमें संभवत: इस मामले में मूल लूप के लिए इस्त...

Clickbank INS V6.0 Integration c# -

I am trying to integrate CLICKBankINSV6.0 for my C # application. I like a sample response: {"notification": {"version": 6, "attempted rank": 0, "role": "seller", "Site": "Niquelon", "Receipt" "" "" "," Currency ":" USD "," Transaction Type ":" Examination "," Transaction Time ": 1406070122781," Payment Method ":" "", "Full name": "", "full name": 1, "" "" "," customer ": {" shipping ": {" first name ":" test "," last name ":" user "," full name " Test user "," email ":" "," address ": {}}," billing ": {" first name ":" w "Customer", "Last Name": "USER", "fullNam...

jquery - Highlight custom dates in datepicker -

I would like to highlight some custom dates: this is what I have done so far if (jQuery ('datepicker'). Length) {jQuery ('datepicker'). Each (function (i) {var $ item = jQuery (this); var fechas = $ ('fechas'); Var option = {'display': $ ('display') == '' ? '': $ ('display'), first show: function (date) {console.log (date); if (Fechas.length) {for (var i = 0; i & lt; fechas.length ; I ++) {if (fechas [i] == date) {return, [CSS-class-to-highlight ',' tooltip text '];}}}}} $ Item.datepicker (option);}) ; } But then I got this error Uncort type type: property can not read '0' as unspecified It is a matter that I want to highlight these dates, no current date, I have seen the answer but I do not think they apply here, is it? This seems to work better: jQuery (function ( ) {JQuery ('datepicker') .each (function (i) {var $ item = jQuery (this...

algorithm - Check if a number exists in a given set of ranges -

Assume that a set of our N Series, (A1, B1), (A2, B2) (A3, B3) .. (A, BN), where A indicates the starting point and BE represents the end point of a boundary. (AI, BI positive Intijrs are) How do we use binary search, if a given integer, X say, N present in at least one N range of? My approach: Sort the ranges by the x coordinate and then y-coordinate. The smallest X-coordinate is bigger or equal to X. Check if the range is satisfied or not. If yes, we have a solution. Now, if there is no X in that category, what should my next step be? Or, should the solution be completely different? What is the description of your problem is that your pairs as (a1, b1) a), (A2, B-2) where is AX at the beginning of class bx finished now you are given a number Is n and you want to find that the number is in any category. sort before then implement the merger in overlapping categories and binary search: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include ...

JavaFX8: Application in fullscreen mode doesn't show focus on elements -

I have the following problem: I want to see that when I enter my multiscreen application in fullscreen mode, the textfield Or button focus. But for some reason, this is not showing a "white glow" around a text field for example, this is not a big problem, while it works the way I want (focusfocus ()). But now it gets annoying when I want to use AutoComplete completion from ControlsFX () because the list is not shown in full screen mode. I will clarify the situation with them. Screenshots: This is now in fullscreen mode: How should this (and how it is in non-fullscreen): Be clear: the problem only Autocomplete does not exist with the same textfield, but element with each FXML If I use fullscreen mode from OSX, then it works correctly (it returns an error on the background). But I want to start the application in full screen mode. This is my main java code: Expands in public class main {// Get the example of a screen controver octocase .GUI_Screens....

Javascript access object properties under same hierarchy -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 17 उत्तरों हाय मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट के लिए newb हूँ जब मैं एक कोड लिखने की कोशिश कर रहा था तो मुझे इस समस्या का सामना करना पड़ा var k = {sam: {b:,}, बार: {x:" हाय " ,},}; मैं नहीं जानता कि कैसे उस bar.x संपत्ति का उपयोग करना मुझे गेस्टेटर और सेटर्स का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की। मुझे पता है कि अगर मैं b: का उपयोग करता हूं, तो इसका उपयोग किया जा सकता है। लेकिन इसका उपयोग करने के लिए यह बुरा तरीका है। कृपया मेरी शक स्पष्ट करें क्या मेरी समझ गलत है या मेरा कोड गलत है शायद यह मदद मिलेगी, सीधे एमडीएन वेबसाइट से ली गई हो। var myHonda = {रंग: "लाल", पहियों: 4, इंजन: {सिलेंडर: 4, आकार: 2.2}}; मैं अभी तक चित्रों को पोस्ट नहीं कर सकता, लेकिन जावास्क्रिप्ट लिखने के बाद, मैंने अपना कंसोल खोल दिया और टाइप किया: myHonda.engine.cylinders और यह 4 लौट आया। तो यह स्पष्ट करता है कि यह कैसे काम करता है।

