MySQL select from subquery order -

If I have a table:

  create tab 'docs' (`id`int (6) Unsigned, tap 'int' (3) unsigned, tap 'material' varchar (200) zero, - primary key (`id`))   

and Execute the following rows: Choose from

  from * (select) * select rows' as docs order in the form of 'rows') Order of the returned rows The order of the internal question Are like ?  

Can this be guaranteed, generally speaking?

Yes, if you are only selecting

  From (in the form of * rows * select * with the order of the order *]   

) it will be the same as usual, but the sequence should not be used by the subclass. The subkey is used in some external query, and the external query must be done in any order, so there is no point in ordering a subkey.

If you use the top or serial You will need to use it, but it is not a standard SQL in command.

You should use it like this

  SELECT * FROM (choose from docs) as 'DRAC' Dwara` Panktiya` order;    


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