android - How to dismiss progress dialog when i'm moving to another activity? -

I OnPostExecute a new activity started to call pDialog.dismiss () < / Code>, but when I'm back in the last activity with new activity - the progress dialog is still going on How can I permanently transfer it to another activity at this time?

Here's my Ascenca Task Class.

  Public class FindRideTask Expands AsyncTask & lt; Zero, zero, zero> {Personal progress pDialog; @ Ovrreid protected Postaksaktek (zero results null) {if (Peediaieloji! = Null & amp; Peediaielog. Showing ISI ()) {Peedialog. } Intent = new intent (getApplicationContext (), FindRideBoard.class); Bundle bundle = new bundle (); Bundle InputSolarAralylists ("Results", Rider List); Intent.putExtras (bundle); StartActivity; } Override Protected Zero at Prexactec () {pDialog = New Progress DiDOO (FindRide.this); Pdialogkso (Findridaekthis, "× ×? × × ×? × × ¨ × × × × ×" "," × × × ?? × × × × × × × × × × × × × ?? ") ;} @ override protected Voyum Doinbakground (zero ... parameter) {s_ParseLogic = ParseLogic.getInstance (); {ArrayList & lt; ParseObject & gt; ridesFromQuery = (ArrayList & LT; ParseObject & gt;) s_ParseLogic.FindRides (sourceList. getText () toString (), destinationList.getText () toString (), time_picker.getText () toString (), m_date.getText () toString (....)); ride list = new Arrelist & lt; ride & gt ; (); for (int i = 0; i & lt; ridesFromQuery.size (); i ++) {parse object obj = ridesFromQuery.get (i); ridesList.add (new ride ((string) obj. Get ("source"), (string) obj.get ("destination"), Tring) Objkget ( "DE") (string) Objkget ( "Time"), (string) Objkget ( "Ijhfrment"), (string) Objkget ( "Driver"), (string) obj .get ("driver phone"))); }} Hold (parsexation e) {} return tap; }}    

The getApplicationContext () a Your Application reference . Then replace it with

  pDialog = new ProgressDialog (YourActivityName.This);   

and onPostExecute () Method

  @Override protected void onPostExecute (zero result) {if (pDialog! = Null & Amp; amp; Showing ()) {pDialog.dismiss (); } Intent = new intent (getApplicationContext (), FindRideBoard.class); Bundle bundle = new bundle (); Bundle InputSolarAralylists ("Results", Rider List); Intent.putExtras (bundle); StartActivity; }   


Delete your progressive data in onDestroy () method your activity .

  @Override Secure void onDestroy () {// TODO Auto generated method stub super.onDestroy (); If (pDialog! = Null & amp; is showing ()) {pDialog.dismiss (); }}    


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