cube - SSAS tabluar mode processing fails with "a lot of rows" -

I have an SSAS Tabular Mode cube that reads data from an Attison Matrix database using ODBC. The process of the project is fine when I am using a data set with 1 million rows, but when I try to use a large (300 million lines), the process runs for about 15 minutes and the message Fails with: Operation failed because the source database does not exist, the source table does not exist, or because you do not have access to the data source More information: LE DB or ODBC error: [Paraakl] [ODBC Driver] [Piadibi] 57014: error: Canceled question (2545 9) on user request: Description (2545 9) Cancel the user's request; 57014. An error occurred while processing the partition 'XXXX' in the table 'YYYY'. The current operation was canceled because another operation failed in the transaction. The message says that the database is not in existence but it does not make sense because it works perfectly well on the first case (and the difference is only "where segment...

php - Controller can't find requested when calling a standard action in Yii 1.x -

While trying to execute a standard Yii action, I am getting an exception, that the HotelController Can not find the requested view hotellist My Controller Code (Important part): class extends Hotel Controller {public $ defaultAction = 'HotelList'; Public Function ActionHotel List () {$ Models = New HotelRev; $ This- & gt; Render ('Hotlist', array ('model' =>);); }} Am I doing wrong or wrong? I got the problem - The first letter of the directory created in the protected / view is a capital letter (on Linux system). If view / hotels make them view / hotels

android - Accidental clicks on admob ads -

During the test, I accidentally clicked on adobe advertising on my unity Android game, it has been expressed for $ 0.54 Will this make an issue later? If so, what can I do to solve it? Never infringes multiple clicks on ads by the same user and AdMob The account is suspended. So in your case, it will never happen (if you have not clicked on advertisements multiple times) for this you can use dummy data by testing in the emulator. AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder () // Add a test device to show test ads. AddTestDevice (AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) .addTestDevice ("CC5F2C72DF2B356BBF0DA198") .build (); Hope it helps ..

django - Dart absolute url for assets. Or serving assets on separate server/folder -

I am creating a Polymer.dart app which uses Django as backend. And I want to put all the static files in the "static /" directory, or for example I want to use the CDN server. But the "Pub build" script creates related URLs for the script and other properties. Is there a way to inject a full prefix for the release of url during "pub build"? UPD: So simple solution was to create a transformer: import 'dart: async'; Import 'package: barbeck / barbecue' dart '; Class URL enhances Transformer Transformers (UrlTransformer.asPlugin ()); String is allowed = Extension = & gt; '.html'; Apply to the future (Transformation Transformation) {Return Transform. Primitive input.produststring (). Then ((content) {transform.addOutput (New Asset .from. (Transform. Promi Input.ID, Content. Replace Elmap (New RegXP (R'SRC = "([^ \ {"] +) "'), (match-m ) = & Gt; "src = \" / static / $ {m [1]} \ ...

ios - UITableViewCell custom edit content -

While editing my cells, I would prefer not only to delete buttons, but also to others what the real way of doing so is? I own UIView editingAccessoryView property but being the object of the problem (ie navigation, click the Edit button in the address bar) and the whole scene appears only on direct editing Also the way of trying to make ignored swipes across a cell tableView: editActionsForRowAtIndexPath: method had been tried, but did not work, at least I figure out what I Want your work Did not manage to get. Thank you in advance "itemprop =" text "> after you try this code - (NSArray Table view: (UITableView *) table view editActionForRoundAandPepath: (NSIndexPath *) IndexedPath {UITableViewRowAction * button = [UITableViewRowAction lineActionWithStyle: UITableViewRowActionStyleDefault Title: @ "Button1" Handler: ^ (UITableViewRowAction * Action, NSIndexPath * indexPath) {NSLog (@ "Action to perform with button 1"); }]; button....

xpath - PHP DOMXPath works with double quotes fails with single quotes -

I have written a small script that can be used by PHP's DOMXPath class information from the Web site Removes. I & lt; Div class = "sku" /> I query for and execute a substring-before result on the result include text, non-breaking spaces, a line break, and more text. So what I am trying to do is & amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; \ R \ n . When I use the following query it works fine: $ query = "substring-before (// div [@ class = 'sku'], '\ xC2 \ xA0 \ XC2 \ xA0 \ r \ n ') "; But as soon as I keep changing the quote (which should not make any difference): $ query = 'substring-before (// div [@ Class = "sku"], "\ xC2 \ xA0 \ xC2 \ xA0 \ r \ n") '; or $ query = 'substring-before (// div [@class = \' sku \ '], \' \ xC2 \ xA0 \ XC2 \ xA0 \ r \ n \ ')'; How is this possible and how can I remove it? Live example here: The style of citations make a differen...

keyerror - Python - Defensive programing on key errors -

I keep an error on this function and I do not know why I thought I should fix it a second time, but do not see it Why is it still a problem? The error goes away once more. This was my first error, but I correct it. file "", line 332, run type type error: argument type 'NoneType' is not Iterable ================ ================================================== ============== 05 OUT 03:06:48: Exit Position: 1 def get_notifyees (jobdef): origNotifyeesList = jobdef ['notifyees']) or job def ['notify'] is no more [job deaf ['notibiz']] origNotifyeesList = origNotifyees Listings of Genesis are not the result of none other [] Notifications list = [] in origNotifyees List for Promotional: If not 'not in' notify: NotifyeesList.append (Notifyee) Back to Notification List But I am getting this error now File "", line 337, get_notifyees keyError: 'notifier' ================================ =...

activerecord - Rails groupdate gem pg error -

I have a Rail 3.2.14 app where I have the chartkick and groupdate Code> gem to generate some charts I have installed both gems, and I am trying to do some test questions from the console on my call model. call.group_by_day (: created_at) I take an exception and get the following error: Call Load (8.8 mms) SELECT "Call". * "Call" WHERE (created_at IS NOT NULL) group by (DATE_TRUNC ('week', (Created: :: Timestamps - Interval '6 days' - Interval '0' hour) Time zone 'America / Chicago') + INTERVAL '6 days' + INTERVAL '0' hours) 'America / Chicago' ActiveRecord :: Statement in Time Zone: Invalid: PG :: Error: Error: The column should appear in the "Call.Id" group BY section or an overall work line 1 Should be used in: SELECT "call" * to "call" WHERE (created_at not tap ... ^: SELECT "call". * "Call" WHERE (created_at IS NOT NULL ) By the group (DATE...

java - Spring MVC: findById - do not include all ManyToOne collections -

I have 3 institutions class A, Class B and Class C. Classes have several teoons with Class B and Class C If I use / classA / 1 or / classA / abc / 1 from the web browser with a large JSON and classbie class and all Items have been found. But I want the ID of Classware and Classbis and the ID of the classics. Where do I have an error? The simple code is: / * --------------------------- --------------- ------------ * / @Entity @Table (name = "CLASS_A") @ Nominee (name = "classaffined", query = "Select C to Class Ace") Public Class Class A Tool Serializable {Private Static Last Long Serial VironUID = 1 L; @Id @ Generated Values ​​(strategy = generation type.INNTITI) @column (exclusive = true, tapable = false) Private INAD; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn (name = "class_b_id", drain = false) Private class B class B; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn (name = "class_c_id", drain = false) Private class class C; @ Private private string descript...

javascript - Regex to capture typed information in TypeScript -

I am new to reggax, have taken some tutorials, it is a tough time to get this right. I am working on language support for type-script for a text editor, and I need a regedx that matches the information of typing in a function. For example: function asdf (param1: type1, param2: type2, param3: type3) {...} In that, my regex Match 'Type 1', 'Type 2', 'Type 3' etc. Here's what I'm trying to do: \? (??: (\ W).? \) Breaks like this: \ ( look for starting brackets . (\ w) Capture group: Next word \) For brackets to the end of the function parameters Stop it. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but like I said I'm new to regx again. At present, it captures the entire stuff, from starting the legs to the feet to close. I need to match only one word after the colon. Note: I want to make sure that it only matches the words after the calls within the carons so that it can not match the object key / data combos, which ...

using font file in wpf usercontrol -

I am using a WPF UserControl inside the Winforms form. I have to do this work I want the text that I use to use a font in WPF UserControl which I have as a TTF. I do not know how to refer to this TTF and control is used. I am assuming that I should load TTF (this is not an installed font) in user control and tell the control (a label) to use it, but I only look at the font-family context. How to load a font in wpf from the TTF font file & Lt; TextBlock FontSize = "48" fontfamily = "/ Asset / Fonts / Algeria. Ttf # Algeria" fontweit = "normal" & gt; Test value & lt; / TextBlock & gt; Use the resource to store the font ...

MySQL select from subquery order -

If I have a table: create tab 'docs' (`id`int (6) Unsigned, tap 'int' (3) unsigned, tap 'material' varchar (200) zero, - primary key (`id`)) and Execute the following rows: Choose from from * (select) * select rows' as docs order in the form of 'rows') Order of the returned rows The order of the internal question Are like ? Can this be guaranteed, generally speaking? Yes, if you are only selecting From (in the form of * rows * select * with the order of the order *] ) it will be the same as usual, but the sequence should not be used by the subclass. The subkey is used in some external query, and the external query must be done in any order, so there is no point in ordering a subkey. If you use the top or serial You will need to use it, but it is not a standard SQL in command. You should use it like this SELECT * FROM (choose from docs) as 'DRAC' Dwara` Panktiya` order;

google apps marketplace - Limiting a private gadget to specific OU -

I'm reading through docs for gmail referenced gadgets and I can be deployed to a specific oU Or it has to be turned on for the whole organization. It seems that you can do this if you publish your gadget in the market but in our scenario the gadget can not provide enough functionality to qualify as a marketplace app. Only allows you to apply the gadget to the whole domain. As you mention, using the Google Apps Marketplace, you can restrict an app for just a few specific OUs. If you do not want to share it all over the world, you can publish your app as private in your domain.

javascript - How do you determine the firing order of load and DOMContentLoaded events? -

Why does the code below (1), 5, 3, 4 order a fire? And 2 why not in the fire at all? According to , "4" should fire before 5 ". It is not what is shown according to the order of the alert. However, if I change the body and IMG onload handlers to execute document.write instead of warning , then 5 will be displayed, which corresponds to that answer. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Document.addEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {warning ("1");}); Document.addEventListener ("load", function () {warning ("2");}); Window.addEventListener ("load", function () {warning ("3");}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "alert ('4')" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Hello World! & Lt; / H1> & Lt; Img onload = "warning ('5')" src = ...

How to get rich text formatting from asana task API -

Asana added rich text formatting in June 2014 How do you get formatting metadata API? For example, if I fill in the job description in: some bold text A a a a a The API returns the following for the field of field, which does not contain any formatting information: "Notes": "Some bold texts. \ N \ nList \ n \ nFoo \ n \ nbar \ N \ n Publisher \ nb \ nb \ nc \ nbaz" We are not currently in the mean of API To support rich text formatting. However If you are feeling adventurous, then we are currently working on this support, and you get html_notes (for tasks) and html_text (for stories) You can try it by using For example, do you ? You can request them using opt_fields = html_notes . However note that this is still very experimental / initial support. If you do not like HTML to the parser, then it turns everything into plain text. So this is actually only when you are feeling particularly adventurous - otherwise, unles...


I honestly do not know what I'm doing wrong. Regular Name: ProcInsertName Type: Process Parameters: IN Name VARCHAR 30 Charset Deplerler TempNameID INT; Name Name Right Name Name WHERE Value = @ Name; If no tempNameID name (value) value (name @); end if; Determinant is: Uncheck defender: & lt; Blank & gt; Security type: DEFINER SQL data access: contains SQL: & lt; Blank & gt; I'm coming out with an error: One or more errors occurred while processing your request: The following query has failed : "Create Process" procInsertName` (`name` in VARCHAR) (30) Not included Definition SQL SQL Definition Definer declaration tempNameID INT; Select nameID from tempNameID name Where value = @Name, if tempNameID then name (value) in value Insert is zero (@ name); if end, "MySQL said: # 1064 - an error in your SQL syntax It is; Closest 'DECLARE tempNameID INT; To use, check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax; ...

c# - Parsing Data in Xamarin Forms -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> I want to get the names in the collection href (CustomerDemographics, Customers, Employees, Order Details) to populate the listview. I would like to know how to parse these information in XMarine platform or C #. I am quite new on this environment. I have experience how to parse Json data in native ios with objective c, but this is the first time I see this type of data from the attached picture It seems that you are requesting the service document of the Odata service i.e. the service's http: // host / service / endpoint if you want to get the contents of the archive If so, you should add the name of the collection at the end of the document's service URL, such as: get http: // host / service / categorieshttp: // HSOT / service / customer demographics Receive The format of response payload depends on the protocol version of the OData service. If you are talking to an OData V4 service (it real...

ios - My bluetooth peripheral is sometimes not recognized by my iphone in background. Proximo by Kensington works -

I am developing a Bluetooth 4.0 BLE hardware device. It works in a very simple way. This is a single service UUID And advertise an extra special payload that includes 0xFF (manufacturer specific data). This service does not publish any GATT profile data, except service UUID. The main idea is that when a user comes close to the device, a message should be displayed on the iPhone. I am not trying to create another iBeacon protocol, but this app has a specific purpose will :) app in the pancreas and it sometimes works when the app is able to "Bluetooth-Central" background mode I UIBackgroundModes to call, especially since the town is in the background, gold Have done . It is very common that the application does not see ever nodes off Bluetooth hardware, while the app is in the background and the main problem I have for months need help I thought it only iOS works Does. Now I have purchased a Kensington Proximo Bluetooth tracker FOB, and after some testing I have fou...

web services - Move laravel 4.2 from localhost to shared, or not, web hosting -

I'm trying to upload my work-based web app from a local work to a web server, but I'm still The same problem is: white page but if I call phpinfo in index.php, then I can see the result. I have tried to keep the same directory structure of the original project, but when I navigate to, I see a white page. I have also tried to move all the public content in the upper direction, the bootstrap / path of the public version By changing the path from PHP to '/ ..' and from index.php (.. need to remove / autoload.php and start .php) but the only problem is, finally, I tried to add this line to .htaccess Resetting engine on Rev. Cindy% {REQUEST_URI}! ^ App / Public Rev. release ^ (. *) $ App / public / $ 1 [L] ... and second white page So I do not know where the problem is. "post / text" itemprop = "text"> public / directory app / directory Should not be inside P> If you are on a shared host then you are prob...

execute python file from php error -

मुझे कुछ समस्या है। इस php (uploads.php) स्क्रिप्ट निष्पादित करें python फ़ाइल । & lt;? Php $ file_path = "अपलोड /"; $ Auth_token = $ _POST ['auth_token']; mysql_connect ( 'स्थानीय होस्ट', "के लिए लॉग इन", 'पास'); mysql_set_charset ( "UTF-8"); mysql_select_db ( "db_name"); $ Sql ​​= "उपयोगकर्ता से उपयोगकर्ता का चयन करें जहां auth_token = '$ auth_token'"; $ परिणाम = mysql_query ($ sql); यदि (mysql_fetch_array ($ परिणाम) ['user_id'] == 0) {गूंज "auth_token विफल"। $ Auth_token; बाहर जाएं; } $ File_md5 = md5 (समय () + $ auth_token + rand (0,1000)); $ File_path = $ file_path मूलनाम ($ _FILES ['अपलोड किया गया_फ़ाइल'] ['नाम']); यदि (move_uploaded_file ($ _ FILES ['upload_file'] ['tmp_name'], "अपलोड / /। File.md5" .mp4 ")) {$ aaa = exec (" / usr / bin / python b9022c5c317cf2317ad3f537dcc1cfbe ") ; प्रतिधारा $ fil...

java - I can't understand how to reset this loop/scanner -

My program is supposed to be prompted by the user to enter the exam score related to how many tests were taken It works fine, but when a user enters the negative exam score, he should re-enter the three examinations. My program does not save any exams which was not negative, when you enter three examinations, it uses only that three are required to complete or how many are looking for it. Maybe something is so easy that I am missing because I'm new to this. I think a question given below is enough for a reply, if I have a big problem then I hope. System.out.print ("Enter the Exam Score:"); For (int y = 1; y and lt; = numberofexams; y ++) {test = NumScanner.nextDouble (); While (exams & lt; 0) {NumScanner.nextLine (); System.out.print ("Invalid exam score, re-score:"); Exam = NumScanner.nextDouble (); } System.out.println (); If break (y & gt; numphxam); Yoga + = exams; // test average sum2 + = exams; // class average} // number of exams I do...

powershell - Powershel: l parsing nested JSON -

I am working with PowerShell so that the result of an API call can be obtained as a JSON string of BrightPail: I just want to retrieve the result section .... "result": [[1,1,207,4,3, "2014-09- 18T14: 15: 50.000 -04: 00 ", 4" # 1014 ", 2], [2,1207,1,3," 2014-09-29T13: 20: 52.000-04: 00 ", 4" # 1015 " , 2], [3,1,207,1,3, "2014-09-29 T 13: 25: 39.000-04: 00", 4, "# 1016", 2]]} Using convert formats - Jason ($ BpResults.Content), I only get external JSON .... PS C: & gt; Convert Frame-Jason $ BP Order. Content Response Reference -------- --------- @ {Metadata =; Results = System.Object []} @ {orderTypeNames =; OrderPaymentStatusNames =; OrderStatusNames ... I think some of the rest may be excavated in the system. Object [] ... but can not understand the syntax to reach it. Ideally, I want to write the result in the CSV file. Any thoughts? "", "Original": {"metadata":...

mongodb - How do you check if a PHP object is a MongoDate object? -

Is there a function like MongoId :: isValid ($ id)? How do you determine if an object is a MongoDate object? If $ mongoDateObject- & gt; Secs ()? if is_a ($ MongoDateObject, 'MongoDate')). (

coldfusion - Dump Session Into SQL Database -

Is it possible to dump a ColdFusion session into a SQL database? I have many session values ​​and what I want to do is just dump them all into a database. I did not know that I had to write each value in the database or if I could have a big session which just got all the values ​​or variables Dump to anyone who was used in a database. Actually I have a checkout form, they fill out many questions out and then confirm on the last page. When they confirm that I want everything that they have entered throughout the session so that they can dump into the database Does anyone know where I can get an example of this or someone can provide one? Say you want to do something like this: & Lt; Cfsavecontent variable = "sessiondata" & gt; & Lt; Cfdump var = "# session #" format = "text" & gt; & Lt; / Cfsavecontent & gt; & Lt; Cfquery & gt; Enter the table (session data) value (& lt; cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "cf_sql_...

TFS2013 new build definition error: The type or namespace name 'TestClassAttribute' could not be found -

I created a new build definition on the new installation of TFS 2013 Update 3. I am using TfvcTemplate.12.xaml to test MSTEst use in the build solution of the build template but will not compile. Here are some errors: The type or namespace name 'Test class attribute' could not be found (can you not use the usage instructions or an assembly reference?) The type or namespace name can not be 'TestClass' ( Do not you remember the usage instructions or an assembly reference?) The type or namespace name 'TestMethodAttribute' could not be found (Do you have access instructions or an assembly reference missing?) Type or namespace In can not be 'TestMethod' (what you do not remember using directive or an assembly reference?) Coming Remember Me? Build a Visual Studio on the Build Server is required.

android - NullPointerException error in my ListView -

I have a piece that I call ListView One part of my code to be displayed Expenditure of the public square expands daily daily expansion {@ Override public void on crate (bundle saved instanestate) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState ); LvExpenses = (ListView) getActivity (). FindViewById (; Cursor expense list cursor; DBctrol DBC = New DB Control (Received Activity); Try { (); ExpensesListCursor = dbc.list Expense (); String [] = new string [] {"description", "cost"}; List Adapter Adapter = New Acquisition (GetActivity), R.Lay Out.list_express, Exchange Listworker, New Ent [] (R.D.V.Description, R.D. tvCost}, 0); LvExpenses.setAdapter ();} Hold (SQLException e) {} dbc.close ();} @ Override Public View Creatives (LayoutInflator Influent, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {Final View Rootview = Inflator.In Falette (R) Late expans_deli, container, false) ; Return route view;}} ** DbControl class ** Public class DbC...

sql - How to use case statement properly? How to use case statement with where or join table? -

I am trying to change the display value for all passwords 1 = 1 with name 1 and password 2 = 1 2 values ​​in the database without the actual but when I executed the code, the system returned: 4145, level 15, state 1, line 22 expression specified non-boolean type expression where a condition was expected Is near the "command". I have the output: No Ryan, Lisa, 1, 3214, 1, 2, 5, 4, Leo, Ben, 3, 1, 1, WA The output should me Name 1, Name 2, Gatecode, Password1, Password2, State Ryan, Lisa, 1, 3214, 4564, Florida Brendan, Joan, 2, 5324, Zone, NV Leo, Ben, 3, Leo , Ben, Washington Here's my code: Top 10 as the 'name1' Please, select g.name1 as' name2 ',' c.gatecode 'as gatecode, c.pas1 as' password1', c.pas2 as' password2 ', as g.state' State 's guest from left code CG Where to enter Gest_cdoe = c.guest_code when password 1 = 1 and g.guest_cdoe = C.guest_code then ba.bank_name1 WHEN pass...

python - pattern matching in malayalam makes TypeError: expected string or buffer -

इस प्रोग्राम में TypeError दिखाता है: अपेक्षित स्ट्रिंग या बफर # code = utf-8 आयात पुनः s = [u'à' ?? ?????????? ???? ??????? 'ए' ?? एएम ?? à'¸àμ ?? A'?? à'¨àμ ?? à'§à' ?? एक 'μμ ??' '± एएल ?? ए'इआँम् ??' एन '?? ए' डिग्री एयू ?? ए 'μ μμ ??' ए '??' '??????????।'] V = {'q': s [0] .encode ('utf-8')} मैच = (r'à'àμμ ?? 'à'ààμ ?? à'§à' ??, s) यदि मैच: प्रिंट' पाया ', () अन्य: प्रिंट' ' "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आप उपयोग कर रहे हैं, जो एक पैटर्न और स्ट्रिंग की अपेक्षा करता है। आपने सूची के रूप में दूसरा पैरामीटर दिया है। और आप यह संकेत देते हैं कि आपके regex खोज स्ट्रिंग यूनिकोड है तो u'à'āμμ ?? ए '?????' a'àμ ?? à'§à'ÃÆ'à एक € ™ Ã⠀ SA, एक · ÃÆ'à ¢ एक, ¬ Å ¡Ãƒâ € SA, एक एक स्ट्रिंग पर परीक्षण, यह काम करता है - आयात फिर से # - * - कोडन: यूटीएफ -8 ...